

Watching TV and Cognition of Audience Cultivation

【作者】 周莉

【导师】 石长顺;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 从上世纪70年代开始,涵化理论(Cultivation Theory)对电视使用和观众认知之间的关系做了全面而深入的研究,为我们考察电视在现代社会中的作用提供了方法和依据。然而从上世纪90年代中期开始,随着社会环境的变迁和传播技术的革新,更多影响因素开始介入电视传播过程,更多新兴媒体开始改变电视传播格局。在这种背景下,涵化理论从研究内涵到研究方法,从变量引入到模式建构都发生了相应的变化。这种变化不仅体现了其在当代多元传播生态中所作出的调整,而且也在一定程度上揭示了电视媒体在传播效果和社会影响上的发展趋势。因而,本研究关注和考察当代电视涵化在基本特征、调节因素和关系模式上的变化,不仅有助于把握当代电视对受众认知的培养作用,而且有助于电视媒体在新的传播环境中实现有效沟通和科学管理。首先,本研究对涵化理论长达30年的文献进行了全面梳理,着重考察了涵化理论内涵的发展、涵化研究方法的变迁和涵化关系模式的转变。在涵化理论的内涵方面,涵化理论经过了三个发展阶段:在早期是一种研究电视暴力的媒介效果理论,进入上世纪80年代成为关注主流化的文化控制批判理论,到90年代转变为具有实践导向和全新活力的交叉理论。在涵化研究的方法方面,涵化研究主要包括三个部分的分析:制度过程分析、信息系统分析和涵化分析。在涵化关系的模式方面,新媒体语境下的涵化关系出现了明显的模式转变:进入90年代,涵化研究开始反思早期线性、单向、整体的关系模式,着力于建立动态、多元、分化的新模式。其次,为了更深入而清晰的描述当代多元传播生态中电视涵化效果的变化趋势和调节因素,本研究运用全新的后设分析方法对1996—2008年的涵化研究进行了量化分析。1996年对于涵化研究是具有转折意义的一年,“文化环境运动”开始兴起,涵化生态认知模式也因势提出,涵化研究从研究环境、研究内涵到研究目的都发生了实质性的转向。因而本研究运用后设分析的方法对1996年以来SSCI传播类期刊中的46个涵化文献进行了研究,通过比较和组合类型的后设分析对这些原始文献的结论进行了考察。本研究的后设分析对当代电视涵化的效果大小和方向、调节因素以及控制方式进行了验证。在涵化效果的大小和方向上,当代电视涵化仍然是以不易察觉,但却持续有效的方式发挥作用,但当代电视涵化效果也出现了更多变化的形态和可能性;在涵化关系的调节因素上,传统的和新加入的控制变量共同影响着当代电视涵化关系;在涵化机制的控制方式上,当代电视涵化的主流化特征在共时性维度和历时性维度上都是存在的,当代电视涵化对受众认知的控制方式就是跨群体、跨时间的整合受众认知。最后,在后设分析得出的结论基础上,本研究建构了当代电视涵化模式,并进一步挖掘了当代电视涵化的意识形态内涵。本研究的电视涵化模式引入了多种影响因素,呈现了各种因素与电视涵化之间的动态关系,在因素构成和关系建构上都超越了以往的涵化模式。此外,本研究还从权力宰制、符号选择和认知整合三个方面对当代电视涵化的意识形态功能进行了考察。本研究的不足和下一步研究的计划也在结尾处加以讨论。

【Abstract】 From the 1970s, Cultivation Theory had done comprehensive and in-depth research between the television use and the cognition of audience, which providing a method for our study of television in modern society. However, from the middle of 1990s, as the result of the social changes and the spread of technology innovation, more factors had intervened in the process of television communication, and more new media began to change the pattern of television communication. Thus, from the connotation of the theory to the research methods, from the variables to the construction of the mode, the Cultivation Theory had appeared the corresponding changes. As the classical theory of communication, the varieties of Cultivation Theory were not only the adjustments in accordance with the actual television communication in the multi-dimensional ecology of communication, but also a trend of development which had revealed the effectiveness and social impact of television. This study focuses on the essential feature, the adjustment factor and the relational scheme changes of Cultivation Theory. To grasp the contemporary television culture on the role of audience awareness, it contributes to achieve effective communication and scientific management in the new communication environment.Firstly, this study had comprehensively and emphatically combed literature of Cultivation Theory. It focuses on the development of the connotation theory, the changes of the research technique and the transformation of mode. In the aspect of the connotation of Cultivation Theory, it contains three development phases. In the aspect of the technique of Cultivation Theory, it contains three parts, that is, Institutional process analysis, Message system analysis and Cultivation analysis. In the aspect of the mode, Cultivation Theory has transformed its mode since the 1990’s.Secondly, in order to give a more in-depth and clear description about the trends and the regulation of factors of Cultivation Theory in contemporary multicultural ecology of communication, this study would use a new meta-analysis, which carries on the quantification analysis to construe the study of cultivation from 1996 to 2008. As a kind of integrative, systematic and quantitative literature search method, the meta-analysis can integrate the different findings on the same research field. Thus it produces the more comprehensive and the more precise understanding to some research questions.Lastly, on the base of the meta-analysis conclusion, we will construct the mode of contempotary television cultivation. We will study the ideology connotation of television cultivtion. The plan of the next step study will be disscussed at the end of the paper.

  • 【分类号】G220
  • 【被引频次】1
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