

【作者】 王水莲

【导师】 聂华林;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放三十年来,工业在西部地区农村经济社会发展中扮演着日益重要的角色。农村工业化是西部地区农村由传统经济形态向现代经济形态转变的关键。以市场为导向的农村非农产业的发展趋势也越来越明显。纵观几十年来国内学者对农村工业化问题的研究,可以发现其研究数量虽然众多,但多侧重于对发达地区农村工业化的研究,而对于落后地区尤其是西部地区农村工业化的研究相对较少,尚未形成系统的分析框架,这正是论文选题的出发点和落脚点。论文首先将农村工业视为一个系统,其组织载体为乡镇企业,组成要素为农业。由于乡镇企业脱胎于农业,因此农业作为农村工业系统的组成要素理在其中。农业对农村工业化的推动主要表现在对乡镇企业发展的推动上。同时,系统的开放性决定了系统总是与环境进行物质、能量和信息的交换,从而保持系统的相对稳定状态,促进系统发展。因此,农村工业系统的环境也必然对农村工业系统进而对乡镇企业产生影响。论文指出农村工业系统环境系统的主要组成要素为制度、市场和其他经济条件。对农村工业化来讲,农业对其推动主要是从农村工业系统内部进行,论文将其视为农村工业化的内部动力。而制度、市场和其他经济条件则主要是从农村工业系统外部对其产生推动作用,论文将其视为农村工业化的外部动力。论文从理论和实证两方面分别论证了西部地区农村工业化内、外部动力在推动农村工业化发展方面所具有的重要作用和意义。对西部地区农村工业系统而言,制度、市场和经济条件等因素从系统环境角度,农业从系统要素角度共同决定了农村工业化的过程,然而这种过程的具体实现还必需由社区政府来组织和协调。社区政府为了实现其一系列的社区发展目标,必然通过相关政策的执行来规范和影响乡镇企业的营运行为以及为乡镇企业提供一系列的服务等手段来影响农村工业化的发展,其对农村工业化的发展同样具有不可忽视的重要作用。虽然西部地区的农村工业化在诸动力的积极推动下,取得了很大的成就,但是随着改革开放的深入,其进程受到阻碍。究其原因,乃是因为西部地区农村工业化在动力要素方面存在着问题。以此为基础,论文论述了构建西部地区农村工业化动力机制的政策措施,即破解三农问题,改善农村工业发展环境,转变社区政府职能,促进企业自身发展和实现城乡协调发展。

【Abstract】 Over 30 years since China’s reform, industry has been playing more and more important roles in the rural economy and society of western China. And rural industrialization is the key that traditional economic form can transform into modern ones in the western China countryside. The trend that developing rural non-agricultural industry which is directed by market is more and more obvious. Although the reaesrches about rural industrialization of China are numerous, many of them are about developed area, the undeveloped especially the western area are few. Even the few researches has not formed system analytical framework. According to these, my paper selected the above topic.First, my paper regards rural industry as a system, it’s organization carrier is township enterprise, and it’s element is agriculture. Township enterprise comes from agriculture, therefore looking agriculture as rural industry system’s element is in the nature of things. The acceleration coming from agriculture to the rural industrialization is mainly reflected by the development of township enterprise that agriculture promoted. At the same time, the system’s openness decides that it always exchanges materials, energies and informations with it’s environment to keep it’s relatively steadiness and promote it’s development. Therefore, the rural industry system’s environment must has an effect on the system itself and then to the township enterprise. The paper points out that the environment of rural industry system mainly included systems, market and economic conditions. For the rural industrialization, agriculture impetuses is mainly from rural industry system’s inside, and can be regarded as it’s inner impetus; the systems, market and economic conditions are mainly from the system’s outside to promote rural industrialization, and can be regarded as it’s exterior impetus. The paper proved from theory and real diagnosis the importance of inner and exterior impetuses for rural industrialization development in western China.For the rural industry system of western China, systems, market and economic conditions are as it’s environment, and agriculture as it’s element, they jointly decide the process of rural industrialization. However, the concrete achievement of this process needs the community government to organize and coordinate. For the community development goals, the community government inevitably interferes with township enterprise’s business through execution of policies as well as offering services and so on, these interferences have the same noticeable influence as the two impetuses above on rural industrialization.Although the rural industrialization of western China has got great achievements, along with China reform carrying on, its process receives hindrances, that’s mainly because there are problems in it’s driving elements.Taking this as the foundation, the paper points out how to construct the driving mechanism of rural industrialization for western China. That is: Solving the rural, agricultural and peasants’ problems of western China; Improving the environment for the rural industry development; Transforming the function of the community government; Promoting the self-development ability of the township enterprise; Coordinating the development of the city and the countryside.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期