

The Researching of Zha Fuxi’s Qin Theory

【作者】 傅暮蓉

【导师】 张振涛;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 音乐文化人类学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 古琴,中国传统文化的象征。在发展、流传的过程中,琴与中国古代社会“士”的命运、心脉紧密相连。作为中国传统社会结构中重要层面的“士”阶层,他们在传统社会中所担任的角色、担负的职责、承载的文化使命以及“先天下而忧,后天下而乐”的国家责任感又深深地影响了古琴艺术,使其在音乐艺术之外被附加文化、社会、民族的内涵。因此,“琴”不是一件单纯的乐器。它不仅是文人完善自身修养的方式;而且是文人联系社会、改善文化的重要途径。琴随着是中国千百年来“士”阶层的流变而变迁;随着文化、社会的需求而改变。本文的研究对象是活跃于近现代琴坛的琴家、社会活动家——查阜西先生。全文分为“序言”、“结论”和五个章节。“序言”部分主要包含1、查阜西琴学成就。2、本文研究方法。3、研究现状。第一章,查阜西琴学思想及其社会实践。其中涉及三方面问题:1、解释琴学及其相关概念。2、琴乐中的礼乐思想。3、查阜西琴学思想及其社会实践。第二章,探讨查阜西先生在琴歌方面的成就。琴歌是查阜西先生毕生为之钻研的古琴音乐形式之一。他在继承“江派”琴歌传统的基础上,对琴歌与古琴纯器乐弹奏之间的关系进行重新认识,形成独特见解。第三章,对查阜西先生琴学研究贡献进行梳理和研究。包含五方面:1、中国音律研究。2、琴律研究。3、琴乐打谱。4、琴书、琴谱的考证。5、建立新古琴美学的构想。第四章,重点研究查阜西先生在古琴遗产抢救、整理上的贡献。这些研究工作对琴史、琴制、琴论、琴歌、琴谱的资料文献进行全面梳理和学术考证,具有开拓性、和突破性的奠基意义。正是这些研究为建立现代琴学家打下了坚实的物质基础与思想基础。第五章,弘扬振兴琴学活动。其一,梳理查阜西为振兴古琴音乐文化而从事的一系列活动。其二,研究琴学活动对抢救民族音乐、古琴遗产,调动了琴人的积极性等方面所起到的开拓性、关键性作用。结论,本章结合前文所述查阜西在提倡琴歌、琴学研究、古琴文献资料整理,振兴琴学中所作的杰出贡献与成就,分析、论述查阜西在“传统琴学”、“新琴学”、“现代琴学奠基”三个时期中作为“士”和专业音乐工作者的不同特征,以及其贯穿始终的儒家“士”观念。本文依据相关资料对查阜西先生的琴学思想、琴学研究、琴乐活动进行详细研究、分析,并希望以查阜西为例,探寻中国历史上“士”阶层与琴相互关联、相互影响的关系,以及在社会中它们的变迁现象。

【Abstract】 Qin,also called Guqin,a chinese ancient musical instrument,is thesymbol of chinese tradition and culture.During the process of it’sdevelopment,Qin is closely linked to the fate and aspiration ofshi(scholars or intellects) in ancient chinese society.As an important classof ancient chinese hierarchy,the shi had tremendous influence on the artsof Qin with their role and responsibility in the traditional society.Theircultural mission and national responsibility made them to worry beforethe common people worries,to enjoy only after the people can enjoy.Besides the musical arts aspect,all of these add up cultural,social andnational meanings to the Qin arts.Therefore,Qin is not only the methodof self-cultivation for the shi,also the important way for them to join intothe society and improve the traditional culture.Qin has experiencedamount of changes with the vicissitude of shi social status in chinesehistory,and been changing in the demand of culture and society’sdevelopment.This thesis is on Mr.Zha Fuxi,a mater of Qin and a social activist,hadcontributed lots for the Chinese musical instruments.This thesis consistsof preface,conclusion and five chapters.The preface includes three mainparts:firstly,the Qin ideology of Zha Fuxi;secondly,the researchmethods of this paper;thirdly,research actuality. Chapter one is on the Qin ideology and academic practice of Zha Fuxi.Inthis chapter,there are three aspects:explanation of the Qin studying andrelevant conceptions;the chinese courtesy in the music style of Qinstudying;the Qin ideology and academic practice of Zha Fuxi.Chaptertwo is on the achievement of Zha Fuxi at Qinge,a kind of Chineseancient singing style.Qinge is one of the musical formation on which ZhaFuxi had studied for his whole life.Inhering the tradition Qinge ofJiangpai,one of Qin’s schools,he has restudied the relationship betweenQinge and pure performing of Qin,hereby formed his unique perspectiveabout Qinge.In chapter three,studying and sorting the Zha Fuxi’scontribution to researching and studying of Qin.It includes five parts:specialized researching on chinese traditional and western musical mode;the dialectical studying the Qin tonality in traditional masterpieces andmusical score;Qin music composition;Researching on Qin books andmusical score;Prospect of establishing new Qin esthetics.Chapter four isthe contribution of Zha Fuxi in saving and sorting Qin’s documentary andheritage.His studying is a breakthrough,has crucial significance for theresearching of the documentary on Qin’s history,system,theory,singingand composition.His studying built a solid material and ideologicalfoundation for modern Qin theory.Chapter five is sorting the activitiesZha Fuxi done for rejuvenation of Qin’s musical arts.Studying Qin artsplays an important role in saving ethnic music,Qin’s heritage and its performers’ activeness.In the conclusion,base on Zha Fuxi’s contribution to Qin’s studying,theauthor analyzed new Qin theory and modern Qin theory in three periodsof traditional Qin theory,the differences of shi and professional musicalperformers,and the ideology ofshi in chinese Confucius.The author referred to some relevant information,studied and analyzedthe Zha Fuxi’s Qin ideology,theory and activities.Through the studyingof Zha Fuxi,to research the connection and influence between shi andQin arts,and their change trend as well.Remarks:shi is a group of people who are scholars,intellects,patriots,orofficials with national dignity and aspiration in ancient china.

【关键词】 古琴查阜西琴歌琴学研究琴乐活动
【Key words】 GuqinShiZha FuxiQingeresearching of Qin theoryactivities of Qin music
  • 【分类号】J632.31
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】888