

A Twin Study on Development of Psychological Behaviors and Personality Characteristics in the Early and Middle Stage of Puberty in Jining

【作者】 孔庆胜

【导师】 卢祖洵;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 研究目的本研究通过对青春中前期双生子心理行为及个性特征发育的调查,掌握该特殊人群在特殊阶段心理行为及个性特征的发生率和分布状况,探讨影响行为个性发育的主要因素。并在双生子卵形鉴定的基础上,对双生子进行形态发育、机能发育、激素分泌水平、血生化和微量元素等生理、生化和体格发育指标、心理行为和个性发育的遗传度分析,定性研究遗传对青少年心理行为、个性发育、生理发育状况的影响,找出影响该时期儿童青少年行为及个性发育的主要因素,为进一步探寻精神疾病的病因提供线索;为教育工作者和家长培养教育下一代,改善青春中前期青少年身心发育,纠正不良行为提供科学依据;为正确指导儿童青少年的生长发育提供全面的理论基础;为有效解决儿童青少年心理行为疾患制定及时、有效的干预措施提供依据。研究方法本研究运用青少年自评量表和艾森克个性问卷简式量表,在建立济宁市青春中前期青少年行为和个性发育常模的基础上,评价该阶段双生子的行为及个性发育状况,建立影响心理行为和个性发育的回归模型。然后采用微卫星DNA基因扫描和分型技术,准确区分同卵双生子和异卵双生子,运用遗传度探讨遗传与环境因素对青春中前期青少年生理、行为、个性、生化和体格指标的影响。所有数据运用EPIDATA建立数据库,进行资料的录入、整理、核查及分值的转换、汇总和计算。应用SPSS11.5和SAS8.0软件包进行数据的分析。在资料分析和数据处理中运用了描述性分析方法、t检验、u检验、方差分析、x2检验、Logistic回归分析、多重线型回归分析等方法。研究结果1.本研究建立了济宁市11~17岁青少年自评量表(YSR)分界值常模。并利用该常模筛查青少年行为问题,总检出率为15.77%。男、女生行为问题检出率分别为17.50%、13.60%;城、乡初中学生行为问题检出率分别为13.51%、17.31%,性别、城乡之间行为问题学生检出率差异无统计学意义。2.青春中前期双生子总体行为问题检出率为7.25%,显著低于普通儿童(x2=12.80,p<0.01)。运用logistic逐步回归分析显示母亲文化程度(OR=0.973)、母亲情感温暖理解的养育方式(OR=0.827)是降低行为问题发生的保护性因素;高精神质(OR=1.400)、父亲拒绝否认的养育方式(OR=1.611)、父母婚姻状况的不稳定(OR=1.410)、母亲过度干涉保护的养育方式(OR=5.382)、情绪的不稳定(OR=1.687)、家庭中重大事件的发生(OR=1.240)是导致出现行为问题的危险性因素。3.青春中前期双生子大多个性内倾、富于内省。在情绪上表现稳定、有节制、不紧张。男性双生子中无高精神质者,120名女性双生子中只有12岁年龄组中有2名。总体高掩饰性在不同性别间差异无统计学意义。运用多因素分析显示性别、年龄、家庭环境、父母的教养方式等是影响个性发育的主要因素。4.本次研究结果显示,青少年血铅含量与攻击性行为、外向性行为之间存在正相关关系,铅中毒双生子青少年违纪行为、攻击行为、外向行为得分显著高于低血Pb组。血清Fe和血清Zn未显示出其与行为和个性发育的相关性。T4与焦抑呈现正相关性,与P维度呈现负相关性;雌三醇与E维度呈现正相关性,与P维度呈现正相关性;雄性激素与E维度呈现正相关性;GH与违纪呈现负相关性。5.本次研究获得行为10项综合症退缩、主诉、焦抑、社交、思维、注意、违纪、攻击、内向和外向症状的遗传度分别为0.085、0.159、0.054、0.043、0.126、0.002、0.086、0.076、0.001和0.081,;个性E、N、P、L四个维度的遗传度分别为0.033、0.029、0.053和0.002;身高、坐高、体重、肩宽、胸围和腰围遗传度分别为:0.844、0.772、0.793、0.609、0.624和0.552和其它生理、生化指标等的遗传度。说明行为和个性的发育主要受到环境因素的影响,体格发育主要受到遗传因素的影响。研究结论本研究显示双生子心理行为问题发生率要低于普通青少年,社会环境、家庭环境和父母的教养方式等因素是影响双生子行为和个性发育的主要因素,通过遗传度分析显示青春中前期双生子青少年行为问题和个性的发育虽然受遗传和环境的双重影响,但环境因素的影响远远大于遗传因素。这提示学校、家庭和社会相关部门应该针对不同性别、不同年龄阶段的不同个性特征及其特定的文化背景的青少年,加强心理卫生健康教育,改善青少年的健康状况,使他们开阔视野,正确认识自己,发展良好的个性品质,引导和鼓励他们与同伴之间的交流,以减少心理行为问题的发生。研究创新通过本研究了解遗传及环境因素对11-17岁青少年行为及个性发育的影响,找出了影响该时期青少年行为及个性发育的主要因素,对教育工作者及家长培养教育下一代具有积极的指导意义。课题具有以下三点创新:1.本课题选择双生子作为调查人群,在卵型鉴定的基础上,创新性地开展了行为、个性发育的遗传度研究,运用青少年自评量表进行行为遗传度分析未见报道;2.首次探索性地研究微量元素和激素分泌水平对青春中前期双生子心理行为及个性发育的影响;3.通过本课题的实施首次建立了济宁市中学生行为及个性发育的常模。

