

A Study on Luming Books in Dunhuang from the Perspective of Regional Social History

【作者】 陈于柱

【导师】 郑炳林;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 历史文献学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 经过学界几代前贤的不懈努力,敦煌术数文献目前在整体认识与分类整理研究上已取得很大突破。但传统研究模式对敦煌术数文献研究似乎未能白觉地做到“扬长避短”,研究纬度与深度得不到延展。论文尝试将区域社会史理论引入到以禄命书为中心的敦煌术数文献研究之中,以期推动敦煌术数文献与敦煌社会史研究向更为整体、解释模式日益多元的新阶段迈进。禄命书是关于个人福禄命运的占卜书,为古代术数典籍之一种;敦煌写本禄命一书主要是晚唐五代宋初敦煌文人师卜为满足地区不同族群信仰需求,结合地方社会实际,对中原传入敦煌的各类禄命书加以整合编纂的命占文献。根据前贤研究和业已公布的敦煌遗书,论文辑录了38件禄命类写本,包括两件古藏文写本,另将两件残卷缀合为一个写本。敦煌写本禄命书大致可分为十三类,主要含括行年命算、游年八卦、九天/天宫、九宫、七星、十二属相、七曜、九曜、十一曜、廿八宿、纳音、元辰等多种禄命书写。对诸种禄命书写的揭示,有效填补了中占术数史的缺环,描绘出多类型禄命信仰在敦煌地区的传播实景,为我们打开一扇洞察唐宋敦煌社会民众精神生活与内心世界的窗户。敦煌禄命书既有知识体系展示出传统与地方、本土与外来、俗世与宗教、汉族与蕃/胡族等多元文化张力在区域社会中的存在,这与汉唐时期、特别是唐五代宋初的敦煌时常徘徊在统一与割据自治之间以及该地区多民族、多宗教文化的社会历史生态相互映照。考察显示,那些简便易懂、吉凶明确的禄命书与相关信仰,更容易受到晚唐五代宋初敦煌民众的青睐,而在同期流行于中原、较为复杂的最新禄命知识却并未在敦煌获得有效传播,反映出这一时期敦煌社会与中原社会的区域文化差异。敦煌术数文献有关疾患、病因、医疗的言说,与中古医籍、敦煌医书大多有着相同或相似的文脉,印证了古代术数与医学之间存在普遍的资源共享性。唐宋时代的敦煌社会至少曾经活跃过官医、民间医人、僧人、道士、阴阳巫师、苯教徒、景教徒、摩尼教徒等多个医者群体,并提供形态不一的医疗技艺,但是他们之间也普遍存在医术/卜兼施、交互为用的共通性。医疗技艺的含混性往往导致病家医疗观念的含混,敦煌民众的医疗选择,更多可能还是采取“多家并致”的应对方式,不一而足。唐宋敦煌社会医疗由多个医者群体共同担负的局面,除受宗教信仰与传统医疗观念等因素影响外,也不得不考虑地区官办医疗并不能有效满足社会救治需求的客观实际。通过对敦煌术数文献中宗教因子的爬梳,一方面可以看到唐宋之际敦煌不同宗教与术数均有着密切联系;另一方面敦煌术数文献犹如一面多棱镜,折射出各个宗教在敦煌地区不同的历史命运与生存态势:以吐蕃占领、归义军的建立为时间界限,敦煌区域宗教格局经历了由道、佛并重,向以佛教为统领、三夷教多教共存的历史转变过程;道教、苯教虽在这场历史变动中或衰落或被淘汰,但仍在不同层面对敦煌社会产生持久影响。在长时段与整体视角考量下的敦煌术数文献,还向我们揭示归义军政权建立前后,敦煌社会汉、蕃/胡族群经历了一段从对立走向认同的心路历程。在中原王朝与敦煌地方日益疏远、归义军政权渐趋独立化、敦煌区域宗教与族群经历了历史重构的背景下,敦煌民众也不再局限于统一王朝时期的民族——国家的意识形态之中;各族群通过婚姻、语言、习俗信仰等多层面的交流与融合,已日渐聚合为一个融汇有多民族、多宗教文化的区域利益共同体,社会群体一改过去的彼此对立,努力寻求内部认同,显然是有效维护各个族群共同生存的地域利益与群体利益的必由之路。敦煌多民族语言术数文献从一个侧面见证了这一族群观念和社会心态的历史变迁。

