

Study on the Housing Affordability of Urban Residents from the View of Equity Theory

【作者】 李进涛

【导师】 谭术魁;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 土地资源管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着1998年城镇住房制度改革的深入,市场机制已经在住房领域全面深入,在住房资源配置方面发挥了重要的作用。但2003年以来,我国住房市场逐步暴露出总量失衡、结构失调、价格上涨过快、住房保障缺位等一系列问题,城市中低收入家庭面临的住房承受能力问题逐步凸显。如何科学地测度居民住房承受能力,归纳住房承受能力分异的特点,阐释其分异原因,结合居民的主观意愿和感受合理地评判住房承受能力的公平性,对如何提高城市居民住房承受能力水平、促进住房公平具有重要意义。论文首先结合公平理论,剖析了城市居民住房承受能力的内涵,并运用经济学、消费行为理论构建城市居民住房承受能力的测度方法并实证。其次,根据实证归纳了居民住房承受能力分异的特征并阐释了分异原因。第三,从心理层面研究了居民住房承受能力与主观意愿支付价格、住房配置满意度之间的关系。本文研究的主要结论有:(1)住房公平问题的核心实际上是不同收入阶层居民住房承受能力的问题。在研究城市居民住房承受能力时,要从物质与心理两个层面来理解住房承受能力的内涵。(2)运用效用函数可加性原理、剩余收入理论构建了测度居民住房承受能力的新方法,即ELES-MHAI模型,用MHAI值测度家庭住房承受能力水平。经过修正后的MHAI比HAl更客观,更具区分度。(3)家庭收入对居民住房承受能力水平的提高产生了很突出的影响,同时,家庭周期、教育程度、职业单位等不同,住房承受能力水平也表现出不同的变化规律。一般地,随着家庭收入的增长,提高住房承受能力的潜力越大。对于较高收入组样本家庭,随着家庭周期的增长,提高住房承受能力水平的潜力是先上升后下降的,即呈倒“U”型曲线变化;对于低收入组样本家庭则相反。随着教育程度的提高,居民家庭提高住房承受能力的潜力要比教育程度低的家庭要大得多。对于职业单位,职业单位为行政机关、事业单位、国企或集体、私营企业等的家庭及退休人员家庭,提高住房承受能力水平的潜力是依次递减的;而打零工的家庭的住房承受能力水平反而高于私营企业单位的家庭和退休人员的家庭。(4)城市居民在住房承受能力水平方面表现出明显的差异,实质上是城镇居民在社会网络中社会资本形成方面的差异,利益回报各异,进而住房承受能力方面出现分异性。通过教育可以促进社会资本提高。分析发现教育程度较高的家庭一般具有较高的住房承受能力,而存在资本欠缺或回报欠缺的家庭住房承受能力水平不高。(5)居民家庭住房经济承受能力是住房价格心理承受能力的基础。对于MHAI值大于1的家庭,在物质和心理方面有很强的住房承受能力;MHAI值小于1的家庭,在经济承受能力、心理承受能力方面与当前住房市场价格之间存在较明显的差距。(6)从客观的住房经济承受能力层面看,样本家庭在住房方面存在着明显的不公平性,现有住房面积越小,住房承受能力水平越低;现有住房面积越大,住房承受能力水平反而比较高。从主观的住房心理承受能力层面看,一方面,可以发现现有住房面积较小的,住房最大支付意愿价格与市场价格之间的差距也越大,反之差距有缩小的趋势;另一方面,住房承受能力越高,对住房制度改革满意程度越高,认为公平的家庭也越多。从主观的住房心理承受能力层面看,一方面,可以发现现有住房面积较小的家庭,其住房最大支付意愿价格与市场价格之间的差距也越大,反之差距有缩小的趋势:另一方面,居民住房承受能力越高,对住房制度改革满意程度越高,认为公平的家庭也越多。

【Abstract】 Along with deepening of the urban housing system reform since 1998, the market mechanism, which introduced in the field of housing in an all-round way, has played the vital role in the housing resources distribution. However, since 2003, the series issues, like the widening gap between total of housing supply and demand, the unbalanced housing structure, the fast escalation of housing prices, and the defect of housing security, have triggered the problem of housing affordability of middle-and-low income households. In order to improve the housing affordability of urban households and promote the housing fairness, the paper discusses the scientific measuring of housing affordability, generalizes the characteristics of divergence, explains the mechanism, and judges the fairness.Firstly, in accordance with the equity theory, the meaning of housing affordability is analyzed, and the measuring method is constructed and studied empirically based on the economic and consumer behavior theory. Secondly, the different characteristics of housing affordability are generalized, the mechanism of divergence is also explained. Thirdly, the relationship between the housing affordability and WTP, the satisfaction of housing allocation has been studied from the psychological dimension.The main conclusions of this paper are generalized as follows:(1)The problem of housing fairness in fact is the issue of housing affordability. Studying the housing affordability, we should grasp the meaning comprehensively from the material and psychological level.(2)The new measurement of housing affordability, namely the ELES-MHAI model, which uses MHAI for calculating the housing affordability of households, has been established on the foundation of additive utility function and residual income theory. The empirical study finds that MHAI is more objective, more distinguishable than HAI.(3)The household income has had the very prominent influence on housing affordability of residents, simultaneously, the different family cycle, education, employment make the housing affordability express the diverse rules. In general, the housing affordability will improve with the growth of household income. To the higher income families, with the growth of family cycle, the capacity of housing affordability is increased at first, then dropped, that is, showing inverted "U" curve, while the lower income families are reverse. The housing affordability of households with higher level of education is much larger than the households with lower level of education. The potential of improving the housing affordability of households, whose members work in government office, institutions, state-owned enterprises or collective, private enterprises, is decreasing in turn, but, the households without fixed jobs has the higher odds than the private staff and retiree.(4)The difference of housing affordability is due to the various social capitals. The education could improve social capital. The empirical results show that residents with high level education, in general, have the higher housing affordability, while the lower level of housing affordability in the households with capital and return deficit.(5)The housing economy capacity is the foundation of psychological housing affordability of price. The households with MHAI of greater than one have strong housing affordability from physical and mental dimension. There are obvious differences between the current housing prices and the housing affordability from the economy and psychological aspects in the households with MHAI of less than one.(6)From the housing affordability in the objective level, there is obvious unfairness in the sample families. The households with smaller housing have the low level of housing affordability, while the housing affordability of households with bigger housing are in a relatively high level. From a subjective dimension, on the one hand, the gap between WTP and housing price has enlarged in the households with smaller size housing, on the contrary, the trend of the gap has narrowed; on the other hand, the households with strong housing affordability express the higher level of satisfaction and the equity.

【关键词】 住房承受能力ELES-MHAI模型分异WTP公平
【Key words】 Housing affordabilityELES-MAHI modelDivergenceWTPEquity
  • 【分类号】F293.3;F224
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1490
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