

A Study on Sun Qiao

【作者】 丁恩全

【导师】 刘真伦;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 孙樵,字可之,一字隐之,晚唐著名散文家,主要生活在唐文宗、唐武宗、唐宣宗、唐懿宗、唐僖宗时期,这是唐王朝走向灭亡的历史时期,也是社会酝酿着巨大而又深刻的变化的时期。本文的主要内容有孙樵接受研究、《孙可之文集》版本源流考、孙樵年谱、孙樵思想、孙樵散文内容、孙樵散文的艺术特色等部分。孙樵接受研究是对孙樵研究概况及研究过程中出现的重要问题的阐述。版本源流考释了孙樵文集重要版本的流传及其优劣。孙樵年谱是在李光富、傅璇琮、陈文新的研究基础上列出的,对孙樵的事迹及散文进行编年考辩,并按年罗列每年发生的重大历史事件。孙樵思想研究分为史学思想、对孟子思想的继承、散文理论三个部分。文章从史官意识、采撰标准、史笔传统和史著语言四个方面论述了孙樵的史学思想,认为孙樵是晚唐最为突出的史学家之一,而史学思想也是孙樵散文创作的精神实质。孙樵对孟子思想的继承,是在韩愈大力推扬孟子并基本确立孟子地位之后。孙樵把孟子思想具体化到现实政治生活中,提出“换君心之非”的主张,到宋代成为理学家们讨论的重点问题之一。孙樵的散文理论是对韩愈、皇甫湜的发展,一方面,孙樵和皇甫湜一起把“奇奇怪怪”的散文创作理论和实践拓展到“文以明道”的领域;另一方面,孙樵又和皇甫湜不同,在艺术效果上提出“显而微”的要求,与“意深”、“辞高”的要求形成一个辩证统一的矛盾体,从而有效地规避了“意深”、“辞高”带来的艰深生涩的弊病。孙樵的散文有三个方面的内容,一是积极参与重大政治事件的讨论;二是书写沿途见闻,表示深深忧虑;三是怒批世风日下。可以说全面展示了晚唐社会的历史风貌。孙樵散文的怪奇特色表现在两个方面,一是“摭意必深”,一是“搞辞必高”。“摭意必深”体现在对文体的革新、构思的奇特、寓意的深广;“摛辞必高”体现在描写的细腻传神、修辞手法的巧妙使用、用典、用字等方面。最后,文章得出的结论是孙樵和皇甫湜等人的创作构成中国文学史上一个独特的风景,是一个有益的尝试。

【Abstract】 Sun Qiao, also named Kezhi and Yinzhi, known as a writer of prose in the late TangDynasty, lived in the period of Emperor Wen Zong, Wu Zong, Xuan Zong, Yi Zong, XiZong, which period Tang Dynasty was walking into extinction, and the society waschanging greatly and sophisticatedly.The main content of the article is the chronicle of Sun Qiao’s life, his thought, thecontent of his prose, and the characteristic of his prose. In addition, others content aboutSun Qiao and the appendix. The chronicle of Sun Qiao’s life, on the base of the study of LiGuangfu, Fu Xuancong, Chen Wenxin, lists his story, the writing time of the prose, and theimportant historical event year on year. The study of Sun Qiao’s thought has three parts:historical thought, the inherit of Meng Zi, and the theory of writing. The article commentshis historical thought from four aspects: being conscious of his responsbilities as anofficial to record the history, the standard of collecting the materials, the traditioan ofresisting on the truth; and the language of the historical work, drawing a conclusion thatSun Qiao is one of the most outstanding historian in the late Tang Dynasty, and thehistorical thought is the spirit of his writing. After the initiative of Han Yu and establishingthe lofty position of Meng Zi, Sun Qiao applied Meng Zi’s thought to the reality and putforward the theory "changing the emperor’s mistake", which became one of the centralissue in Song Dynasty. Sun Qiao’s writing theory developed from Han Yu and HuangfuShi, but, on one hand Sun Qiao and Huangfu Shi extended the Guai Qi theory to the fieldof Dao; on the other hand, Sun Qiao was different from Huangfu Shi, Sun Qiao’s demandof artificial effect, xian and wei, with profound idea and skill phraseology, formed adialectical logic which effectively avoided the disadvantage of being difficult tounderstand. The content of Sun Qiao’s prose, the comment of the important historicalevents ,worries concerning what he saw and heard, criticize of the current tendencies insociety, reflected the late Tang Dynasty entirely. The characteristic of his prose is theprofound idea and the skill phraseology. The profound idea was displayed by theinnovation of literary style, the original in conception, the implied meaning. The skillphraseology was displayed by discrible, rhetorical, allusion and words. The writing of SunQiao, Huangfu Shi, Liu Tui, Shen Yazhi was a dinstinctive view and a advantageous try.

  • 【分类号】I207.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】336