

【作者】 王娟娟

【导师】 高新才;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 甘南藏族自治州地处青藏高原东北缘,属于青藏高原中部牧区与东北部农林区的过渡地带,西邻青海省,南接四川省,东部逐渐向陇南过渡,北连甘肃中部的黄土高原。全区以山地和高原地貌为主,与祁连山地一起构成甘肃省境内两个海拔最高的部分,草原是其主要的自然资源。依托优势资源,以游牧方式从事的畜牧业成为甘南的产业主导。在渔猎文明时期,这种方式能够较好地维持草地生态系统的良性循环,但随着人口的急剧增加,思想观念依旧的情形下,游牧方式本身的弱质性不断暴露,其存在的外在条件正在消失,游牧向定居变迁成为历史的必然。就生态环境承载力而言,无论是从因子承载力来看,还是从地区生态环境承载力来看,较之以前,甘南的可持续发展能力严重降低,可持续发展阈值范围不断缩小,如果继续发展游牧畜牧业,甘南的草地生态环境系统将面临崩溃。基于这种状况,1986年甘南启动了关乎牧民千秋万代的大工程——游牧人口定居,游牧人口的生产生活条件显著改善,但是与定居项目的目标尚有很大的距离。实地调研表明,游牧人口定居项目应当因时因地选择完善的机制体系做保证,这一机制体系由动力、运行、稳定、效益等四大机制组成,它们之间存在严密的逻辑关系,互为基础、相互依赖、相互作用。其中,若有一个或几个机制不完善,定居工程的进程都会受阻,草地生态功能加速劣变的现状将难以扭转。本文依据甘南生态功能系统分区、草地类型及其功能价值、草地利用现状、现有生态保护措施等,提出并论证了游牧人口定居的不同模式:在草畜矛盾极为尖锐的生态脆弱区引导游牧人口进行完全定居;在自然条件差异大,生态退化较轻的地区鼓励采用半定居模式;在农业发展有一定基础、草地出现一定程度退化的牧区和退化严重的高海拔牧区实施混合定居。在完善的机制体系作用下,通过采用适宜的定居模式,作为一项保障性安居工程,游牧人口定居项目将凸现积极效应,表现在生活、生产、社会、生态和文化等方面。通过长期的实践,这些效应已有初步展现。需要强调的是,效应之间既相互独立又相互促进,并以合力的形式推动区域的可持续发展。针对甘南游牧人口定居项目实施中需要注意的主要问题如再社会化问题、寺院经济问题、定居牧民的社会关系、思想认识问题等,本文提出了相应的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Gannan is located at northeasten edge of the Qingzang plateau,which is aintermediate zone between plastoral area and farming and forestry area of theQingzang plateau.Gannan is adjacent to Qinghai province in west,to Sichuan provincein south,to the southern of Gansu province in east and to the Loess plateau innorth.Mountainous country and plateau are its major landforms types.It is a highestregion with Qilian mountain in Gansu.Grasslands is its main natural resources.Relying on superior resources,nomadic livestock husbandry is the main industryof Gansu.During the period of Fishing and Hunting,nomadic pattern can keep positivecycle of meadow ecological system.With population increasing,the pattern exposedshortcomings on the condition of herdsman conception as before,what’s more,theconditionsof the pettern being is disappearring.It is necessary to transfer fromnomadism to settle down,which has strong theoretical foundations in Economics,Ecology,Ethnology,Sociology and Demographics.Compared with before,Gannan’s threshold value range of sustainingdevelopment is shrinking obviously in view of bearing the weight of factor or region’senvionment.If nomadic pettern is being kept,Gannan’s meadow ecological systemwould collapse undoubtedly.Then Gannan government started a great project ofguiding herdsman to settle down in 1986.Because of it,herdsman’s producing andliving conditions are being improved clearly,though there is a long distance to the goalof the project.By investigation and research,we know that the project should suit measures tolocal conditions.The project has its own charactors in Gannan.Firstly,it need aconsummate mechanismsystem composed of power,move,stabilization and benefitmechanisms.There is a kind of close logical relation among them.They rely on andcompact each other.If one or several of them aren’t consummate,the project wouldbe hindered and the state of meadow worsening wouldn’t be changed.Secondly,according to ecological founction districts,meadow type and its function,meadow’spresent conditions,measures of protecting ecology and so on,models of guidingherdsman to settle down are different in defferent counties or districts whose meadowstates are different.The thesis put forward the model of complete settle down is fit toecological fragile district which has an intense contradiction between meadow andanimals,and the model of uncomplete settle down is fit to districts where meadowdegenerated lightly,and the model of mixed settle down is fit to distrcts which hasagricultural base in a sense and degenerating meadow,or are high elevation plastoralareas which are facing serious degeneration of meadow.Through consummatemechanism systen and suitable model,the project will appear positive effects on life,produce,society,ecology and culture.They appeared in a sense during the longpractice.These effects are independent and stimulated each other,and push forwardrengional sustaining development.Because we sre still short of knowledge on settle down,we must pay moreattention to other referent problems of the project such as resocialization,temple economy,social relation of herdsman,ideology and so on.In view of existing andlatent problems,the thesis put forward corresponding suggests in order to push on theproject of guiding herdsman of Gannan to settle down successfully.

【关键词】 甘南游牧人口定居机制模式效应
【Key words】 GannanHerdsman to settle downmechanismmodeleffects
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期