【Abstract】 Through Generations of scholars’ tireless efforts,the Shushu manuscripts ofDunhuang have been achieved in the overall understanding and classifiedreorganization at present.However,the traditional model does not appear to beconsciously enhancing strong points and avoiding weaknesses.Author attempts tointroduce the theory of Regional social History in the study on Luming books asthe center of Shushu manuscripts in Dunhuang,in order to promote the researchincluding Shushu manuscripts and social history of Dunhuang to advance to the newstage.huming book was the divine book about individual good fortune and officialposition destiny in ancient times.The luming books in hand-written form in Dunhuangimported from the Central Plain are mainly reorganized linking to the place societyreality by Dunhuangwriters at the time of Late Tang,Five Dynasties and Song,whichcan satisfy the local different ethnic groups in the demand for belief.According to predecessor research and the Dunhuang manuscripts which have beenpublished,author compiled 38 Luming manuscripts which includ two ancient Tibetanmanuscripts.According to content and form,Dunhuang Luming books may divide into13 kinds covering Mingsuan,Younianbagua,Jiutian,Jiugong,BigDipper,Chinesezodiac,Qiyao,Jiuyao,Shiyiyao,Constellations,Nayin,Yuanchen writings and so on.Dunhuang Luming books describing a real-life scenery that the multi-type Lumingbelieves spreaded in Dunhuang will fill the flaw about the Shushu history of MiddleAges and open one window for us to see clearly the Dunhuang society populace spirituallife and the inner world Tang and Song dynasties.Multi-cultural tensions such as traditional and local,domestic and foreign,secular and religious,Han and National minority existing in regional society areshowed by the knowledge systems of Luming books in Dunhuang.These phenomena mirrorthe social history ecology of Dunhuang that paced back and forth between unity andseparatism in Han and Tang Dynasties as well as the multi-ethnic and religiousculture.Study indicate those luming books and corresponding believes which aresimple to understand are easier to receive populace’s favor in Dunhuang of lateTang,Five Dynasties and Song.But,those knowledge of luming books which were popularat the same time in central plains have not been effectively disseminated inDunhuang,reflecting the region cultural difference between Dunhuang society andcentral plains society in this time.The writings about diseases,causes of disease and medical services in Shushumanuscripts of Dunhuang mostly have the same or similar arrangements with Medievaland Dunhuang medical literature,so that verify there is a mechanism for the resourcesharing between medical and Shushu in ancient times.There are many medical groupsat least including official doctor,folk medical person,Buddhist priest,Taoist priest,witchdoctor,Bon—po,Manichaean priest and Nestorian priest have beenengaged in the medical activity in Dunhuang during the Tang and Song Dynasties.Thesegroups provided different medical skills,but they had the general character thatmedicine and witchcraft were used alternately.The ambiguity in ancient medicaltechnique caused patients medical service idea to be ambiguous.Dunhuang people haveadopted many kinds of ways to deal with diseases.The situation that Dunhuang medicalwere assumed by a number of medical groups has relation with the objective realitythat the local government medical service cannot meet effectively the socialtreatment.We inspecting the religious factors in Shushu manuscripts of Dunhuang on theone hand may see different religions and Shushu have the close relation each otherwhen Tang and Song Dynasties in Dunhuang,on the other hand Shushu manuscripts ofDunhuang just likes a multi-prisms reflects different history destiny and survivalsituation of religions in Dunhuang area.The shushu manuscripts of Dunhuang in the perspective of long time andconsideration of the overall operation reveal that ethnic groups of Dunhuangexperienced a mental journey from opposition to approval around Guiyi Armyestablishment.Dunhuang populace have no longer limited to the national - - countryideology in unified dynasty time under the historical background that centralauthorities estranging from Dunhuang day by day,Guiyi Army being graduallyindependent and region religion and ethnic groups’ historical restructuring.Ethnicgroups of Dunhuang have progressively integrated into a community which was amulti-ethnic,multi-religious culture region through each other’ s marriage,language,custom belief and so on.The social groups have changed opposition eachother and sought the internal approval.This social psychology has been witnessedby shushu manuscripts of Dunhuang in Multi-ethnic languages from one side.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期