

Crisis of the Vernacular Movement

【作者】 李春阳

【导师】 刘梦溪;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 艺术学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 百馀年前,中国的文章以文言写成,虽然白话文从唐宋之后作为书面语不可忽视的补充形式广泛应用于小说、戏曲、语录等写作领域,并没有取得社会地位。20世纪初的白话文运动,作为现代中国的文体革命,致力于书面语的再造,这一运动的发起人是胡适,最高成就体现为鲁迅与周作人的白话写作。它以言文一致为基本目标,势必向大众语方向发展,甚至把废除汉字、拼音化道路为其归宿。语言与每一个个人密切相关。语言基本上是习得的,在语言问题上人为的变革不是没有,倚赖政治与权力的力量,也不是没有成功过。越南、韩国、日本有程度不同的去汉字化运动,成绩不等。国人自身的去汉字化,是自毁长城,这场半途而废的变革中,我们已失去得太多,几代人正在为方便实用的短视行为与功利主义政策,付出高昂的代价。文言的退场,意味着传统价值的崩溃,而白话文体的成立,也同时意味着新的知识与价值的确立。它牵动社会生活各种矛盾冲突,承载着百年中国现代化整体运动的方方面面,与上至领袖下至百姓的每一个个人关系密切。白话文运动以追求多元始,以重建一元终,势有必至。本文以百年来文言、白话之间的消长起伏为线索,全面检讨书面语革新与文体建设上的成就和教训,以修辞思维的提出与写作伦理的重建为旨归。本文认为白话文运动的危机,是一个世纪以来中国文化危机的集中体现,暴露了汉语写作与现代中国在身份认同和文化认同上的困境。自古以来从事汉语写作的人,没有只会白话而不通文言者,汉语是一个整体,识文断字与通文言从来是一个涵义,每位作者掌握的程度不同而已。不必通文言也能称会汉语,是现代人偏颇的定义,检讨自己的行为而不是自己的传统才是我们应该做的。百馀年文化上的主张不管怎样不同,我们还在询问西化得多了还是不够,也许只有一个领域无法西化,就是汉语和汉字。余英时认为中国没有保守主义,因为没有可以保和守的东西,我们有,是汉语与汉字。本文有意采取一种在汉语汉字意义上的保守主义立场,对于白话文运动的激进主义有所批判。改造语言的梦魇正在醒来,自我放逐的汉语已踏上归途。

【Abstract】 Since Tang-Song period, the vemacular form of writing had been a significantsupplement to the classical form in such areas as fiction, drama, and quotations but as ofone hundred years ago, classical Chinese was still the dominant form of writing and thevernacular form of writing had not achieved the due respect in Chinese society. In theearly years of the 20th century came the Vernacular Movement which was a stylisticrevolution aimed at reforming and reconstructing the Chinese written language. Thismovement was pioneered by Hu Shi and saw its highest achievements in Lu Xun’s andZhou Zuoren’s vernacular writings. With unifying spoken language and written languageas its basic objective, the movement inevitably developed toward the popularization ofthe Chinese language and even promoted the tendency to abolish Chinese characters infavor of the alphabetic script. But the classical Chinese making its exit means thecomplete breakdown of traditional values just as the appearance of the vernacular signalsthe emergence of new knowledge and new values, thus causing all kinds of conflicts andcontradictions in social life and affecting all aspects of the modernization of Chinesesociety in the last hundred years that it involves all ranks of the Chinese population fromthe leaders to ordinary people. This paper, keeping track of the rise and fall of classicaland vernacular Chinese in the last hundred years, makes an all-around study of theachievements and lessons in written language reformation and stylistic innovations, withthe aim to reintroduce rhetorical thinking and to reconsider ethical issues in the Chinesewritten language. The author of this paper concludes that the crisis of the VernacularMovement exposes the dilemma of the written Chinese language and modern China inquestons of cultural identity.
