

A Survey on Halal Food Cultural and Management of Food Industry

【作者】 喇延真

【导师】 王希隆;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 民族学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放30年来,清真饮食产业的发展引人注目,小到清真牛肉拉面,大到脍炙人口的清真南北大菜肴,逐渐从祖国的大西北民族地区走向全国,甚至进入国际市场,清真饮食产业出现了前所未有的繁荣场面。但随即产生了对清真饮食业发展不利的诸多问题,进而引发了民族矛盾,严重影响我国社会稳定和经济发展。研究清真饮食文化,为中国清真饮食业的发展提供理论支撑,解决清真饮食产业发展中的诸多问题是本论文写作的初衷。论文以我国西北甘肃省的兰州市和临夏回族自治州及周边的青海、宁夏省区作为田野调查点,用翔实资料和研究理论探讨了清真饮食文化的内涵,指出了当前清真饮食业行政管理中存在的诸多问题,并提出解决问题的相关思路。论文共计六章内容。其中第一章“绪论”,对本研究的选题背景、缘由及其意义加以概述,对相关的研究现状进行了梳理,并对本研究的基本过程和笔者的文化体验给与了说明;第二章“伊斯兰教与清真饮食文化的关系”,从伊斯兰文明、文化禁忌、清真文化内涵等几个方面对所论主题进行写作铺垫和文化外围阐释,并对清真饮食文化的特点进行了简要概括和总结。第三章“甘肃省穆斯林民族与清真食品行业的发展”,从研究群体的人口分布与清真食品行业的现状、存在的问题等方面进行了详细、深入的图解与分析。第四章主要研究改革开放30年以来,清真食品市场化发展的突出问题——“清真食品不清真”。重点探讨了这一问题存在各种原因,进而认为这些问题将导致更多的社会问题,从而危及我国的社会稳定和经济发展。第五章和六章主要从立法的角度,探讨了解决以上诸多问题以及建立清真食品产业健康发展法制保护平台的有效途径。这两章充分运用田野调查的翔实材料和国外成功的管理经验具体分析了市场经济与全球化背景下中国清真食品行业管理的滞后性和不科学性。重点阐述了甘肃省清真食品管理的执法现状和清真食品管理中的执法困境及其解决方法等。“结语”部分,在前文研究的基础上,笔者指出,文化是产业发展的源泉,是产业发展的精神支柱。中国的清真食品产业植根于两大文明体系——伊斯兰文明与儒家文明的结合之中,这种结合不仅为清真食品产业的发展提供了丰富、多样和极具适应性的文化资源和精神动力,而且搭建了中国清真食品走向国际市场的文化之桥。本文以笔者多年的田野调查点——兰州市与临夏回族自治州为典型案例,深入分析和总结了甘肃省清真饮食产业消费的若干特点及存在的诸多问题,并提出了相应的解决建议。笔者借此研究,更希望清真食品问题能引起社会各界人士的关注和重视,并建议改革五花八门的清真食品条例和出台全国性的清真食品管理条例,为中国清真食品产业的科学发展创造良好的条件。

【Abstract】 The development of Halal Food industry had caught eyes of all walks of life, Since the "Open-the-door and economic reform" policy was adopted before thirty years.Halal Food,from its mini item as beef-noodles to well-known series of dishes, have been spreading from the Northwest Region of China to all over the country,even into international market.The industry of Halal Food met its summit of prosperity.Yet every cloud has its silver lining -- many problems arisen which had quite unfavorable influence to further development of Halal Food industry,and even resulted in racial conflicts,which greatly hinders the development of the economy of national minority communities.The original intention of this thesis is to provide solutions to some problems arising in the procedure of the development of Halal Food industry by researching Halal Food culture and some special economic development of theory in Halal Food industry.This research project takes two cities,the capital city of Gansu Province and Linxia--Mecca of China as it is called among Muslims in China,as the surveying targets,expounded the connotation and extension of Halal Food culture with detailed data,basis and theoretical studies,indicating that there exist a lot of problems in the administration of Halal Food industry,and proposing some thinking of solutions.This thesis is composed of 6 chapters.The first chapter,"Preface",is focusing on some explanations to the background of the objective of the topic,the reason and meaning of selecting this topic,sorting out the related information in researching this topic,and has made some explanations to the procedure of this research,giving the experience of the writer as well.The second chapter is focusing on the relationship between Islam and Halal Food culture.It startes with researching and studying of Islamic civilization,cultural taboos and the connotation of Halal Food culture, establishing some theoretical foundation and simplifies the characteristics of Halal Food culture.Chapter Three is mainly focusing on the development situation of both Muslim race and Halal Food profession in Gansu Province.It studied,by outdoor surveying,the spreading of Muslim communities and the prevailing situation of Halal Food industry,and the existing problems.Chapter Four is focusing on the most typical problem existing in Halal Food industry which was resulted from the marketing process during these thirty years of economic reform--that is "Halal Foods are not perfectly halal".It researched out the most reasons why such phenomenon exists.The writer holds that if such problems unsolved in a long run, many other problems will surely follow as derivatives,which might have unfavorable influence over the further development of our economy and the social stability. Chapter Five to Six are mainly focusing on exploration of solutions to the above-mentioned problems from the legal point of view,trying to provide a platform with legal protection for the Halal Food industry.These two chapters specifies and analyzes,with outdoor survey and random data collection together with some successful experience adopted in some other countries,the lagging nature and non-scientific nature of the Halal Food professional administration in China under the background of marketing economy and globalization.To unify the various regulations for administration of Halal Food profession and to legislate the national-integrated regulation for administration of Halal Food profession is becoming an urgent demand for National Congress.Chapter Seven is the last chapter and it is the conclusion part of the thesis.The writer points out that the culture is the resources of industry and its spiritual backbone for further development.The Halal Food Industry in China is deeply rooted in two civilization system-- the integration of Islamic culture and Confucian culture of China.This integration is not only providing the power for further development of Halal Food industry in China,making it into numerous variety, and it is just bridging Halal Food industry onto International Halal Food Market as well.By illustration and analysying,this thesis made the two cities--Lanzhou and Linxia as the writer’s outdoor surveying viewpoint,taking them as typical cases,and made detailed analysis and further study,concluded out some characteristics of Halal Food industry in Gansu Province and some existing problems,which was put forwarded by the writer and expected to have much attention from other researchers and people of all walks of life.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】F426.82
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1831