

【作者】 付静

【导师】 黄洋;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在父权制的罗马社会,男子是世界的主宰,妇女处于依附地位。男子建构了一套对妇女的压迫体系,其中也包括对妇女美德的规范,如要求妇女简朴、勤劳、贞洁、忠诚、谨慎、慈爱、顺从、虔诚等等。而从罗马建城到共和国末期,罗马妇女生活也比较质朴和单纯,她们比较遵从旧俗和这些美德规范。不过从公元前2世纪至2世纪,大概从第二次布匿战争开始至帝国初期,罗马社会产生了激烈变革,处于一个转型和变化的时期。罗马妇女的生活也发生了重大变化。她们逐渐有了鲜明的自我意识,有了强烈的自我表现欲望和个性特征,注重追求自身的幸福,对于妇女美德有了自己的诠释方式。她们不再只是听话的小女人,而是在婚姻家庭生活中努力寻求与男子同等的地位,为自己谋取利益。她们积极参与社会活动,精明地为自己聚敛财富,有较强的政治意识,也有了为争取自身权利而斗争的精神,有些甚至敢于反抗男性的统治(包括采取一些极端的手段),甚至还出现了一些妇女野心家。这是对父权制社会的一种挑战。这些都说明古罗马共和末期和帝国初期的妇女已经获得了一些政治、经济、社会权利,取得了较高的社会地位,这可以说是妇女解放的一个阶段,是妇女运动史上的一个里程碑。本文共分为两大部分。第一部分,即第一章,分别从制度体系和话语体系两方面来分析男性意识形态对妇女美德的构建。第二部分包括第二章和第三章,主要是探讨妇女是怎样具体诠释男性意识形态规范下的妇女美德要求。第二章主要是从妇女的婚姻家庭生活对这个问题进行讨论,考察了作为女儿的妇女,作为妻子的妇女和作为主妇和母亲的妇女。第三章则从六个环节来考察她们的公众生活,包括社交生活、打扮装饰、司法参与、经济活动、政治生活和宗教祭祀。从她们对这些领域活动的积极参与,发现她们有了更大的活动空间,甚至可以说,除了当兵和执政外,她们的身影几乎遍布了所有男子能进入的领域,并发挥了重要的作用。当然,应该指出的是,妇女的地位尽管在罗马共和国后期帝国初期有了很大的提高,但我们不能夸大这种提高。首先,这种提高只是相对的,即相对于罗马前期以及古代其它国家的妇女地位而言的;其次,本文所研究的妇女主要是处于整个妇女群体中的一部分,即社会中上层的妇女,而广大的下层妇女由于材料限制,研究有限,事实上,下层妇女的地位在这段时间也并没有多大的提高;最后,这种提高并不能改变男子居于统治中心的地位,妇女仍然属于第二性,只是她们的处境有所改善而已。

【Abstract】 In ancient Rome,under patriarchy,The Men,having been established a systemof rules upon the women,especially the women virtue norms,such as frugality,industry,pudicity,fidelity,modesty,affection,obedience,piety,etc.,dominated theworld,ruling the women.Thus,the women,from the foundation of the city of Rometill late Roman Republic,around the beginning of the 2nd century BC,as a whole,were obliged to observe the rules.From the beginning of the 2nd century BC to the end of the 2nd century AD,approximately from the second Punic war to the prior period of the Roman Empire,however,innovation and transformation emerged in Roman society,which exerted agreat influence upon the women,who began to resort to a new way to protest thevirtue norms.They gradually generated self-respect consciousness,self-expressiondesire,and various personalities;who began to persue self happiness and strive forself interest and better status in their marriages and families.Furthermore,theyenergetically attended social activities,accumulated self fortune,affected the politicalaffairs,some of who even challenged the rule of the men utilizing extreme measures.This is also a challenge to the Roman patriarchy,indicating the women at that timebegan to get more and more political,economic,and social rights,and their status hadsubstantially improved,even a symbol of women’s liberation.The paper is divided into two parts.The first one,ie.the first chapter,introducedthe construction of women virtue norms under the male ideology.And the second one,mainly discussing the response of the women to the women virtue norms establishedby rnen,includes two parts:the second chapter and the third chapter.Women’smarriage and family lives and roles,as the daughter,the wife,the matron and themother,were comprehensively observed in second chapter.The third chapterdevelops from six aspects:women’s social intercourse,ornaments,judicial attendance,economic behavior,political activity and religious worship,which indicates that thewomen acquired much more broder life space then ever before.They even playedsignificant roles in the men ever occupied domains,except serving in the army andreigning the country.Indeed,it should be pointed out that although women status were greatlyimproved,we can not aggrandize the improvement.To begin with,it is just relativeimprovement,when comparing with women’s status in early Rome and other ancient countries.Second,women here studied are just part of women at that time,i.e.upper-class and middle-class women,while excluding a great number of lower-classwomen.In fact,the status of lower-class women hadn’t substantially improved.Inaddition,the improvement could not change the position of men who ruled overwomen,and women all the same belonged to the inferior gender.

【关键词】 古罗马妇女美德规范男性意识形态应对地位
【Key words】 the ancient Romewomenvirtue normsthe male ideologyresponsestatus
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】K126
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】512