

On Research of Urban Green Transportation

【作者】 何玉宏

【导师】 王国聘;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 生态学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国城市化和机动化进程的突飞猛进,城市交通问题已成为阻碍城市社会经济可持续发展的一大痛疾。如何重新定义与发展城市交通,成为现代文明下一步发展不可或缺的内容。在此情形下,从国外将“绿色交通”引入中国正切合了实际的需要。本论文在大量研究国内外有关城市交通实践与成果的基础上,运用社会学、生态学特别是系统分析的思想和方法,对城市绿色交通作了深入的分析和探讨。1、论文提出了城市交通问题不仅是一个社会问题,更是一个社会生态问题,解决城市交通问题应有社会学与生态学思想指导的观点。走绿色交通之路体现的是城市交通发展的绿色转向。2、论文认为,以宽马路与高架桥为特征的中国城市交通环境特色体现的是一种“车本位”思想,要创建一个人本化绿色交通环境,必须形塑“新人文”与“新生态”,从“心”出发回归生态理性。3、论文提出,要解决中国的城市交通问题,必须立足“国情”。尽管“轿车进入家庭”的愿望充满诱惑,但并完全不适合中国国情,且可能导致从“囚徒困境”走向“公地悲剧”的结局。4、论文在剖析了“轿车交通”的危害后,提出交通安全事关千家万户,社会和谐。要将宝贵生命从无情的车祸中解救出来,必须改变价值观念,建立人性化的绿色交通方式。5、论文通过对国外城市交通发展战略与模式的分析,提出了构建面向未来的绿色交通体系的设想。最后,在结语部分总结了研究过程中所得出的结论,并对所涉及的问题作了进一步展望。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of China’s urbanization and motorization process, urban transportation has become an obstacle to the sustainable development of social and economic developments in major cities of China. Therefore, how to re-define and develop urban transportation system has become an indispensable part for the future development of modern civilization. In this situation, the introduction of“Green Transportation”from abroad into China meets the actual needs of society.This thesis, on the bases of in-depth studies of practice and researches related with urban transportation home and abroad, by the use of sociology, ecology, especially the ideas and methods of systematical analysis,will make in-depth studies and analysis of urban green transportation.1.In author’s opinions, it is obvious that the urban transportation is not only a social problem, it is a question of socio-ecology, and the paper further stated that sociology and ecology should be the guiding ideology in solving the urban transportation problem. And taking the road of green transportation represents the turning of direction.2.After analyzing the guiding concept of“car-based”characteristics with wide roads and viaducts in China, the paper proposed to build a healthy and green urban transportation environment with people as a core, to re-shape the“New Humanism”and“New Ecology”of transportation environment, to start from“heart”and return to ecological rationality.3.To solve the problem of urban transportation in China, the paper proposed that we must take China’s national reality into consideration fully. Despite the temptation of“car into the family”, it actually goes against the national conditions of China, and may lead to the“Prisoner’s Dilemma”to the“Tragedy of the Commons”.4.After analyzing the harm of“car Transportation”, the paper thought that transportation safety is related to millions of families and social harmony. Even more, if we want to rescue precious lives from traffic accidents, we must change our values and establish a user-friendly mode of transportation , that is , the green transportation.5.By analyzing the urban transportation development strategy and modes home and abroad, the paper put forward the ideas of building future-oriented, sustainable development urban transportation.Finally, in the concluding part summed up the conclusions drew from the studies and made a further outlook about the issues involved.

【关键词】 城市交通绿色交通和谐社会环境生态
【Key words】 urban transportationgreen transportationharmonysocietyenvironmentecology