

Study on the Kernel Words in Kam-Tai (Zhuang-Dong) Group

【作者】 陈孝玲

【导师】 黄树先;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 核心词是词汇学研究的中心,侗台语以及侗台语和汉语等语言关系的研究又是当代语言学中的显学,对侗台语核心词进行全面、系统的研究,不仅对侗台语的早期面貌、历史演变的认识有价值,而且还能为亲属语言的比较提供新的材料。本文以斯瓦迪士(M·Swadesh)《一百词的修订表》(后略称《百词表》)所录的100核心词为纲,对侗台语中的核心词进行系统、全面的探讨。全文约25万字,由八章组成。第一章为绪论,全面介绍了侗台语核心词的研究意义、研究方法和步骤、研究概况等。第二章至第七章,分别按词性对100核心词中的名词、动词、形容词、数词、副词、代词进行讨论。每一个核心词就是一个概念,表达这些概念的词往往不止一个词条,我们对这若干个词条逐一进行了讨论。对于每一个词条,我们列出它在每一种语言中的形式,对它的原始音的构拟进行讨论和评价,考察它在各语言中的词义是否产生了变化,如何变化,是否反映了词义发展的一般规律,以及该词条在其他亲属语言中是否有对应形式,还讨论在亲属语言中这些对应词词义是否发生变转,这种词义的变转能否在其他语言中找到依据,并对前辈学者们已取得的研究成果进行评价。第二章至第七章是文章的主体部分,其中第二章的名词和第三章的动词是核心词中的重点。第二章名词分为人类、动物类等共8个小类,每一类中的每一个词为一个小节,58个词共56节。“皮”和“肤”语义有交叉,故合为一节进行讨论,“羽”和“发”语义有交叉,也合为一节。动植物类的“人”、“鱼”、“鸟”、“狗”、“树”、“果”、“皮”等,主要讨论了作为通名的词条,具体的专名太庞杂不便一一讨论,其中“虱”在侗台语中分得很细,词条很多,在各语言中词义差别较大。“树”、“叶”、“鼻”、“舌”、“膝”、“手”、“火”、“黑”等词在各亲属语言中都能找到理想的对应,是证明亲属语言同源关系说服力很强的例证。第三章动词分3类20个词共18节,“吃”与“喝”关系密切,常共用同一个形式,故合为一节;“睡”与“躺”常伴随发生,共用同一个形式,也合为一节。“吃”、“喝”、“咬”、“看”使用频繁,词条非常丰富;“死”、“杀”在侗台语某些语言中关系密切,有派生关系;“睡”、“飞”、“烧”等词是证明亲属语言同源关系说服力很强的例证。第四章形容词共11节,第五章数词和第六章副词各2节,第七章代词共7节。第八章为全文总结,对侗台语核心词总体特征进行了归纳,并概括了本文主要的发现和看法。本文的特色可总结为三点:一是以斯瓦迪士(M·Swadesh)100核心词为纲,对侗台语100核心词进行全面、系统的研究,这样的研究目前还不多见。二是讨论中除了将侗台语与汉语、藏缅语进行比较外,我们还把南岛语系的印尼语也作为一种参与比较的主要语言,尽量挖掘印尼语中的关系词(族)。三是把词义比较作为一个重要内容,将比较纳入语义类型学的视野,与其他语系语言进行比较,看词义发展有哪些共同的演变方向,体现了怎样的规律。这使我们寻找同源词的过程具有了更强的操作性。

【Abstract】 Considering the facts that the "Kernel Word" is a pivot for the lexicology study whilethe study about Kam-Tai (Zhuang-Dong) Group and the relationship of Chinese and otherlanguages with it are famous theory of thought in contemporary linguistics, the study ofthe "Kernel Words in Kam-Tai Group" not only has important value to understanding thefeatures in early stage and change in history, but also offered a new material to thecomparison study of Han-Tibetan family. General outline of the dissertation is Swadish100-word list, and we will study on the Kernel Words comprehensively andsystematically.The dissertation is about 250,000 words, and composed of eight chapters: Chapter oneis the "introduction", introduced the general meaning, methods, steps and situation of theresearch of "Kernel Words in Kam-Tai Group". In Chapter two to Chapter seven, we studythe noun, the verb, the adjective, the numeral, the adverb, and the pronoun in 100-wordseparately. A Kernel Word is a concept in fact, and the words expressing these conceptsare not only one usually, so we study those terms one by one. About every concepts, wearranged the all terms in every languages, then discuss Proto pronunciation reconstructedby forefathers, and inspect whether there are changes in different languages and how tochange, whether there are universal law about development of term meaning, whetherthere are corresponding forms in other relatives languages, whether these changes alsoappear in other branch or family, whether there are similar examples in other languages,and discuss achievement of forefathers. It is the key part that Chapter two to Chapterseven and the noun in Chapter two, the verb in Chapter three are emphasis in Kernel Word.Chapter two consists of 8 kinds (humanity, animal and so on), 58 terms, and 56 sections,and a section is just a term in a kind. "Bark" and "skin" are discussed together because oftheir some overlap meaning, and "feather" and "hair" are also discussed in one sectionowning the same reason. Some words such as "man" ,"fish","bird", "dog", "tree", "seed", "bark" of animal kind, we discuss general term, because specific term are too many to bediscussed one by one. The word "loose" in Kernel Words of Kam-Tai was distinguishedtoo detailed, so there are many terms and the differences in every language are obvious.We can find perfect corresponding in relative languages such as "tree", "leaf", "nose","tongue", "knee", "hand", "fire", "black", and they are convincing examples proved theselanguages develop from the same Proto language. Chapter three consists of 3 kinds, 20terms, and 18 sections, among the 20 term, "eat" and "drink" are discussed togetherowning of their intimate relation; and "sleep" and "lie" are also discussed together owningof the same reason; Some words such as "eat", "drink", "bite", "see" appear frequently, sothe terms are abundant. Relationship about "die" and "kill" in some languages are intimate,perhaps one was developed fiom the other one. "Sleep", "fly" and "bum" are perfectproofs testified relationship of kinsfolk. The adjective in Chapter four includes 11 sectionsand the numeral in Chapter five, the adverb in Chapter six each includes two sections, andthe pronoun in Chapter seven includes seven sections. In Chapter eight, the conclusionabout the overall characteristic of the Kernel words in Kam-Tai group are drawn and maindiscovery and opinion are summarized.There are three distinctive features of this dissertation- The first one, we focus on theSwadish 100-word list to discuss the Kernel Words in Kam-Tai Group comprehensivelyand systematically, the study is rare now. The second one, we add Indonesia inAustronesia to compare with Kam-Tai in addition to Chinese and Tibetan to find morecognate. The third one, as an important point, we take meaning comparison into the fieldof vision semantic typology with these languages in other family of languages andobserve common development direction and whether there are laws. That would help usto find more cognate convenient.
