

A Study on Modern Zibo Folk Porcelain Kilns and Its Products Which Based on a Peculiar Folk Culture

【作者】 远宏

【导师】 何洁;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 设计艺术学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 淄博民间陶瓷艺术作为中国陶瓷文化的重要组成部分,是极具地方特色和地域风貌的文化样态之一。淄博地区制陶历史悠久,大约从8000年前的后李文化时期开始一直到今天,烧制陶瓷的烟火就从未中断过,这在国内各陶瓷产区亦是不多见的。历史上淄博窑有两个较为繁盛的时期,分别为宋金时期与近代时期。前者代表了淄博窑在制瓷工艺技术方面所达到的高度与成就,而后者则是陶瓷完全走向平民化、世俗化和生活化的标志。淄博民窑陶瓷历史久远,众多的古窑址、大量的历史记载、一定数量的实物遗存,是今天的人们了解、认识淄博民窑之粗瓷杂器的主要门径。但是,这并不足以让人窥视其全貌。在民间广为流传的歌谣,如宋信忠的《山头杂字》,以及大量的故事、传说等,是淄博民窑文化的重要组成部分,它们对当地民窑习俗、器物组成及用途等都进行了很好的诠释。如果说以实物形式存在的粗瓷杂器是当地民俗文化的一个具体体现的话,那么以非实物形式存在的歌谣、故事,则使这一文化体现得以进一步升华。仅从物质方面看,什么样的资源禀赋,决定什么样的终端产品,这在商品流通体系极不完善的自然经济阶段尤其如此。淄博的资源禀赋,使得它在很长一段时间内以烧制合用的粗瓷杂器为主,这是合乎逻辑的。但是其间的决定因素并不止是物质方面的。民间艺人在烧制粗瓷杂器过程中的不断创新、为推动窑业发展而作的官办尝试,以及茶叶末釉的恢复、红绿彩的产生等等,都是人文因素作用的结果。淄博近代民窑陶瓷的上述特点,决定了对其研究的重点不应仅仅局限于造型、装饰及烧造工艺等技术性层面,而且应当从历史文化学、社会学、民俗学等角度入手,抽丝剥茧,层层递进,以期全面把握其本质和内涵。这是一种整体性研究,研究的重点不仅是陶瓷器物本身的实用性和审美性,更是其人文特征。研究客体主要包括造物的特征、生产的技术水平,以及釉色、造型、装饰所展示的民俗文化特征,内容涉及社会学、文化学和艺术学诸学科。本论文以历史文献、实物遗存为依据,,从近代淄博民窑窑口入手,采用实证分析和规范分析相结合的方法,探讨了近代淄博民窑陶瓷艺术作为中国传统陶瓷文化的重要组成部分是如何发展、演变的,其中包含着怎样的物质文化要素,它在推进现代陶瓷艺术的多样性、丰富性等方面究竟具有怎样的文化价值和现实意义。由于此前该方面的研究甚少,本课题研究或能为人们进一步了解淄博民窑陶瓷起到有益的作用。

【Abstract】 As an important part of the Chinese porcelain culture, Zibo folk pottery art is oneof the most fascinating cultural form with regional character. As early as 8000 yearsago, just in the Houli Cultural Period, Zibo began to make pottery products, and hasbeen keeping production till nowadays. This is peculiar in China. There are two primeperiods arisen in Zibo folk pottery making history, i.e. the Song-Jin dynasty period andmodern times respectively. The former reflected the technical progress Zibo potterymade till then. The latter signalized that Zibo pottery has mixed into the daily life oflocal people.People can get to know the primitive pottery wares produced by Zibo folk kilnthrough the kiln relics, documents related to it and the wares itself. But that is notenough. There are lots of ballads, stories and legends about the ware-making, whichhave high cultural value, needed to study for those who want to get its panorama.Roughly speaking, it is the resource endowments that decides the final products ofan area. This is especially true in a society almost with no commodity circulatingsystem. So it is rational for Zibo to product primitive pottery wares according to itsresource endowments in a long period. But roundly speaking, other factors decide either.Among them, the folk culture takes an active part in Zibo pottery industry. Acts ofinnovations, emergence of the government financed kilns, recurrence of the tea-powderglaze, etc., are absolutely the outcome of the folk culture functioning.Due to this, we cannot just narrow the scope to only the phase of techniques inZibo folk pottery study. On the contrary, scholars should bring knowledge related toculturology, sociology, folklore, etc., into their studies, so as to get an comprehensiveimpression to Zibo pottery art. In this thesis, the scholar takes the historical documents,relics and pottery antiques as material foundation, with methods of both positiveanalysis and normative analysis, deeply studied the route of development of Zibo folkpottery art, its material and cultural composition, and its significance for modernpottery art.

【关键词】 粗瓷杂器民俗文化民窑
【Key words】 civilian porcelain waresfolk culturecivilian kiln