

Research on Documents about Acupuncture and Moxibustion Interfering Programe for "Condition before Apoplexy" Based on the Theory of "Preventive Treatment"

【作者】 王盛春

【导师】 欧阳兵;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 “治未病”思想奠定了现代中医预防医学的理论基础,以其非凡的超前意识显示出独特魅力,成为目前研究的热点。但是目前“治未病”思想多以养生保健的形式指导疾病的预防,概念过于笼统,临床具体到某一疾病的系统可操作的“治未病”方案少有报道和研究。我们基于“治未病”思想提出“中风前病”的新概念,来指导临床中风病的预防。将“中风前病”的状态实质划分为无病有证的易感体质阶段、高危疾病阶段、中风先兆证阶段并对三阶段病因病机进行系统分析,探讨“中风前病”的病理基础。借助古人的“逆针灸”治未病的理念及现代的针灸预处理方法,对“中风前病”各阶段的针灸干预相关文献进行整理分析,运用统计学方法总结针灸选经用穴及针灸方法规律,结合临床经验,制定相应针灸干预的具体方案。本研究首次为“治未病”思想具体到临床中风病的预防作了示范。本论文希望在创新的基础上,为临床提供新的思路和依据。

【Abstract】 The theory of“Preventive treatment”had made the foundation of modern Chinese Preventive Medicine.At present it is the focal point of the research on preventing disease.But the theory now mainly instruct keeping in good health,no document about“Preventive treatment”programe of the disease in detail could be found in research reports.Apoplexy is one of the most serious diseases that threaten the human health.It is important that we should do best to prevent the apoplexy.With the base on the theory of“Preventive treatment”,we suggest a new concept called“condition before apoplexy”.we differentiate the three stage of“condition before apoplexy”and analyse the cause and mechanism of it.Acupuncture and moxibustion is one of the good methods of the preventive treatment.It can be used before the diseases occur. we analyse lots of documents which are correlative to the“condition before apoplexy”interfering with acupuncture and moxibustion and conclude the programme to the three stages.The research set an example for the application of the concrete disease with the theory of“Preventive treatment”.we hope that this research can also provide a new thread for the apoplexy precaution in clinic.

  • 【分类号】R246
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