

Studies on the Biological Characters of Fargesia Yunnanensis

【作者】 王曙光

【导师】 丁雨龙;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 植物学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文对云南箭竹资源分布、生长状况、应用价值、纤维细胞壁发育动态以及无性繁殖进行了研究,并对其开展了引种及基地建设。主要的研究结果如下:1.云南箭竹的分布地理最北端为四川冕宁县,最南端为云南凤庆县。根据目前调察主要有三种变异类型。2.节间维管束分为开放型和半开放型两种类型。维管束的长宽比随着取材的部位、种源的变化而变化。3.不同地理种源的胸、地径和生物量进行测定与比较,显示鸡足山的云南箭竹长势最好,白马河林场长势最差。4.不同地理种源之间秆材的化学成分的含量差异并不显著,不同地理种源竹材纤维形态特征进行比较,发现大理鸡足山的云南箭竹更适合作为造纸的原材料。不同地理种源之间影响竹笋口感的营养成分含量之间存在显著差异。5.根据秆韧皮部纤维细胞壁的层数统计,总结出6种细胞壁层数模型。纤维细胞壁的增厚方式:一、细胞壁的层数的增加;二、细胞壁层的加厚。云南箭竹三年生秆韧皮部纤维仍然具有较高的加厚潜力。7.云南箭竹的无性繁殖包括微繁和扦插均非常困难,只通过带竹篼埋秆育苗获得了成功。

【Abstract】 The distribution of F. yunnanensis, growth conditions, application value, developmental changes in cell wall of phloem fiber caps and vegetative propagation were studied. The results are as follows:1. The geographical distribution of F. yunnanensis ranges from the most northern border that locates in Mianning County, Sichuan province to the most southern board that locates in Fengqing county, Yunnan province and the distribution of the lowest altitude is in Qinghe town, Yanbian County. According to the current observation, there mainly have three variation types.2. The vascular bundles in culm of F. yunnanensis have two types-opening and semi-opening types. The radial length/tangential diameter ratio of vascular bundle varied with culm zones and geographic provenances.3. The biomass、the DBH and diameter of culm base of different geographic provenances were determined and compared. It showed that the growth vigor of F. yunnanensis distributed in Jizushan was the best and the growth of bamboo in Baimahe farms was the worst.4. The differences of chemical constituents in culm of F. yunnanensis among different geographic provenances were not significant and the fiber characteristics among different geographic provenances were compared and considered that the bamboos distributed in Jizushan mountain were better to be used as paper-making raw materials.5. The nutrition of bamboo new shoots distributed in different geographic provenances were different.6. Six types of cell wall layering patterns were observed based on light microscopy observations in phloem caps of three years old culms. The fiber cell wall thickening has two ways: (1) the layer thickening of fiber cell wall; (2) the increasing layers of cell wall.7. It is difficult to breed this bamboo in vitro culture and cutting propagations, which confirmed previous research findings and only the seedling of buried separated individual was success.

  • 【分类号】S795
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