

Studies on Models and Algorithms with Disposion of Contaminant on the Ecotourism Zone

【作者】 连启里

【导师】 杨超;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着国人环境保护意识的增强以及国家提倡的可持续发展战略的广泛实施情况下,生态旅游业得以发展迅速,显然已成为现今旅游发展的一个重要方向。然而在生态旅游发展过程中,如何协调好旅游业发展与生态环境的关系,寻求旅游活动与自然发展的和谐,实现旅游资源和旅游业可持续发展,成为当今旅游学术界的一个重要课题。虽然科学地界定旅游区生态环境容量,并给予严格的实施可以缓解此类矛盾,但是我们在倡导维护生态旅游区的可持续发展,不能忽视当地居民的经济利益和游客的旅游愿望。这就要考虑生态容量扩张问题,当用人工的方法对污染物进行处理时可以扩大生态容量。目前学术界涉及这一方面的研究较少,已有的对生态旅游环境容量的研究,多集中在概念的不同角度论述,和理论上进行指导,并未提升到定量研究,可操作性和复制性不强。本文从定量的角度研究生态旅游区主要的污染物:废水和固体废弃物的处理,以扩大生态旅游区的生态容量。论文首先从生态旅游的现状出发,引出了生态旅游环境容量研究的意义,在此基础上提出了本文主要的研究内容为旅游环境容量扩张中的—废水处理和固体废弃物收集。然后总结了论文的研究意义和创新之处,并介绍了论文的整体框架。其次,论文对生态容量的概念和研究的现状进行了综述,重点的综述是在废水处理和固体废弃物收集的研究上。介绍了废水在利用优化网络设计研究的进展、分类和求解此类问题的算法。固体废弃物收集为包括选址问题的逆向物流设计问题,所以对基本选址问题进行了综述,并特别总结了文章研究内容所用到的:选址-路径问题、选址-分配问题。同时对文章研究涉及到的多目标选址问题和逆向物流设计等问题也给予了介绍和总结。第三,废水再利用是减少新鲜水消费和废水排放的一个重要方法。连接多个用水过程的废水网络设计是一个相对复杂的问题,它涉及若干优化标准。因此,提出了一个模型同时考虑了两种标准:(1)新鲜水消费最小;(2)建立网络的构建成本最小。优化模型主要考虑规划过程点之间的废水再利用来减少新鲜水消费量。为了求解该模型,提出了一种整合了遗传算法的交叉算子的混合粒子群算法。最后,本文给出了一个废水再利用网络的算例,并分别使用混合粒子群算法,粒子群算法和遗传算法进行了求解。得到的计算结果表明,混合粒子群算法是求解优化废水再利用网络的最有效算法。第四,研究了再生成对再利用废水网络的影响,并扩展了前人研究的数学模型。再生成单元可以移除用水过程单元产生的废水中的部分杂质,降低这些杂质在废水中的浓度,使其可以更多的被其它用水过程单元再利用。该废水网络模型为新鲜水消耗量最小作为目标函数。并使用HPSO、PSO和GA三种算法对一个简单的算例进行了求解。从得到的解的结果可以发现,HPSO是三种算法中求解再生成再利用网络最有效的算法。第五,研究了生态旅游区废弃物逆向物流网络设计问题,包括中转站选址和车辆路径问题,并建立了最小化选址费用和运输费用的模型。选址路径问题为NP困难问题,本文采用了四叉树原理划分满足车辆容量限制的收集区,将问题化为小型的TSP问题,最后给出了算例验证模型和算法的有效性。第六,废弃物逆向物流设计必须考虑两方面因素:费用最小化和对人产生的不良影响尽量小。研究了生态旅游区固体废弃物逆向物流网络设计问题,包括中转站和处理站的两级选址。建立了成本最小和处理站距人们的最小距离最大化的双目标整数规划模型。考虑到废弃物产生量具有不确定性,提出了带有模糊参数的中转站和处理站选址的模糊优化模型,并用启发式算法给予求解。最后给出一个算例证明了算法的有效性和可行性。论文的最后部分对全文内容以及创新之处进行了总结,并对文中相关研究有待进一步深化的地方提出日后继续研究的展望.