【Abstract】 ObjectivesThis research studies the main factors which influnce the development of behvior and personality through investigating the psychological behavior development and personality characteristics of the twins in the early and middle stage of puberty and by analysizing the incidence and distribution of the psychological behavior problems of this special group in the particular stage, Based on the twin oval identification and the heritability analysis on twins in the aspects of morphological development, function development, hormone secretion level, indices of physiological, biochemical and physical development such as blood biochemical index, trace elements, etc., psychological behaviors and personality characteristics development, this research qualitatively studies the influence of inheritance on the mental health, personality development and physiological development of children and adolescents, and finds out the main factors influencing physical, psychological and behavior development of them during the period of time, trying to provide a clue to the further study of the mental disease causes, and to provide scientific basis for educators and parents in educating and raising the young generation. This research also aims to improve the physical and mental development of the adolescents in the early and middle stage of puberty and rectify misdeed. It can offer all-round theory basis for guiding the growth and development of children and adolescents, and help to work out effective interventions to deal with the diseases influencing the psychological behaviors of children and adolescents.MethodsThe study adopts random principle, with Youth Self Report (YSR) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-R short Scale(EPQ-RS), on the basis of creating the norm of behavior and personality development of adolescents in the early and middle stage of puberty in Jining city. By evaluating the behavior and personality developing condition of the twins in this stage and adopting the technique of microsatellite DNA gene scan and analysis, this research distinguishes monozygotic twins from dizygotic twins, and with heritability research of the influence of genetic and environment factors on the physiological, psychological, behaviors, biochemical and physical index of children and adolescents in the early and middle stage of puberty. The database is established under EPIDATA to carry out the data inputting, sorting, checking and the transformation, collection and calculation.The data analysis is conducted by software package, SPSS11.5 and SAS8.0, and employs the following methods: description analysis, t test, u test, variance analysis, x2 test, logistic regression analysis and multiple linearity regression analysis, etc.Results1. The study has created the cutoff value norm of Youth Self Report (YSR) for the adolescents between 11 to 17 years old in Jining city, and with the help of the norm, it researched the behavior problem of adolescents. The over-all incidence rate is 15.77%; the rates for boys and girls are 17.50% and 13.60%; for urban and rural middle school students are 13.51% and 17.31% ; and the rate differences for sex and region bears no statistical significance.2. The over-all behavior problems incidence of twins in the early and middle stage of puberty is 7.25%, significantly lower than that of normal children (x2=12.80, p<0.01) ; it was found in the research that the introverted factors and the three symptoms which make it up appear to increase suddenly at the age of 14 and 16; extroverted factors and the two symptoms which make it up all appear to increase suddenly at the age of 12 and 14. The three symptoms for social intercourse, phronesis, and attention all appear to increase suddenly at the age of 16. The rates for different sexes and oval bears no statistical significance. By logistic stepwise regression analysis, it showed that mother’s educational level (OR=0.973), mother’s education method of feeling and understanding (OR=0.827) are the protective factors for reducing the incidence of behavior problem; high nervous temperament (OR=1.400), father’s education method of refusing and denying (OR=1.611), instability of parents’ marital status (OR=1.410), mother’s education method of overprotecting and interfering (OR=5.382), unstable mood (OR=1.678), occurrence of family significant events(OR=1.240) are the risk factors causing behavior problems.3. Among the twins in the early and middle stage of puberty, the majority of the twins appear to be introverted and introspective. In the dimension of mood stability, it is showed that this group of people are stable, moderate and ease. In the dimension of psychoticism, no high psychoticism appeared in the