

The Sinicization of Marxism Interwined with Utopia and Modernity

【作者】 杨静娴

【导师】 董四代;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 法学、科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 西方资本主义对中国的侵略,既包含了资本主义文明冲击,又是现代性在世界范围的分裂的表现。这样,就形成了中国人在现代化追求中的乌托邦情结。对资本主义进行判断、消除现代性成长中的社会分裂,进而赋予传统理想现代精神,就成为中国现代化制度选择的根据。现代性追求与乌托邦精神构成了马克思主义中国化的内在张力。中国的现代化属于后发外源现代化,也就是说,它是在西方现代性冲击下形成的,而不是自身现代性成长中的追求。这时,西方国家资本主义发展导致的现代性分裂,即资本主义的社会矛盾已经暴露在了中国人面前。他们已经不能像当年的法国启蒙思想家那样,把资本主义描绘成一个“理性王国”,而是必须正视资本主义发展带来的各种社会矛盾。这时,西方社会主义运动的兴起和社会主义学说的发展,为他们提供了新的参照系。康有为的世界大同理想和孙中山的民生主义,就体现了现代化追求与社会主义选择统一的意向。毛泽东把中国近代以来的工商业发展与农村社会变革联系起来,确立了共产党领导的以土地革命为重要内容的革命道路;把自由民主理念与传统文化变革相联系,提出了新民主主义文化理论;把精英价值追求与民众觉醒联系起来,提出了“一切从人民的利益出发”的思想;把人民民主与权力集中联系起来,提出了人民民主专政的思想。这样,就形成了中国革命和现代化新的道路。虽然毛泽东在社会主义实践中有过乌托邦思想,但如果把社会主义看作是一个现代化的过程,这种乌托邦则具有以道德理想抑制现代性分裂的诉求。马克思主义中国化不是一次完成的,而是一个随着中国社会主义实践发展不断由浅入深、由表及里的过程。中国特色社会主义是在探索中发展的,现代性发展与乌托邦诉求正是马克思主义中国化中的两种力量。

【Abstract】 The western capitalism’s aggression to China not only includes the impact of capitalist civilization, but also shows the worldwide split of modernity. In this way, the Utopia Complex of Chinese was formed in pursuing the modernization. To judge capitalism, eliminate social fragmentation in the growing of modernity and attribute modern spirit to the traditional ideal, has become the basis for the institutional choice of China’s modernization. The pursuit of modernity and Utopian ideology constitute inherent tension of the sinicization of Marxism. China’s modernization belongs to subsequent, exogenous modernization, that is to say, it is formed under the impact of west modernity, rather than its own pursuit of the growth of modernity. At this time, the western capitalist development led to the split of modernity, that is, the social contradictions of capitalism were exposed to Chinese people. They couldn’t portray capitalism as a "rational kingdom" just as French Enlightenment thinkers had done in those years, but had to face to various social contradictions caused by capitalist development. At this time, the rise of western socialist movements and the development of socialist doctrines, provided Chinese people with a new frame of reference. Kang Youwei’s ideal of Universal Great Harmony and Sun Yat-sen’s ideal of People’s Livelihood, reflected the intention of the union of the pursuit of modernization with the choice of socialism. Mao Zedong linked the industrial and commercial development to the social change in rural areas since Chinese modern history, in order to establish the revolutionary road which took the Communist Party as its leader and ’took land revolution as its important content; he linked the concept of freedom and democracy to the reform of traditional culture, in order to propose new-democratic culture theory; he linked the value pursuit of elite to the awakening of the public, in order to propose the thought of "anything should be conducted in terms of people’ interests "; he linked people’s democracy to power centralization, in order to propose the idea of the people’s democratic dictatorship. In this way, it formed the new roads of China’s revolution and modernization. Although Mao Zedong had Utopian thought in the practice of socialism, this Utopia has aspirations to curb the split of modernity by moral ideal if we consider socialism as a process of modernization. The sinicization of Marxism can’t be accomplished in an action, but it’s an easy-to-digest, out-to-inside process along with China’s socialist practice continuously. The socialism with Chinese characteristics develops in the exploration. The development of modernity and the aspirations of utopia are two forces in the sinicization of Marxism.

【关键词】 马克思主义中国化乌托邦现代性现代化社会主义
【Key words】 MarxismSinicizationUtopiaModernityModernizationSocialism