【Abstract】 With the enhanced awareness of people’s envornment protection and with the wide range of implementation of sustainable development strategy that is advocated by our country, ecotourism has developed rapidly and has become a very important direction in the development of tourism. However, following with the ecotourism development, how to coordinate the development of tourism and ecological environment for human activities and nature tourism development in harmony, and tourism resources and tourism to achieve sustainable development, tourism has become an important topic in academic circles. Although scientific definition the capacity of ecotourism environment and strictly implementation with enforcement such conflicts can be mitigated, when we advocate for the maintenance of the sustainable development in ecotourism area, the economic interests of local residents and tourists’ desire should not be ignored. The ecological capacity expansion is necessary to consider, when using artificial method to deal with the pollutions can be expanded the ecological capacity. But the study on this area is less at current academic, the existing environmental capacity of eco-tourism research, more focused on the discussion on the concept from different perspectives, and only theoretical guidance, not to quantitative research, feasibility and replication is not strong. This article starts from the quantitative angle and introduces the main pollutants of eco-tourism areas: the wastewater and solid waste treatment, and in order to expand eco-tourism area of ecological capacity.Firstly, the article introduces the present status of the ecotourism, and educes the research significance of environmental capacity of ecotourism. On the basis the major study-content of tourism expansion in the capacity is restricted on the disposition of wastewater and collection of solid waste. And then the article summarizes the reasons of choosing this topic and the innovation, introduces the overall framework of the thesis.Secondly, the thesis reviews the concept and the present study condition of the ecological capacity. The important synthesis is in wastewater treatment and solid waste collection. So the article introduces the wastewater network design optimization in the use of the progress of the study, classification and algorithm for solving such problems. Solid waste collection to include the facility location and the reverse logistics design problem, so the location of the basic problem are reviewed and, in particular, summed up the contains that used in article study, which are the location-round problem, the location-allocation problem. At the same time the multi-objection problems and reverse logistics design problems are also introduced.Thirdly, reuse of wastewater is an important strategy for reducing freshwater consumption and wastewater generation. The design of the wastewater network connecting water-using operations is a complex problem which involves several criteria to optimize. This paper describes an approach that considers two criteria: (i) the minimization of freshwater consumption and (ii) the minimization of the infrastructure cost required to build the network. The optimization model considers water reuse between operations as the main mechanisms to reduce freshwater consumption. The proposed method employs the hybrid particle swarm optimization (HPSO), which incorporates the breeding and subpopulation process in genetic algorithm (GA) into PSO. An example of a wastewater reusing network is used to show the algorithm performances under the same conditions. HPSO is shown to be a more efficient method to solve optimal design problems regarding than general GA and PSO, in particular, wastewater reusing networks, according to the results herein obtained.Fourthly, Studied the effect of renewable re-use of wastewater networks, and extends the mathematical model of previous studies. Re-generating unit can remove some impurities which generate on the process of using water, reduce these impurities in the wastewater concentration, so that it can be used again by other units of water used. The objective function of the wastewater network model is minimum fresh water consumption. This paper offers three algorithms of HPSO、PSO and GA to solve a simple computer test. From the results, we can find that HPSO is the most effective algorithms to solve the re-generate and re-use network.Fifthly, the design of reverse logistics network for solid waste should consider two factors: minimize the cost and the undesirable effect for people. This paper addresses the design of reverse logistics network for solid wastes of ecotourism area that involves locating transfer facility and dispose facility. The goal is select the optimum numbers, locations of transfer facilities and dispose facilities to open so that all wastes sources are satisfied at minim um total costs of the reverse logistics network and at maximum the minimum distance between people and dispose facilities. We develop a double—objective integer programming model and provide an efficient heuristic solution procedure for the reverse logistics network design. Computational tests demonstrate the efficiency and feasibility of our heuristics.Sixthly, the design of reverse logistics network for solid waste should consider two factors: minimize the cost and the undesirable effect for people. This paper addresses the design of reverse logistics network for solid wastes of ecotourism area that involves locating transfer facility and dispose facility. The goal is select the optimum numbers, locations of transfer facilities and dispose facilities to open so that al 1 wastes sources are satisfied at minim um total costs of the reverse logistics network and at maximum the minimum distance between people and dispose facilities. We develop a double—objective integer programming model and provide an efficient heuristic solution procedure for the reverse logistics network design. Computational tests demonstrate the efficiency and feasibility of our heuristics.Finally, this article concludes the main content, innovated points and presents a prospect on further studies.