boy twins, and there are only 2 psychoticism in the group of 12 years old of the girl twins(accounted for 1.67%), showing the incidence of psychological problem and abnormal behavior are low. In the dimension of lying level, high lying level in boys are 12.68% and in girls are 6.67%.The proportion taked by boys under 13 years old is higher than by girls, and in the 14 years old group, girls’ are higher than boys’, but the difference of over-all high lying level between different sexes have no statistical sense. In the meanwhile this study analyzed through multiple factors, indicating that sex, age, family environment, education method of parents, etc., are the main influencing factors for personality development.4. The research denotes that the blood Pb content of children has positive correlation with aggressive behaviors and extroversive behaviors, and the points of violation behaviors, aggressive behaviors and extroversive behaviors for lead poisoning children are notably higher than that for low blood Pb group. Serum Fe and Serum Zn didn’t show any correlation with the personality and behavior development. T4 showed positive correlation with anxiety, and negative correlation with P dimension; estriol has positive correlation with E dimension, and negative correlation with P dimension; male hormone appears positive correlation with E dimension; and GH has negative correlation with violation.5. Through the calculation of heritability, the study gained the heritage of the following 10 syndromes, anastole, chief complaint, anxiety, social intercourse, phronesis, attention, violation, aggression, introversion and extroversion, are respectively 0.085、0.159、0.054、0.043、0.126、0.002、0.086、0.076、0.001 and 0.081; the heritability of E, N, P, L four dimensions of personality are respectively 0.033、0.029、0.053 and 0.002; the heritability of (body height, sitting vertex height, weight, shoulder breadth, chest measurement and waistline are respectively 0.844. 0.772. 0.793. 0.609. 0.624 and 0.552.It denotes that the behavior and personality development are mainly influenced by environment factors, while physical development are mainly influenced by genetic factors.ConclusionsChildren and adolescents in puberty are just on the key stage of growth and development, and also in the important period of behavior and personality development. The study indicates that the incidence of psychological behavior problem of twins is lower than normal children. The social environment, family environment and education method of parents are the main influencing factors for behavior and personality development of adolescent twins. By heritage analysis it showed that in the early and middle stage of puberty, although the behaviors and personality development of children are under the double influence of inheritance and environment, environment factors play a more important role than genetic factors. It suggested schools, families and social relative departments for the adolescents with different sex, different age, different personality characteristics and specific cultural background, strengthen mental health education, intensify health education and improve the health status of adolescents, making them broaden views, recognize themselves correctly, straighten concepts and develop good personality quality, guiding and promoting them to communicate with colleagues in order to reduce the incidence of psychological behavior problems.InnovationsThrough the study, we can get the knowledge of the influence of genetic and environment factors on the physical and psychological development of adolescents between 11 and 17 years old. After showing the main influencing factors for physical, psychological and behavior development of adolescents in this period, this research will serve as an active guidance for educators and parents in educating the young generation. The subject has the following three innovations:1. This paper chooses twins as the population for investigation. on the basis of oval identification. It innovatively develop the research on heritability of the behavior and personality development, and analyze the behaviors heritability with adolescents self-rating scale, which hasn’t been reported as yet.2. It researches the influence of trace elements and hormone secretion level on the psychological behavior development of twins in the early and middle stage of puberty for the first time;3. Through the processing of this subject, the norm of behavior and personality development of middle school students in jining city is created for the first time;

【关键词】 青春期双生子心理行为个性
【Key words】 pubertytwinspsychologybehaviorpersonality
  • 【分类号】B844.2;R179
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】830
  • 攻读期成果