

Research on the Operation Mechanism of the Highway Marketization in China

【作者】 刘杉

【导师】 周国光;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 公路交通运输是国民经济的基础性、服务性产业,是合理配置资源、提高经济运行质量和效率的重要基础,是将世界联系在一起的纽带。高速公路是社会经济发展到一定阶段的必然产物,是先进生产力的代表。中国高速公路市场化是在世界性放松管制浪潮和国内行政管理体制及经济体制改革不断深入的背景之下进行的。本文围绕市场化这一主线,在已有的研究成果基础上对中国高速公路市场化进一步深入研究,建立了以公共经济学、公共管理学、新制度经济学等理论为支撑、以提高行业运营效率为宗旨、以政府和市场职能界定及可操作性政策建议为核心的高速公路市场化运行机制的体系结构,从而促进我国公路交通事业的可持续发展。本文综合运用了辩证分析法、实证性与规范性研究方法、定性与定量分析相结合等方法,首先阐释了高速公路市场经济属性、市场化及其判定标准、高速公路市场化的概念及相关的经济理论,并初步构建高速公路市场化运行机制的框架;其次从国内外高速公路发展状况及我国政府管理高速公路的局限性入手分析在高速公路领域进行市场化改革的必要性和可行性;最后沿着投融资、建设、经营管理和市场监管等高速公路发展的逻辑过程依次展开,并分别从理论分析、现状剖析和市场机制三个层面逐步深入研究。随着经济的全球化及金融市场的国际化,我国公路建设环境日新月异,为高速公路投融资创造了新的方式和规避风险工具。本文界定了高速公路投融资的概念,提出利用社会保障资金、银行贷款招投标、利率期权贷款、发行高速公路彩票等融资新机制。目前高速公路建设问题繁多,其中建设质量不好,施工屡次出现严重问题,因此,高速公路建设市场的信用体系有待完善和加强。本文提出在我国高速公路建设领域应进一步推行代建制,并创新性地构建了高速公路建设市场的信用体系。在高速公路经营管理市场机制部分,论文提出目前我国在减少普通收费公路的基础上,应适当扩大经营性高速公路规模;在明确界定产权的前提下,规范高速公路经营权转让一级市场,发展高速公路经营权转让二级市场,促进联网收费和规模化经营。最后论文设计一种以行政执法部门为主、行业协会为辅的市场监管体系——即“规制管制者与规制被管制者并举”的市场监管体系。

【Abstract】 Road transport is the basic and service industries of the national economy, is important foundation which allocates reasonably resources and improves the quality and efficiency of economic operation is a tie which linked with the whole world. Expressway is an inevitable product when Society and economy develops to a certain stage, is the representative of the advanced productive forces. The market-oriented management of China’s highways started in the under the background of which global market deregulation and the wave of domestic economic reform continued to deepen.This marketability is regarded as main clue of paper, the paper strive to form a system of market mechanisms on highway on basic of Public Economics, Public Management, New Institutional Economics at the core of the government and the market functions defined and workable policy proposals, the aim is to promote market-oriented reform of the highway to provide theoretical support and policy recommendations and to further make sustainable development of road transport in china. The dialectical analysis, empirical and normative research methods, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of a combination of research methods are used comprehensively in this paper. The first discusses the concept of the highway, features, status and trends of domestic development and the second is with the interpretation of the relevant market economic theory and analysis of China’s market-oriented reform of the highway status and further design a frame of market-oriented mechanism.The last discussed in-depth step by step along the investment and financing, construction, management and market supervision and expounded the process of logic in accordance with the theoretical analysis, analysis of the status quo and countermeasures three levels.With the globalization of the economy and financial markets, the environment of road construction is changing everyday, which create new ways to invest and finance for highway and tools to avoid risks. This paper defined the concept of investing and financing highways, and issued a new highway financing mechanisms to make use of social security funds, bank loans by bidding, loan interest rate options, and the lottery. At present, many problems appeared in highway construction, such as construction quality, seriously repeated construction problems. As a result, the credit system of highway construction market should be improved and strengthened. This paper contends the Agent System should be further implemented in China’s highway construction area, and creatively builds a credit system of highway construction market. In the market-oriented operation and management of highways, the paper thinks that the general toll roads should be reduced on the basis of the business highways should be added. Under the premise of property rights are clearly defined, Primary market should be regulated the right of operation to transfer, and be established the secondary market in order to promote the interconnection charge and the scale of operation. In the last part of paper, A system of market supervision is designed which administrative departments justicing is regarded as the main, but Industry association is regarded as the minor——that is the market supervision system that "both supervisors and traders are regulated."

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期