

Research on the Pattern of Non-government Organization (NGO) Participate in the Management of Major Infective Desease in China

【作者】 杨芳

【导师】 方鹏骞;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 研究目的我国的重大传染病通常指艾滋病、血吸虫病、结核病、病毒性肝炎、传染性非典型肺炎等传染病,目前这些疾病在我国疾病预防控制中具有发病急、死亡率高,对社会经济产生极大影响效益的疾病。当前我国非政府组织主要面临五大问题:缺乏资金,缺乏活动场所与办公设备,缺乏人才,政府的支持力度不够,组织内部管理混乱。其中涉及非政府组织自身的问题主要是缺乏资金、缺乏人才和组织管理混乱等现实问题。非典之后,各级政府对加强公共卫生工作的重要性都有了不同程度的提高,提出了相关政策及保障措施,支持力度明显加强。但公共卫生投入状况还远不适应发展需要,此时非政府组织(NGO)在参与中国公共卫生服务,特别是重大传染病的控制中发挥着重要的作用。由于国际非政府组织通常要求其在中国的合作伙伴应是非政府组织,这促使了一大批政府机构、事业单位以及政府办社团向非政府组织转变,也诱发了体制内许多新型社团的产生。而本文的目的,旨在推动非政府组织参与中国重大传染病控制。试图从理论和实证的不同层面,来分析和评估国内INGO(在中国的国际非政府组织)和CNGO(国内非政府组织)参与我国传染病防治中的管理方式、作用、行为及其资金运转模式的现状评价和形式判断;对不同模式和背景的非政府组织参与我国重大传染病防治的效果进行评估。基于以上研究,完善非政府组织在我国重大传染病防治中的管理模式,并就我国有关部门制定卫生领域中NGO相关规范提供理论依据和政策建议。研究方法本研究是一个多学科的交叉应用研究,因此论文将涉及到新公共管理理论、多元社会治理、市民社会和第三部门等多个学科的相关理论研究。从方法学上看,本文采取了实证和规范相结合的研究。从实证的层面分析了重大传染病控制领域非政府组织的基本现状、组织能力状况、现行法律和政策环境、发展的困境等。在数据分析上,尝试运用聚类分析和应对分析等多维数据模糊分析方法对变量进行分析。同时也从规范分析的角度,根据相应的理论来探讨了非政府组织对中国的影响和发展中面临的挑战和机遇,从而产出相关政策性建议报告。研究结果1、通过文献分析,论文从新公共管理理论与多元社会治理构架,分析了政府与市场之间发展第三部门的理论基础,从而确定非政府组织理论的基础与发展。2、通过对参与重大传染病非政府组织现状调查得出其基本状况可以归纳为:①32.5%的组织负责人拥有大专学历,为各项指标中比例最大,其次是高中以及初中学历,分别占22%,拥有硕士研究生与大学学历的组织负责人所占比例最小,分别为11%(多为国际INGO组织人员)非政府组织中,主要负责人的文化程度除INGO外,其他CNGO文化程度相对较低;②绝大多数非政府组织的工作人员年龄分布在35岁一下;少数人选择36—45岁以及46—55岁;55岁以上为零,说明该类组织中年龄结构分布趋向年轻化。③在接受调查的NGO中,已经在民政部门、工商部门或政府其他部门(如编制管理部门等)正式注册的共计占47.06%,即有超过一半的NGO未注册。在这些正式注册的NGO中,其中在民政部门注册的占53%,在工商部门注册的占22%,在编制管理部门注册的占3%,在政府其他部门注册的占13%,说明大多数国内非政府组织没有到相关部门登记注册,未注册的原因以未能找到业务主管单位、没有足够的资金为主;④非政府组织的组织管理模式通常是民主协商制;目前大多数民间组织的资金来源于外部,无论是国外资金或者国内资金,自身筹资能力相对较弱,40%被调查者认为他们的组织管理模式为协商制,有35%的被调查者认为他们的组织管理模式为民主制,而认为其组织采取家长制的组织管理模式的被调查者占总参与调查人数的7%,另外有7%的人认为其组织管理模式无固定形式;⑤绝大多数的民间组织的活动领域集中在教育与宣传领域,进行教育、宣传和倡导的组织占92.31%,进行行为干预的占46.15%,进行法律援助领域的占23.08%,进行医疗护理与关怀的占46.15%,进行资金募集的占7.69%,进行心理咨询的占23.08%,这也与国家在重大传染病防治工作中,“预防为主,教育第一”的宗旨相一致;⑥国际非政府组织重视在媒体的宣传报道,善于接受媒体的评论。而CNGO的的社会影响力较弱,11.11%的组织每次重大传染病防治活动都会被新闻媒体报道,有33.33%的组织的活动被报道过一些,而有22.22%的组织开展的活动很少被报道,而有33.33%的组织所开展的重大传染病防治活动从未报道过。3、针对重大传染病领域非政府组织能力状况评估得出:目前我国重大传染病防治INGO和CNGO组织的能力悬殊极大,相对而言,国内非政府组织的能力普遍不足,首先表现为筹资能力相当缺乏。①在争取各方资助的能力中,争取政府资助的能力最强,为3.1667,争取企业资助能力最差,为2.1818,争取个人、国际组织的国内非政府组织资助的能力水平得分均在3分以下,绝大多数组织没有专门的筹资人员或者部门设置、年度筹资计划的制定、鼓励成员筹资的激励机制以及扩展捐助者的机制。除了能够争取到政府和国际非政府组织的资金支持外,这些组织很少能从企业、个人以及国内其他组织那里获得资助;②其次表现为组织自身管理能力有待进一步提高,这些民间组织一般没有健全的财务管理和人力资源管理机制,,非政府组织财务管理水平得分为0.537,处于中等水平;③最后表现为组织重大传染病防治能力相对较低。其中民间组织宣传自身组织形象的能力很低,很难扩大组织的社会影响力。社会动员能力处于中等偏下水平,CNGO组织缺少动员社会其他组织或个人参与重大传染病的积极性。另外这类组织的活动组织能力相对较高,但缺少活动的监督评估能力。尽管CNGO民间组织的整体水平不高,但绝大多数组织都认识到了自身能力不足的现实,而且改善自身能力的需求也是十分迫切的。这是我国防治领域组织发展的一个可喜之处。因此,加强重大传染病民间组织的能力建设,势必是充分发挥我国民间组织参与到传染病防控中的有效途径之一。研究结论与建议主要结论:①目前我国重大传染病防治领域的非政府组织发展较为迅速。组织工作人员年龄结构趋于年轻化、人员结构相对稳定,组织管理决策趋于科学。重大传染病防治的对象几乎覆盖了所有传染病高危人群。工作地区大多集中在大中型城市,并开始向小城市和农村扩展。组织开展传染病活动的方式以交流方式为主,并逐步趋于多样化。组织传染病的工作内容以教育、宣传和倡导为主,以行为干预、医疗护理与关怀、法律援助、心理咨询等内容为辅。②重大传染病防治领域的非政府组织发展也呈现出一些不足之处。所面临的最突出问题就是非政府组织的能力普遍不足,主要体现在自我筹资能力、健全的财务管理和人力资源管理机制,自我管理能力、宣传自身形象、动员社会其他组织共同参与、活动督导评估等方面仍存在能力缺陷。这些都限制了重大传染病防治领域非政府组织的成长,从而影响到非政府组织在重大传染病防治领域中作用的充分发挥。③我国非政府组织在重大传染病防治领域已经发挥出了积极作用,并得到了服务对象的认可,表现为传染病工作的作用效果十分显著。④目前我国重大传染病防治领域非政府组织发展仍存在很多困境,首先表现在发展存在制度上的困境。政策建议:①从政府层面来讲,针对当前非政府组织的现状和困境,政府急需转变理念;充足的经费是保证非政府组织得以继续健康发展的源泉;影响非政府组织职能正常发挥的部分原因是在重大传染病防治领域上政府职能与非政府组织职能相互混淆,界限不清。所以,要想让非政府组织充满活力和发挥其在重大传染病防治的作用,政府需要区分职能;非政府组织尤其是重大传染病防治领域地非政府组织地发展离不开制度地合法化保障;②从文化环境层面:强化市场机制,一方面我国非政府组织应该通过自身的中介优势,将企业联合起来,以应对经济上给予传染病带来的挑战,另一方面市场主体一企业也要积极参与到重大传染病防治工作中,协调配合非政府组织开展传染病工作;着眼社会层面,加强非政府组织的监督机制建设和评估机制建设以及信任机制建设。③从自身建设分析,非政府组织的自身建设重点是能力建设。要想更好的在传染病防范中发挥作用,需要有序的内部环境。研究的创新与局限本研究的主要创新点:①首次对非政府组织参与我国重大传染病防治管理模式进行研究,并结合三类重大传染病管理现状,根据“第三部门管理理论”通过对非政府组织和组织服务对象双方调查研究,开展针对非政府组织的机构、人力、财务、社会效益等多方面进行评估,在国内外未见相关报道。②将聚类分析和对应分析方法运用到非政府组织和组织服务对象的实证研究数据分析中,在国内很少相关方法运用。本研究的不足:论文只是选取了我国重大传染病中艾滋病、结核病和禽流感等非政府组织参与活跃的疾病进行研究、评估和建议,对于其他种类重大传染病有待进一步研究和论述;本论文旨在抛砖引玉,论文所提出的研究框架是否适应于其他疾病的研究,还需要在实践中不断检验和丰富、发展。

