

Study on the Economic Mechanism of Transport System Structure Optimization

【作者】 樊一江

【导师】 马天山;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 结构问题作为经济系统的核心要件和永恒课题,长期以来一直被广大专家学者和实践工作者所广泛关注。交通运输系统是社会经济系统的重要组成部分,对于推动社会经济发展以及人类文明进步发挥着举足轻重的作用。交通运输系统结构合理与否,不仅关系着交通运输系统自身运行及其功能发挥,更影响着整个经济社会系统的持续发展。新中国成立后,特别是改革开放以来,我国交通运输系统迎来了飞速发展的“黄金时期”,取得了举世瞩目的巨大成绩。但与此同时,伴随着经济社会的快速发展以及资源环境的不断变化,我国交通运输系统中的一些深层次结构性问题开始日益凸现,已成为制约我国交通运输系统持续运行的致命顽疾。然而,我国交通运输系统结构优化指导层面的“有效”理论不足,又使得交通运输系统结构优化问题面临的形势日益严峻。如何有效实现交通运输系统结构优化,促使交通运输系统健康、持续、快速发展,已成为我国交通运输系统发展以及经济社会系统健康运行亟待解决的重要问题。基于此,本文以交通运输系统结构优化经济机制为研究内容。从经济学角度,运用产业经济学、福利经济学、制度经济学、运输经济学、组织行为学、工程管理学、系统工程学等多学科相关理论,广泛吸取已有研究成果的理论精华与实践经验,以历史演进的眼光,结合交通运输系统的本质特点与发展实际,采用理论分析与实证分析、规范研究与逻辑演绎、系统分析和比较分析、定性分析和定量分析相结合的研究方法,将交通运输系统经济主体“行为”作为论文的研究主线,通过深入剖析市场经济视域下交通运输系统结构优化的本质内涵与要求、经济主体与系统结构优化之间的内在逻辑、不同经济主体(消费者、企业、政府)行为动机与行为方式等,进一步研究由经济主体行为适应性调整所引起的交通运输系统结构优化经济规律和动力机制,特别是动力生成机制、动力传导机制、动力作用机制,以期进一步丰富交通运输系统结构优化理论体系,为更好的指导交通运输系统发展与结构优化的具体实践提供一定参考。

【Abstract】 As the core content and the eternal topic of the economic system,structure has to bewidespread attention by the experts,scholar and practitioner for a long continuously time.Transport system is one of the most the important components in the economy and societysystem,playing the pivotal role to impulse the development of the society and economy aswell as the progress of human culture.Whether the transport system structure reasonable ornot,is not only relating its own effective movement and the function exerted,but alsoinfluencing the sustainable development of the entire society and economy.After the foundation of new China,specially,since the Chinese economic reform,thetransport system in China met the swift“the gold time”of development and made remarkableachievements.But at the same time,with the fast development of the society and economy,some deep level problems of the transport system structure emerged increasingly,and becamefatal illogicality to restrict continual development of the transport system in China.However,the insufficient of“effective”theories about the transport system structure optimization toinstruct the practice is one of the most prominent problems to lag the development of thetransport system.How to actualize the transportation system structure optimization effectivelyand accelerate the transportation system healthy,continual and fast development,has becomethe key question to be solved about the transportation system and the entire society andeconomy in China.Based on these,the paper took the economic mechanism of transport system structureoptimization as the core content.From the economic angle,widespread absorbed the resultsand experience about the theory and practice all the world by the historical and evolutionaljudgment,linked the essential characteristic and the development reality in the transportsystem with the multi-disciplinary theories,such as the industrial economics,welfareeconomics,institutional economics,transport economics,organization behavior,managementengineering,system engineering and so on and the analysis methods about the theoreticalanalysis and the empirical analysis,the standard research and the logical deduction,thesystem analysis and the comparative analysis,the qualitative analysis and the quantitativeanalysis and so on.As the“behavior of the individual and organization (consumes,enterprisesand government) in transport system”to be the key line,the paper discussed deeply about theessential connotation and the request of the transport system structure optimization,theintrinsic logistics relationship between the transport system structure optimization and the individual and organization in transport system,the behavior motive and ways about thedifferent individual and organization (consumes,enterprises and government),the economiclaw and the driving mechanism bright by the behavior adaptive adjustment of the individualand organization in transport system which main including the creating mechanism andtransmitting mechanism and acting mechanism and so on under the sight of the marketeconomy,in order to enrich the theories of the transport system structure optimization andprovide better guidance for the practice about the development of the transport system inChina.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期