

Study of Microwave Deicing Efficiency on Road

【作者】 唐相伟

【导师】 焦生杰;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 道路积冰危害道路交通和人的生命安全。有效除冰,尤其是高速公路、桥梁、机场跑道等重要设施除冰,一直是世界上地处高纬地区国家关注的问题。2008年初发生在我国南方地区的冰雪灾害暴露出我国在道路除冰方法的研究方面亟需加强。道路微波除冰作为一种新型环保除冰方法,受到人们的广泛关注。本文对道路微波除冰技术进行了深入的理论与试验研究,得出的主要结论如下:1.基于微波加热理论,利用CST、MATLAB及ANSYS软件,将三维微波加热模型应用于道路微波除冰仿真,仿真与试验结果一致。2.仿真研究表明微波除冰效率低的原因是冰吸收热能在冰层下0-30mm范围内,2.45GHz微波加热沥青混凝土深度约120mm,沥青混凝土吸收微波产生大量的热能没有全部用于融化路面结合处冰层,相当部分的热能用于加热路面深层;提出了以冰层和路面结合处温度到达0℃的时间作为微波除冰效率的判定依据,给出了停止微波加热的时刻。3.对微波频率、微波电场强度、加热模式及波导口距路面高度进行了仿真和试验研究,结果表明:微波频率对除冰效率的影响最大,增加微波频率,能够有效提高除冰效率,应用5.8GHz微波相对于2.45GHz微波提高除冰效率3-5倍;间歇式加热好于持续加热除冰效果,采用间歇式加热,每次间歇时间为10秒钟时加热除冰效果最好;在加热结束30s左右除冰,效果最佳;同等条件下,增加微波电场强度来提高微波除冰效率作用不大;波导口加热距离路面50mm时,除冰效率较高。4.对道路材料影响除冰效率进行了研究,仿真和实验研究结果表明水泥混凝土除冰效率是沥青混凝土的3-4倍;仿真结果表明应用铁磁性道路材料能够有效提高微波除冰效率,2.45GHz微波加热含磁铁矿石骨料40%的沥青混凝土与不含磁铁矿石骨料相比,效率提高了7倍;实验结果表明在沥青混凝土上覆盖吸波材料后,提高除冰效率约5倍。5.仿真得出5.8GHz微波加热磁铁矿石骨料体积比为1:4沥青混凝土时,除冰效率能够实现微波除冰工程应用。6.对环境温度、冰层杂质、冰厚进行了仿真和试验研究。结果表明:环境温度-5℃的除冰效率约是-20℃时的4.7倍;冰层底部存在土类杂质有助于提升除冰效率,冰层底部含土类杂质的试样是无杂质试样除冰效率的2-3倍;冰层厚度对除冰效率影响甚小,体现了微波除厚冰层的优势。

【Abstract】 Ice on the road does harm to the safety of traffic and people.To clear the ice on the roadeffectively,in particular on highways,bridges,airport runways and other important facilities thishas been a major concern by worldwide countries in the high altitudes.Ice and snow disasterhave occurred in the southern most regions of our country in 2008,exposing what a means ofdeicing is much need take out to research.Microwave deicing is to be considered as a new typeof environmentally deicing method.The paper researched the technology of microwave deicingby theory and experimentation.The main conclusions are as follows:1.Based on the theory of microwave heating CST,MATLAB and ANSYS software wereused to achieve the simulation of microwave deicing by three-dimensional model of microwaveheating.The results of simulation were the same to all experimental results.2.The simulation results showed the reason for low efficiencies being that the road iceabsorbed sources of energy limited to asphalt concrete 0-30mm depth.Heating asphalt concreteusing 2.45GHz is nearly 120mm in depth.Asphalt concrete absorbs microwaves and produces alarge amount of heat,but not all the heat is used to promote the melting of the ice at the roadjunctions.A considerable portion of the heat was used to heat the road to a given depth.At thetime when the combination of ice and the pavement temperatures reaches 0℃it was proposed asthe indicators of microwave deicing efficiency.The stop time of microwave heating of deicing isgiven too.3.The frequencies,electric field intensity of microwaves,the heating modes of microwavesand distances between road and waveguide outlet were researched by simulation andexperimentation.The results showed that the microwave frequencies have the largest impact onthe deicing efficiencies.Improving the microwave frequencies can improve the efficiency ofmicrowave deicing.Compared with 2.45GHz,5.8GHz improves the efficiency of microwavedeicing 3-5 times.Intermittent heating effects are better than the continued deicing methods.When using intermittent heating,the time interval of 10 seconds of heating is the best.Thedeicing effect is best at the end of a 30 second heating cycle after the heating.With the samecircumstances,improving the microwave deicing efficiency is not practical to change themicrowave electric field strength.The deicing efficiency is highest when the distance between road and waveguide outlet is 50mm.4.The road material affecting the deicing efficiency was researched.The simulation andexperimental results showed that the concrete deicing efficiency is 3-4 times that of asphaltconcrete.The simulation results also showed that the magnetic material can increase theefficiency of the microwave deicing.Compared to ordinary asphalt concrete pavement,asphaltconcrete appended with magnetite material at the ratio of 40% can improve the deicing efficiencyup to 7 times.With the use of magnetic material overlays the efficiency improves by as much as 5times.5.The simulation results showed that when 5.8GHz heating of asphalt concrete appendedwith magnetite material at the ratio of 1:4,the microwave deicing efficiency can achieveengineering applications.6.The environmental temperature,thickness of ice and impurity content of ice were studiedby simulation and experiment.The results showed that the deicing efficiency at -5℃is about 4.7times than at -20℃.The impurities of soil type existed at the bottom of ice enhanced themicrowave deicing efficiency.The deicing efficiency of the sample with the impurities of soiltype existing at the bottom of the ice is 2-3 times of the sample no impurities.The thickness ofice has a small impact on deicing efficiencies which reflects the advantage of microwaves toremove thick ice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期