【Abstract】 Objective:In China, the major infectious disease usually refers to AIDS, schistosomiasis,tuberculosis, viral hepatitis and so on, and these diseases had great impact onsocio-economico After SARS, governments paid more and more attention on publichealth work and made relevent policies and security measures to support these work.However, public health imputs can’t suit with social development, at this time,non-governmental organizations play an important role in public health services,particularly in the control of major infectious diseases. As the internationalnon-governmental organizations often require their partners in China should benon-governmental organizations, so a large number of government agencies,government organizations and institutions began change to non-governmentalorganiztions, as well as placed a premium on new societes’ appearance. Recently,non-governmental organiztions in China is facing five major problems: lack of funds,lack of activites place and office equipments, lack of qualified personnel, poor ingovernment’s support and chaos in the internal management of organizations. Theproblem which involved non-governmental organiztion itself is lack of funds, lack ofqualified personnel and chaos in management.The purpose of this paper is aimed at promoting non-governmental organiztions’participation in China’s control of major infectious dieases. To anlyze and assess thestatus of nationa INGO’s and CNGO’s management style, role, activites and itsfinancial operation mode in China at different theoretical and empirical levels, and toassesse the effectiveness of non-governmental organiztions’ participating inprevention and control of major infectious diseases. Based on above research, toimprove non-governmental organiztions’ management models in the control of majorinfectious diseases and provide theoretical basis and policy recommendations forrelevent department to constitute related NGO norms in the area of health. Methods:This study is a multidisciplinary applied research, the paper will refer to multidisciplinarytheoretical research methods, such as new pulblic management theory, pluralistic societygovernance, civil society and the third section. Form the point of methodological view,this study used a combination of empirical and normative research. At the level ofempirical research to analysed non-governmental organizations’ basic status,organizational capacity, the existing legal, policy environment and plight of developmentin the area of major infectious diseases’ control. To used cluster analysis and applicationanalysis to analysed the data. At the same time, to discussed non-governmentalorganizations’ impact of China and its challenge and opportunities on development fromthe perspective of normative analysis in oder to put forward relevant policyrecommendation report.Results:1. Through literature analysis, the paper analysed the theoretical basis of the thirdsection’s development between government and market from the perspective of newpublic management theory and pluralistic society framework.2. The survey on the status of non-governmental organizations’ participating inmajor infectious diseases summed up as: (1) 32.5% of principal have a college degreewhich is the largest proportion, followed by high school degree and junior high schooldegree, respectively account for 22%, the university degree and master degree inresponsible for the smallest proportion which account for 11%, amongnon-governmental organizations, in addition to INGO, the main principal’ degree islower in other CNGO; (2) the age of vast staff is under 35, a small number of staffage is 36-45 and 46-55, the age above 55 is zero, it means that the age structure insuch organizations tend to younger; (3) among NGO in the sruvey, which have formalregistered in the civil affairs departments, industrial and commercial department orother government departments account for 47.06%, that is more than half of the NGO didn’t register, among these formal registered NGO, which registered in the civilaffairs departments account for 53%, in industrial and commercial department accountfor 22%, in the preparation department of managements account for 3%, in othergovernment department account for 13%, it means that major non-governmentalorganizations didn’t register, the reasons for unregistered is main lack of business unitin charge and lack of funds; (4) NGO’s management model is often the system ofdemocratic consultation; currently the funds mainly come from the outside, includingdomestic funds and foreign funds, the self-financing capacity is weak, 40% ofrespondents thought their management model is consultations, 35% of respondentsthought their model is democracy, and 7% of them thought there is patriarchal model,other 7% thought they have no fixed model; (5) The vast NGO’s activity areafocused on education and publicity, the organizations engaged in education, publicityand advocacy account for 92.31%, behavioral intervention account for 46.15%, legalaid account for 23.08%, medical care account for 46.15%, funds collection accountfor 7.69%, psychological counseling account for 23.08%, it is also consist with thetenet of" prevention first, education first" in the major infectious diseases controlwork; (6) international NGO paid more attention on media publicity but CNGO’ssocial impact is lower, the NGO which were reported by media every time when theytake control activities account for 11.11%, these were reported some time account for33.33%, these were reported very few account for 22.22%, and 33.33% were neverreported.3.The results of assessment on NGO’s capacity show that: currently the capacitydistinction between INGO and CNGO is great, relatively speaking, demostic NGO’scapacity is general less, the most important problem is the lack of fund-raisingcapacity. (1) the capacity of fundraising from government is best, which is 3.1667, theworst is enterprise fundraising, which is 2.1818, the capacity score of funding fromindividuals and internationg organizations is below 3 points, the vast organizations have no specific funding staff or department, no annual fundraising plan, no incentivemechanism for encouraging fundraising and the expansion of the donor. In addition togovernment and international NGO’s financial support, they only gain a little supportfrom enterprise, individuals and other demostic organizations;(2) theself-management capacity needs to be further improved, these NGO generally don’thave sound financial management and human reaource management mechanism, thesocre is only 0.537, at the middle level; (3) finally, the capacity on combating majorinfectious diseases is relatively low, the capacity on publicizing self image is alsolower, so it is difficult to expand these social influence, the capacity on socialmobiliztion is at lower-middle level CNGO lack the enthusiasm on mobilizing otherorganizations or individuals to combat the major infectious diseases. In addition, thecapacity on activites organization is relatively high, but lack of supervision capacity.Although the overall level of CNGO is not high, but vast of them have recognizedtheir deficiency, and the need to improve their capacity is very urgent, it is a goodstatus