

The Compound Stimulus’ Subliminal Perception and Its Differences on Ages

【作者】 周铁民

【导师】 沈德立; 白学军;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 潜意识知觉是指在刺激出现而个体没有觉察到的情况下,由后续行为、思想、情感的变化推知的一种无意识知觉过程。作为刺激影响人的心理及行为的途径之一,潜意识知觉心理机制的解释存在整体加工为主和部分加工为主的理论争议。复合刺激潜意识知觉的研究将有助于对两种理论的适用性加以判别。而不同年龄阶段潜意识知觉特征的揭示,对丰富心理发展理论和教育实践具有重要的理论和实践意义。本论文由四项研究共8个实验组成:研究一包括3个实验。以8名大学一年级学生为被试,以经典的潜意识知觉研究程式为方法,通过考察掩蔽效果的变化过程,探索掩蔽物与刺激之间关系对掩蔽效果的作用,进而提出一种有效诱发无意识觉察状态的掩蔽策略。研究二包括1个实验。以18名大学一年级学生为被试,通过比较阶段迫选任务的控制,考察复合刺激属性分离的可能性。在检验潜意识知觉加工机制的同时,尝试构建一种复合刺激潜意识知觉研究的属性分离模式。并通过四种复合材料潜意识知觉结果的分析来加以验证。研究三包括1个实验。以10名大学一年级学生为被试,以复杂程度较高的语法规则数字串为实验材料,在进一步完善复合刺激潜意识知觉属性分离模式的基础上,通过对不同阶段材料间的各种关系的分析与控制,检验影响潜意识知觉的多方面因素,并对该模型的操控性和有效性加以验证。研究四包括3个实验。目的在于考察复合刺激潜意识知觉的年龄差异问题。以高中一年级、初中一年级和小学五年级各10学生为被试,以具有语法规则的数字串为实验材料,目的在于探索复合刺激隐含属性潜意识知觉的年龄特征。研究结果表明:1.随着刺激材料和掩蔽物之间相似程度的提高,迫选任务的选择错误率呈逐渐上升的趋势。表明掩蔽物对刺激的掩蔽效果越来越好。以各个刺激材料组成的图形为掩蔽物,各种刺激材料在迫选任务的选择错误率差异不明显,表现出较一致的掩蔽效果,这种选择掩蔽物的方法是诱发个体无意识觉察状态的一种有效策略。2.复合刺激不同属性在迫选任务中的选择正确率不同,与选择的随机概率之间差异不同,表明在一些属性能够被潜意识知觉到的同时,另一些属性不能被潜意识知觉到。建立在分离逻辑基础上的迫选任务实现了复合刺激潜意识知觉的属性分离。基于不同阶段实验材料之间关系分析所建立的分离模型在复合刺激潜意识知觉属性分离的实验结果中得到验证。3.不同年龄阶段学生对复合刺激材料表面属性和隐含属性的潜意识知觉存在不同的特点,小学生以表面属性的潜意识知觉为主,经初中、高中阶段的过渡,到大学生阶段则表现为能够潜意识知觉到隐含属性。

【Abstract】 The term subliminal perception was originally used to describe situations in which weak stimuli were perceived without awareness. Whenever stimuli presented below the threshold or limen for awareness is found to influence thoughts, feelings, or actions, subliminal perception has occurred. By using some special means, for example, task dissociation, qualitive difference analysis, priming under threshold, a great deal of studies showed that it was real and that there were many differences with the perception under the conscioueness.As a precondition, the unconscious awareness was a key on studying the subliminal perception. It was a very important matter how to elicit the unconscious awareness. Msaking techeque was widely used on the study to visual material. However, there were some problemes on using it. Most researchers did not pay more attention to the relation between the stimulus and mask. The experiential use must be changed by experimental demonstration.With the development on subliminal perception study, the study objects became more complicate. The compound stimulus with mulripe attributes became a study focus. The studies to the compound stimulus relied on corresponding model’s foundation. The work would be helpful to open out the subliminal perception’s mental machenism.The difference between ages was also an important question. This kind of studies was rare, but its theorical value and practicable function on education was very strong. We must pay more attention to it.Based on recognizing hereinbefore, the thesis consists of six experiments on three aspects on subliminal perception. The first focus was on masking techque. The second was the subliminal perception model. The last is the subliminal perception difference on ages.The thesis consists of four studies.In study 1, three experiments examined a masking stretagy effect on eliciting unconscious awareness. Experiment 1 aimed at detecting the difference between differtent stimuli and the same mask on masking effect. Experiment 2 payed more attentions to the relation between stimulus and mask. Experiment3 validated a masking strategy’s effect.In study2, the experimental goal was to found a model on subliminal perception study. A kind of material with two attributes was selected to apply to classical subliminal perceptual study procedure. The so-called attribute dissociation model was analysed in the study.In study3, an artificial grammar task was selected to validate the model’s applicability. By changing the relation between stimulus materials on presenting stimulus stage and on comparing stage, the model’s function was perfected. An influencing factor to subliminal perception was found.In study4, the attribute dissociation model was applied to the students in elementary school, middle school, high school. To explore the subliminal perception difference on ages was its goal.The results were below:1. The relaition between stimuli and mask is very important on masking effect. Closer the relation was, better masking effect was. If the mask was formed with all stimulus materials, masking effects would become almost equal among the stimuli. The strategy to form the mask is effective to elicit an unconscious awareness.2. The atrribute dissociation model was able to implement attribute dissociation’s function on subliminal perception to compound stimuli. It was practicable to different objects. By controlling different relations, it can open out some mental machenisms on subliminal perception and some influencable factors to subliminal perception.3. Applying the attribute dissociation model to graduates and elementary school’s students, a difference on subliminal perception was found. While the graduate perceived subliminally artificial grammar materical’s surface attributes, they also perceived subliminally the materical’s connotative attribute. The elementary students only perceived subliminally the materical’s surface attributes.

  • 【分类号】B842.2
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