

Modernity and Chinese Romantic Thoughts in the 20th Century

【作者】 徐晋莉

【导师】 杨春时;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 文艺学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 长期以来,由于受到苏联文艺理论的影响,文学思潮被看作“创作方法”的产物,在这个错误的理论指导下,浪漫主义被误读,而中国的浪漫主义思潮也被忽视和误判。现代性理论揭示了文学思潮的性质,即文学思潮是文学对现代性的反应,具有特定的历史规定性。本文就是在现代性理论的视野下对文学思潮进行重新界定的一次尝试,并在这一界定的基础上考察了中国现当代以来浪漫主义思潮的发展情况。本文共分为四编。第一编,以“现代性”为理论支撑,纠正创作方法论的长期误导,剖析了现代性与文学思潮的内在联系,界定了浪漫主义的根本性质:对现代性的第一次反叛.同时,还在对欧洲英、德、法三国浪漫主义思潮发生的根源、及其精神气质异同的分析比较中,探询了西方浪漫主义思潮的历史渊源、精神意蕴与时代内涵,并总结了西方浪漫主义思潮的具体特征,以之作为研究中国浪漫主义文学思潮的参照系。第二、第三、第四编则分别考察了中国二三十年代、四十年代和新时期以来三个阶段的浪漫主义文学思潮,勾勒了浪漫主义思潮在中国发展的整体脉络,揭示了它们与西方浪漫主义思潮不同的特征,并比较了三个时期中这一思潮所表现出来的相异的风格特征。最后是结论,对中国浪漫主义的历史经验,总体特征及其文学史意义进行了总结。

【Abstract】 For a long time, the academia of China has suffered influences from artistic theories of Russia, which confuses the literary trends with the artistic methods by taking literary trends as the product of the artistic methods. Under the direction of this false theory, romanticism has been misread, so that Chinese Romanticism thought has been ignored and misjudged. The theory of Modernity discovers the nature of the literary trends, which has its special historical definition as the literary responses to the Modernity. My thesis is an attempt to redefine the literary trends from the point of view of the Modernity. On this base I have lucubrated over the development of Romanticism thoughts in modern and contemporary Chinese literature.The thesis discusses the questions above in four parts. The first part corrects the long-term misleading of the theory of artistic methods and unveils the internal relationship between the Modernity and the literary trends on the base of the theory of Modernity. Thus it defined the essential nature of Romanticism, which is the first reflection on the Modernity. It analyses the genesic roots and temperaments of the Romanticisms in Europe (England, German and France), and explores the historical source, incorporeal meaning, types and the connotations of the era. At last, the first part summarizes the specific characters in Western Romanticism. All of this can give a frame of reference for studying Chinese Romanticism literature.The second, third, and fourth part reviews the Romanticism literature thoughts in China of 1920s-30s, 1940s and the New Period, and draws the outline of the development of Romanticism in China. Then the three parts unveils the differences from the Western’s and the different characters in each era. At last, the conclusion summarizes the historical experience, general character and meaning of Romanticism thought in the history of Chinese literature.

【关键词】 现代性思潮浪漫主义
【Key words】 ModernityLiterary trendRomanticism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1386