

【作者】 卢征良

【导师】 朱荫贵;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪20、30年代,世界经济日趋走向困境,特别是世界经济危机发生后,主要资本主义国家为了经济稳定、充分就业和狭隘的“民族生存”,不惜一切手段争夺世界市场。这一时期的国际商战日趋激烈,争夺市场的活动超越商品对商品、资本对资本、技术对技术的自由竞争范围,各国竞相动用了关税壁垒、商品倾销和货币贬值等攻击性商战武器。日本水泥业在政府的支持下,向中国市场进行大量的倾销,这种经济侵略行为对中国水泥业的发展造成了很大的威胁和压力:民族水泥产业销量减少、利润降低、市场份额也日渐减少。面对这种非正当的市场竞争行为,中国民族水泥业采取了一系列有效的反倾销措施,有效地抵制了日本水泥的在华倾销,这种抗争的过程主要体现在三个层面:民族企业是市场经营中的主体,是外国商品倾销行为的直接受害者,正因为如此,民族企业采取何种方式来反对外国商品的倾销就具有非常重要的意义。近代中国民族水泥业一方面尽力提高产品的质量并降低生产成本,另一方面通过水泥业间的联营来达到抵制日本水泥倾销的目的。近代社会的各种力量也在反对日本水泥业的倾销方面起了很大的作用。民族水泥业一方面利用其同业组织的合法性向南京国民政府建言献策,希望政府制订倾销税法并以法律规范的形式来抵制倾销;另一方面他们充分利用各种政治原因而发起的全国民众的抵货运动和国货运动来遏制日本水泥的倾销行为。南京国民政府是反对外国商品倾销行为的最重要力量。为了挽救濒于破产的国内产业,南京国民政府在多个方面做出了积极的反映:先是积极制定反倾销法规,希图以法律的形式达到规范外国商品倾销行为的目的;后来又多次颁布海关新税则,提高进口产品(包括水泥)的海关税率,特别是日本产品的进口税率,这成为遏制外国商品倾销行为的一把利剑。地方政府中,广东省则以水泥统制的方法成功地抵制外国水泥特别是日本水泥在该地区的倾销。可以说,中央和地方政府在反倾销方面的努力是近代中国水泥业取得反倾销成功的最重要因素。总而言之,在当时严峻的形势下,近代中国民族水泥业之所以能战胜日本同业的经济压迫并获取反倾销的胜利,是和民族产业本身市场竞争意识的增强、社会团体力量的支持以及这一时期南京国民政府用政权的力量维护近代工商业发展的政策导向分不开的。

【Abstract】 In the 1930s,the world economy were in the dilemma.Especially after the worldeconomy crisis,the main capitalism countries were competing for the world marketfor the purpose of the stable economy,full empoyment,and national survival.Duringthese time,the world business war became more and more fiercely,the actionfighting for the market were beyond the goods,the capital,the technology.The tariffbarriers,dumping,and the currency evaluation were used to compete for the market.Under the support of the Japanese government,the Japanese cement industriesdumped their goods to the China market.Such dumping action made great threat tothe development of the China cement.The sales,the net profit and the market share ofthe national cement industries decreased rapidly.In the face of the illegal marketcompetition,the national cement industry had to adopted a series of effectiveanti-dumping measures to resist the dumping of the Japanese cement industries,thecourse of struggle was mainly shown in three aspects:The national industries were the principle part in the market economy,they werethe victims of the dumping.So the way of anti-dumping they adopted was of greatsignificance.On the one hand,they tried their best to improve their product qualityand lower their product costs;onthe other hand,they formed the cartel to resist thedump of the Japanese cement.All different kinds of society organization also played an important role inresisting the dump of Japanese cement.On the one hand,the national cement tradeoffered their advice and suggestions to the government legally,hoping thegovernment to promulgate the anti-dumping law to resist thedump.On the other hand,they took full advantage of the Resisting Japanese goods movement and the nationalgoods movement to hold back the dump of the Japanese goods.The government is the strongly force of anti-dumping.In order to save the brinkof bankruptcy of the domestic industry,the government reacted in many ways.First,they promulgate d the anti-dumping law hoping to restrict the dump of the foreigngoods;then they promulgate the Customs Tariff to improve the rate of the customsduty (especially import duty rate of the Japanese goods).This became a useful weaponto resist the dump of Japanese goods.The local government,especially theGuangdong province,resisted the dump by the controlled economy.In this way,wecan say that the effort of the central and local government was the most importantfactor for the China cement to succeed in anti-dumping. In a word,under the severe situation at that time,the modern national cementindustry could succeed in opposing the economy oppression and anti-dumping withthe help of the strengthen of the market awareness,the social support and the policyof protecting the industry and commerce.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期
  • 【分类号】K258;F752.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1082