

Institutional Environment, Institutional Change and Decision Usefulness

【作者】 修宗峰

【导师】 杜兴强;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 会计学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 决策有用观作为现行企业财务报告的目标,是指“财务报告应该提供对现在的和可能的投资者、债权人和其他使用者做出合理的投资、信贷和类似决策有用的信息”,虽然财务会计信息的使用者众多,但投资者无疑是最主要的使用者。本文的决策有用性仅指财务会计信息对于证券市场股东的决策有用性,明确界定财务会计信息使用者的范围是为了更好地认识本文的研究主题。中国证券市场是一个新兴市场,同时它又根植于中国转型经济中,新兴加转轨的双重性质导致中国证券市场的经济制度变迁具有频繁性和振荡性的重要特征,会计制度作为经济制度的重要组成部分,经历了数次重大的变迁过程,如何评价和认识会计制度变迁对中国证券市场产生的经济后果历来为理论界、实务界以及监管机构所重视,深入地研究会计制度变迁的经济后果,对于评价证券市场的管制政策以及检验相关的制度变迁理论具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。新制度经济学一直强调制度对契约结构的决定性影响,并重视制度环境对制度运行效率产生的影响。中国转型经济与新兴资本市场中的制度变迁背景为检验这一命题提供了难得的研究机会,将“法与金融”学派的国别制度因素差异研究框架,运用至一国内地区间的制度环境差异对制度运行效率的影响,能够基本上克服国别资本市场运作机制以及证券市场有效性等因素不具有可比性的局限性,并且也能在一定程度上控制非正式制度安排对制度运行效率的影响,因此,本文主要关注一国内地区间的制度环境差异对会计制度运行效率的影响。本文在借鉴国内外文献的基础上,结合我国上市公司实际,从地区制度环境、制度变迁与会计信息决策有用性关系的研究视角出发,详细分析和检验会计信息决策有用性是否受到制度环境和制度变迁的双重影响,在此基础上,分别运用价值相关性与盈余信息含量的经验研究方法衡量会计信息决策有用性,深入探讨会计制度变迁的经济后果,并运用行为心理学、经济学、财务学的相关理论,系统地对制度环境、制度变迁如何影响会计信息决策有用性这一经验命题进行研究。对该命题的探究,不仅为会计制度变迁是否提高了会计信息决策有用性提供新的科学证据和理论支持,而且对于理解和重视中国地区间制度环境对会计制度变迁的影响,以及评价会计规则改革、股权分置改革等制度变迁的经济后果,都具有重要的理论和实践价值。本文共分为八章,各章的主要内容如下:第一章为导论,主要对论文进行一个简要介绍,具体包括研究背景与问题提出、研究思路、研究主要内容以及研究改进与主要创新之处。第二章为文献评述,主要包括对会计信息决策有用性经验研究、制度环境与财务会计信息关系经验研究的国内外相关文献进行回顾和评述。第三章对我国会计改革制度背景进行了较系统地分析,以制度变迁为主线将我国证券市场成立至今的会计改革划分为三个主要时期。第四章研究制度环境、强制性会计制度变迁与会计信息决策有用性的关系。该章研究会计制度主导时期的会计改革,从决策有用性经验模型出发,全面地考察了制度环境对会计制度变迁效果的影响。第五章研究地区制度环境诱致性变迁对会计信息决策有用性的影响。该章通过选择会计制度稳定期间的样本公司,以控制会计制度变迁的影响,运用决策有用性经验模型考察了地区制度环境改善对会计信息决策有用性的影响。第六章研究制度环境、股权分置改革与决策有用性的关系。该章通过决策有用性经验模型分别检验了股改进程、股改对价对决策有用性的影响,在此基础上进一步检验制度环境将如何作用于这一影响。第七章是制度环境、双重强制性制度变迁与决策有用性。该章以完成股权分置改革的上市公司为研究对象,从决策有用性经验模型出发,分别研究地区制度环境、股改对价、两者的耦合效应与会计准则变迁效果之间的关系。第八章为全文总结,包括研究结论与启示、研究局限性以及未来可能的研究方向。本文主要的研究结论如下:1.强制性会计制度变迁如《股份有限公司会计制度》、《企业会计制度》均影响了会计信息的决策有用性,但影响方向并不一致,地区制度环境在一定程度上加剧了强制性会计制度变迁的效果,投资者保护的“后果假说”与“替代假说”均得到不同程度的支持。2.地区制度环境的诱致性变迁对会计信息的决策有用性产生了不同程度的影响,随着地区制度环境的改善,会计信息决策有用性具有递增趋势,这在一定程度上说明,研究我国证券市场会计与财务问题不能够忽视地区制度环境诱致性变迁的潜在影响。3.股权分置改革的股改进程与股改对价均在一定程度上影响会计信息的决策有用性,地区制度环境则在一定程度上加剧了股权分置改革对决策有用性的影响程度,会计规则的内外部执行机制共同对决策有用性发挥作用。4.2007年新会计准则变迁效果受到制度环境、股改对价水平的独立或者耦合影响,具体表现为制度环境、股改对价影响会计制度变迁后的会计信息决策有用性,“公司治理溢价”理论、投资者保护“后果假说”与“替代假说”均得到不同程度的支持。本研究具有一定的探索性,研究的主要改进和创新体现在如下四大方面:第一,在研究内容上,本文从我国地区制度环境存在明显差异的实际出发,率先通过运用市场化指数这一制度变量分析工具来评价会计制度变迁的经济后果,从而为会计制度变迁是否提高了会计信息决策有用性这一命题提供新的科学证据和理论支持。第二,在研究框架中,本文引入新制度经济学中诱致性制度变迁的研究思路,在对制度环境变量进行深入分析后,率先运用诱致性制度变迁理论检验了中国地区制度环境的诱致性变迁对会计信息决策有用性的影响,从而为深入理解为什么要加速改善地区制度环境提供了重要的理论依据。第三,立足于我国股权分置改革这一强制性制度变迁背景,本文率先将地区制度环境与股权分置改革相结合,检验两者共同作用于会计信息决策有用性的经济后果,为研究会计规则内外部执行机制共同对会计信息质量的影响,提供了可供借鉴的分析思路和检验方法。第四,立足于我国新会计准则变迁这一热点问题,本文首次将地区制度环境、股权分置改革与会计制度变迁相结合,检验三者对会计信息决策有用性的影响,丰富了股权分置改革的会计信息经济后果研究。

【Abstract】 As the objective of current financial reporting, decision usefulness perspective refers to "financial reporting should provide information that is useful to present and potential investors and creditors and other users in making rational investment, credit, and similar decisions", although there are many users about the financial accounting information, investors no doubt are the most important ones. Decision usefulness in this dissertation refers only to the decision usefulness of financial accounting information for shareholders, and clearly defining the scope of users will be helpful for better understanding the research topic of this dissertation. Securities market of China is an emerging market, and at the same time it is rooted in the Chinese economic transformation, and the dual nature of emerging and transformation leads to frequent institutional changes and oscillations. The accounting system as an important component of economic institutions has experienced several major changes, and how to understand the economic consequences of the changes in the accounting system has always been emphasized and paid attention to by the theoretical, practical researchers, and the regulators. An in-depth study on the economic consequences of the institutional changes of accounting has an important theoretical and practical significance to evaluate the securities market regulatory policies and test the theories related to economic institutional changes.The new institutional economics always emphasizes the decisive influence of institutions on the contract structures, and attaches importance to the impacts of institutional environment on the institutions’ operating efficiency. The background of the institutional changes in the China’s