

The Study on the Nanjing National Government’s Tibet Policy

【作者】 徐中林

【导师】 王希隆;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 南京国民政府时期,国民政府在维护国家统一和领土完整的框架下,积极对藏工作,从理论上和实践上探索解决西藏问题的有效途径。理论上,高举孙中山的民族理论旗帜,强调有利于国家统一的“国族”形式下的“中华民族”观。实践上,企图利用宣慰、扶持九世班禅回藏、入藏致祭十三世达赖喇嘛圆寂、主持十四世达赖喇嘛坐床、反对英国插手藏事等工作,不断改善汉藏关系,尝试对藏恢复行使管理权。由于内政、外交等方面的原因,最终仍没有彻底解决西藏问题。但国民政府这些维护国家统一和领土完整,反对民族分裂的西藏政策理念和实际行动都是值得肯定的。本文坚持历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义历史观,充分利用各种档案、史料、回忆录等各种历史文献资料,运用历史学的实证、解释与分析法,政治学的政策分析、比较与综合等研究方法,把国民政府的西藏政策纳入到当时的国内、国际和西藏的实际视野下进行综合考察,以历史事实为基础,实事求是,力求客观、公正、全面。本文共六章,其中,第一章主要内容为北京政府的西藏政策。综合概括了北京历届政府对西藏的一些政策措施,为国民政府的部分西藏政策进行过渡。第二章主要内容为南京国民政府的民族理论。包括孙中山的“五族共和论”、“中华民族论”和国民政府的“国族”、“推广省制”论等民族理论。第三章主要内容为抗战前南京国民政府的西藏政策。包括西藏政策的形成、设立蒙藏委员会、改善汉藏关系、妥善处理康藏青藏纠纷、入藏致祭十三世达赖喇嘛圆寂以及对这十年政策的总结。第四章主要内容为抗战中南京国民政府的西藏政策。包括妥善处理九世班禅圆寂及灵柩回藏、成功主持十四达赖喇嘛坐床并设立蒙藏委员会驻藏办事处、制止西藏非法成立外交局、对西藏阻碍修阻中印公路、援华物资假道藏境采取强硬政策、反对英国对西藏南部领土的侵略等。第五章主要内容为抗战后南京国民政府的西藏政策。包括西藏政策的形成、重新改善汉藏关系、支持热振复位、反对西藏分裂活动、妥善处理九世班禅灵童转世和坐床等。第六章为结语,对国民政府西藏政策的成功和失败之处进行总结。

【Abstract】 During the period of Nanjing National Government period, under the theoretical framework of safeguarding the national unity and territorial integrity, the National Government took active measures on the work in Tibet, in order to explore in theory and in practice effective ways to resolve the issues of Tibet. In theory, it held high the banner of the Nationality Theory of Sun Zhongshan, stressing the concept of Chinese nation in the form of guozu which was conducive to national unity. In practice, it attempted to improve gradually the Sino-Tibet relationship and resume jurisdiction over Tibet by ways of propagandizing, comforting the 9th Banchan Lama and supporting him to return to Tibet to pay tribute and worship the death of the 13th Dalai Lama, of taking charge of the enthronement ceremony of the 14th Dalai Lama, and of opposing British intervention in the Tibet issues. However, due to the domestic and diplomatic reasons, the Tibet problems could not finally be resolved. Nevertheless, the political concepts of safeguarding national unity and territorial integrity as well as opposing ethnic separatism by the Nanjing National Government and actual practices it took accordingly in relation to Tibet shall be appreciated.This paper, adhering to the historical materialism and dialectical materialism view of history, by comprehensively using all kinds of archives, historical materials, memoirs and other historical documentation, using the methods of positivism, interpretation and analysis in history science, and the methods of policy analysis, comparison and integration in political science, tries to put the National Government’s Tibet policy into the vision of the domestic and international situation and the reality of Tibet of that time and make comprehensive observation. It, based on historical facts, tries to be objective, impartial, and comprehensive.There are six chapters in this paper. The main content of chapter I is the Beijing Governments’ Tibet policy, which is a comprehensive summary of some policies and measures on Tibet taken by all the past governments in Beijing, and preparing for the transition to the National Government’s Tibet policy. The main content of chapter II is the Nanjing National Government’s nationality theories, including Sun Zhongshan’s Republic of Five Nationalities Theory and the Chinese Nation Theory. The theories of the National Government such as guozu Theory and the Local-self Governance Theory, etc are also discussed. Chapter III deals with the Nanjing National Government’s Tibet policy before the Anti-Japanese Law . It covers the formation of the policy, the establishment of Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission, the improvement of Sino-Tibetan relations, the proper settlement of the disputes between Kang-Tibet and Qinghai-Tibet, as well as entering Tibet to pay tribute and worship the death of the 13th Dalai Lama and summaries of the policy for the decade. Chapter IV deals with the Nanjing National Government’s Tibet policy during the Anti-Japanese War, including properly handling the death of the 9th Banchan Lama and his coffin back to Tibet, successfully chairing the enthronement ceremony of the 14th Dalai Lama and establishing the office of Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission in Tibet, preventing the Tibet local government from illegally setting up Foreign Affairs Bureau, taking tough measures against Tibet local government for its obstructing to pave China-India road and intercepting assist materials sent to China, and opposing the British invasion into the southern Tibet, etc. Chapter V discusses the Nanjing National Government’s Tibet policy after the War, including the formation of the policy, re-improvement of the Sino-Tibetan relations, supporting Rezhen to resume his throne, opposition to the separatist activities in Tibet, proper settlement of the 10th Banchan Lama’ enthronement ceremony, etc. Chapter VI is the conclusion, which will summarize the successes and failures of the National Government’ Tibet policies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期