in demostic NGO’s development. Therefore, the strengthening of NGO’scapacity building is the effective ways to play NGO’s role on control of infectiousdiseases.Conclusions and Suggestions:The main conclusion: (1) currently, the development of NGO at the field ofmajor infectious diseases control is rapid, age structre tends to younger, personnelstructure is relatively stable and decision-making tends to science. The object ofinfectious diseases control almost covered all high-risk groups, work place focuses onthe large and medium-sized cities and began to expand the small cities and rural areas.The fashion of activities is main communion and gradually diversified. Work contentis education, publicity and advocacy, followed by behavioral intervention,medicalcare, legal aid and psychological counseling. (2) these are some shortcomingson NGO’s development, the most prominent issue is the deficiency on capacity, mainly on financing capacity, financial management capacity and human resourcemanagement mechanism, self management capacity, self image publicizing capacity,mobilization capacity and supervision capacity is still defective. All these restrict thedevelopment of NGO, and affect their role on infectious diseases control; (3) NGOhave palyed a positive role at the field of major infectious diseases control in ourcountry, and had been recognized by clients; (4) at present, NGO’s development facesmany difficulties at the field of major infectious diseases, the main difficulty is thesystem develoment.Policy recommendations: (1) from the government level, government shouldchange concept; adequate funding is the important security for NGO’s development,the main reason of affecting NGO’s effect is the chaos in functions betweengovernment and NGO, so inder to make NGO play its important role in infectiousdiseases control, government need to distinguish functions; NGO’s development atthe field of infectious diseases control need the guarantee of system legalizing; (2)from the cultural environment level, to strengthen market mechanism, on the one hand,China’s NGO should associate with enterprise through its intermediary advantage toaddress the economic challenges posed by infectious diseases; on the other hand,enterprises should actively participate in infectious diseases control work; focus onthe social level, to strengthen monitoring mechanism and evaluation mechanism, aswell as confidence mechanism building; (3) from the self-construction level, theself-construction should focus on capacity building and creat orderly internalenvironment.Innovation and Deficinecy:The main innovation of this study: (1) the first time to give a research on NGO’smanagement model on its participating in major infectious diseases, throughcombining with the management model of three types of major infectious diseases,according to the " third section management theory" and the survey research on NGO and service objects, to carry out assessment on NGO’s institution, human, finance andsocial benefit, there were on report on above research at home and abroad; (2) toapply cluster analysis and correspondence analysis into empirical research dataanalysis which is rarely applied in China.The deficinecy of the study: the papers only selected diseases which NGOinvolved in actively to make research, assessment and recommendations, such asAIDS, tuberculosis and avian flu, it need to make further reseach and disscussion onother types of major infectious diseases; this study is only the elementary research,whether the framework in this study is adapted to other diseases’s research alo need totest, enrich and develop in practice

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