economic transformation and emerging capital market has provided a rare research opportunity on testing the proposition about the impacts of institutional environment on the institutions’ operating efficiency. Based on the research framework of country-specific differences about the school of "Law and Finance", the research of domestic inter-regional differences in the institutional environment can overcome the limitations that country-specific capital markets’ operating mechanism and the effectiveness can not be comparable, and can also control the influence of the informal institutional arrangements on the operating efficiency of the institutions. Therefore, a major concern of this dissertation is that how the domestic inter-regional differences in the institutional environment influence the operating efficiency of the accounting system.Drawing on the basis of the literatures at home and abroad and considering the practice of Chinese Listed Companies, this dissertation analyses and examines whether the decision usefulness of accounting information has been dually influenced by institutional environment and institutional change, and then uses the empirical research methods of value relevance and earnings informativeness to measure the decision usefulness of accounting information. This dissertation deeply explores the economic consequences of the accounting system’s change, and uses the theories of behavioral psychology, economics, finance to explain and analyse the empirical results that how the institutional environment and institutional change affect the decision usefulness of accounting information. The exploration of this proposition not only provides new scientific evidence and theoretical support about whether accounting system change has enhanced the decision usefulness of accounting information, but also has great theoretical and practical value for understanding and attaching importance to the impact of domestic inter-regional differences in the institutional environment on changes in accounting system, as well as for evaluating the economic consequences of institutional change, such as the accounting rules reform and the split share structure reform.This dissertation is divided into eight chapters, and the contents of each chapter are as follows:Chapter 1 is the introduction, which briefly introduces the research background and issues, research ideas and contents, research improvements and innovations.Chapter2 is the literature review. In this chapter, the author reviews and comments the empirical research on the decision usefulness of accounting information, the relationship between institutional environment and financial accounting information.Chapter3 analyses the institutional background of the accounting reform and divides the accounting reform into three main periods since China’s securities market establishment based on the main line of the institutional change.Chapter4 examines the relations among the institutional environment, mandatory institutional changes in accounting and the decision usefulness of accounting information. Based on accounting reforms in the dominant periods of accounting regulations and the empirical models of decision usefulness, this chapter explores the influence of the institutional environment on the changes of accounting regulations.Chapter5 examines the relations between the induced institutional change of domestic inter-regional institutional environment and the decision usefulness of accounting information. Using the sample companies during the period of stable accounting system to control the impact of changes in accounting system, this chapter investigates how the improvement of institutional environment affects the decision usefulness of accounting information. Chapter6 studies how the institutional environment and the split share structure reform affect the decision usefulness of accounting information. This chapter through the empirical models of the decision usefulness tests the process and the consideration of the split share structure reform how to affect the decision usefulness, and then further tests the role of the institutional environment in these two studies.Chapter7 examines the relations among the institutional environment, dual mandatory institutional changes and decision usefulness. Based on the listed companies that have completed the split share structure reform, this chapter investigates how the institutional environment, the