

Study on Alkaline Transmission Mechanism in Porous Media

【作者】 熊生春

【导师】 黄延章; 刘卫东;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(渗流流体力学研究所) , 流体力学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文对碱溶液在地层多孔介质中的吸附、扩散和溶蚀反应等主要物理化学作用进行了系统的研究。完成了高岭石、蒙脱石粘土矿物和石英、长石骨架矿物与不同浓度Na2CO3、NaOH碱溶液相互作用的静态实验,通过结果分析以及计算,建立了一套地层矿物中碱溶液传输规律的数学模型。系统研究了高岭石、蒙脱石为代表的粘土矿物和石英、长石为代表的骨架矿物与碱溶液的反应,分析了溶液中硅铝离子含量,绝对碱耗量和绝对碱耗速率,提出将传输过程的碱耗分为快速反应和慢速反应阶段,分别为快速吸附、离子交换阶段和慢速溶蚀反应阶段来进行研究。用多级反应动力学方程来确定溶蚀反应的溶蚀速率常数和多级溶蚀反应级数。四种矿物反应中强碱情况下,溶蚀反应能力依次为蒙脱石>高岭石>石英>长石,弱碱情况下蒙脱石>高岭石>长石>石英。建立了碱溶液在地层矿物多孔介质中含多级反应动力学的传输方程,将溶蚀反应的溶蚀速率常数和多级反应级数引入到碱溶液传输方程中,并计算了碱溶液在地层矿物中一维、二维浓度分布,用实验结果验证了该碱液传输方程的正确性,进一步分析了碱溶液在地层多孔介质中的传输规律,为化学驱数值模拟软件的完善提供了理论基础和技术参数。本文所建立的碱溶液传输模型可以用于预测碱耗、优化碱溶液的浓度和合适段塞尺寸等参数,使碱水驱或复合驱中碱溶液能得到更好的驱油效果,提高地层原油采收率。

【Abstract】 In this paper we have systematically studied the theories of the main physical chemistry phenomena of alkaline flooding or ASP flooding, such as adsorption, retention, diffusion effect in formation porous medium, set a mathematical model for describing these phenomena, carried on relevant experiment research. Transmission equation of alkaline solution in porous media is established, and chemical agent adsorption on mineral and the diffusion coefficient are surveyed.We have studied the reaction of clay mineral such as kaolinite, montmorillonite or frame mineral such as quartz, feldspar and alkaline solution. In the Transmission course, alkaline loss can be devided into two parts, quick reaction stage and chronic reaction stage, contain adsorption、ion exchange and slow dissolution.Use the multi order reaction method instead of the normal first order reaction method to illustrate the dissolution reaction of alkaline and mineral. Confirm dissolution speed constant and multi order reaction co-efficiency.Build the alkaline solution transmission equation in the porous media of stratum mineral, apply dissolution speed constant and multi order reaction co-efficiency to the one-dimensional fluid equation and two-dimensional fluid equation. and calculate alkaline solution concentration distribution. Compared the numerical solution and experimental result, it’s basically compatible. Further analyze the transmission regularity in the porous medium, and offer the theoretical foundation and technical parameter for the software of numerical simulation completion.Alkali solution transmission model can be used for predicting alkaline loss、optimizing the parameters of alkali original concentration and alkali slug size, receive effective displacement efficiency and better oil recovery by alkaline or ASP flooding.

【关键词】 碱溶液多孔介质扩散吸附溶蚀矿物
【Key words】 alkalineporous mediadiffusionabsorptiondissolutionmineral