consideration of the split share structure reform, and the coupling of these two factors affect the institutional change of accounting respectively.Chapter8 summarizes the research findings of this dissertation, and reports the implications we learn, the caveats about this research, and points out the direction for further research.In this dissertation, the main conclusions are as follows:1. The mandatory institutional changes in accounting such as the "Accounting Regulations for Listed Companies", "Accounting Regulations for Business Enterprises" have affected the decision usefulness of accounting information, but the directions of the impacts are not consistent. Regional institutional environment has exacerbated the effects of mandatory institutional change in accounting, and the "Consequence Hypothesis" and the "Substitute Hypothesis" about investor protection to some extent have been supported.2. The induced institutional changes of regional institutional environment have affected the decision usefulness of accounting information, in other words, with the improvement of the regional institutional environment, the decision usefulness of accounting information have increased to some extent. The results suggest that when we are engaged in the research of accounting and financial issues about China’s securities market, the potential impacts of the induced institutional changes of regional institutional environment cannot be ignored.3. The process and the consideration of the split share structure reform to some extent have affected the decision usefulness of accounting information, and regional institutional environment has exacerbated these impacts of the split share structure reform. That is to say, internal and external enforcement mechanisms of accounting rules jointly play a role in decision usefulness.4. The consequences of new accounting standards change in 2007 have been affected by independent or coupled effects of the institutional environment and the consideration of the split share structure reform. The results suggest that the independent or coupled effects have affected the accounting standards change, in the mean time, the "corporate governance premium" theory, the "Consequence Hypothesis" and the "Substitute Hypothesis" about investor protection to some extent have been supported.This research has certain exploratory property, and major improvements and innovations are in the following aspects:First, in terms of the research contents, from the actual situation of domestic inter-regional differences in the institutional environment, for the first time, this paper uses the institutional analysis tools such as the marketlization index to evaluate the economic consequences of accounting system changes, and this paper has provided new scientific evidence and theoretical support about how the accounting system change affects the decision usefulness of accounting information.Second, in terms of the research framework, this paper has introduced the research ideas of induced institutional change in the new institutional economics, after the in-depth analysis of the institutional environment variables, for the first time, based on the theory of induced institutional change, this paper investigates how the induced institutional change of regional institutional environment affects the decision usefulness of accounting information, and then provides an important theoretical basis on why to accelerate the improvement of regional institutional environment.Third, based on the institutional background of China’s split share structure reform, for the first time, this paper combines the institutional environment with the split share structure reform to jointly examine the economic consequences of the accounting information decision usefulness, which provides fresh ideas and methods to investigate how the internal and external enforcement mechanisms of accounting rules jointly play a role in the quality of accounting information.Fourth, based on the hot issues of China’s new accounting standards changes, for the first time, this paper investigates how the regional institutional environment, the split share structure reform and the accounting standards changes have affected the decision usefulness of accounting information, which enriches the economic consequences research of accounting information about the split share structure reform.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期