

Study on the Selection and Application of the Cold-hardness and Rapid-growth Elite of Eucalyptus Dunni and the Decision of Appropriate Cultivation

【作者】 郭祥泉

【导师】 洪伟; 吴承祯;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 森林培育, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 邓恩桉(Eucalyptus dunnii)是一种耐寒的速生树种,根据近年来我国引种栽植情况,该树种能够适宜较高纬度栽植。在湖南南部,江西中南部,福建北部等较高纬度区域已有引种栽植。在南亚热带区域引种该树种从相关报导获知,在20世纪80年代,广西南宁有引种栽植,已有单株开花结实报导,大面积开花结实尚未见报导。该树种相对于其它桉树树种,需要较长的营养期生长。在我国,该树种引种栽植结果,营养期生长长达十五年以上,至今虽然在许多地方引种栽植,但是未有报导引种地自给该树种种子。现今所用种子都由原产地澳大利亚进口,而原产地澳大利亚仅昆士兰、新威尔士两区域产该树种种子,种子市场供应紧张,价格昂贵,纯度较高的种子,平均售价高达7万元/kg,而每kg仅能培育苗木30-40万株,苗木的种子费用成本高达0.15-0.20元/株,目前每年要花巨额从澳大利亚购买该树种种子,增加了该树种的造林投资成本。该树种为异花授粉,在原产地为天然分布,种源相对较为混乱。在闽北引种栽植,其后代表现为较大的个体分化,不同个体生长与抗寒等性状差异都较显著。邓恩桉具有良好的抗寒-速生性,但属于难生根树种,无性繁育难度较大,无论组织培养,还是扦插育苗,至今还不能应用于生产实践,虽然有些报导已成功培育出该树种无性系,但是生产实践中,并未见邓恩桉无性系苗木进行生产性栽植。培育无性系苗一直是该树种生产上的一大难题。无性繁殖技术措施是邓恩桉推广栽植的一大障碍,限制了该树种优良个体的推广栽植,使该树种的北移推广与高产潜力的开发受到约束。邓恩桉实生苗栽植,经对不同年龄栽植的林分进行调查,研究结果表明,该树种个体生长存在大的分化,从胸径、树高、材积结果分析表明,优良单株生长比较平均木,在胸径、树高方面差异可达100%以上;材积生长量则相差更远。根据所选优树比较,优树的材积是平均树的200%以上,最好的优株个体是平均树的400%以上。由于群体分化大,群体的平均生长量则明显的表现较差,林分的总体林相也显得不整齐,与其它易进行无性繁殖的桉树相比,林分总生长量表现低得多,该树种实生苗栽植的生长效果不理想,未能较好的体现该树种的实际生长潜力,且导致整体林分材质下降。无性繁殖技术的研究,对该树种栽植的潜在经济价值与社会价值,具有重要意义。邓恩桉在较高纬度栽植的优株筛选研究已见报导,目前国内报导的邓恩桉优株筛选仅处于初步选择阶段,由于此前无性繁殖还未有有效的方法进行生产性苗木培育,而杂交育种因生活史较长还难于实施,前人所做的优株筛选,在生产上尚未能体现优株选择的实际应用价值。为了缓解社会对木材与木质纤维的需求,桉树已为南方工业原料林的主要造林树种,并不断北移扩大栽植。因多数桉树不耐寒,限制了许多速生的桉种的北移栽植。邓恩桉在我国的适应性,表现为抗寒-速生,在向更高纬度引种推广,抗寒性是该树种选择的重要选择因子。所以邓恩桉在北移推广的优株筛选中,重点有三个部分内容,即速生性状,抗寒性状表现和无性繁殖技术措施,无性繁殖措施是解决选择目的的重要措施,若所筛选的优良性状不能有效地表达,所筛选的该树种优良性状则不能有效地被利用,该树种的潜能难以得到开发,对缓解社会需求矛盾产生重大障碍。在福建省较高纬度的闽北建阳市,引种邓恩桉,本文分别对不同年龄的林分生长与冻害的适应性及所栽植的林分个体与群体表现进行研究分析,系统地探讨不同年龄林分的生长规律,应用所表现的林分生长规律与林木个体后代的基因重组与突变,对不同年龄引种栽植的邓恩桉林分进行突变个体的选择。采用每调查样本数不少于500株,或所选择的突变个体调查林分面积在4000m2以上的调查方法,以“t”检验的临界值为选择标准,选择适生性状良好的优良单株。在林木速生性状选择应用上,提出新的选择方法,并把该方法命名为“t”检验选择法,为本研究中首次提出。在林木优树选择方面,该方法较前人所提出的“11株标准木与5株优势木法”,具有更严密的理论与逻辑性,能较好地依据植物个体的突变,确定优树选择标准,避免了人为主观确定优树选择标准与环境所形成选择误差,解决了长期以来优树选择标准主观确定的问题。无性繁殖是该树种北移栽植要解决的一重要技术难题,经过数年的反复试验,在扦插繁殖技术措施上取得一定突破,探讨得有效技术措施,诱导插穗形成高的愈伤组织,并分化不定根,对该树种的扦插生根机理做了探讨。利用所研究繁殖技术措施,初步建立不同优良单株无性系,所建立的不同优良单株无性系,主要以速生性状为指标选择的,而林木个体的抗寒性状因受自然条件的影响,抗寒性状在初步选择上,以低温胁迫后的表现做为预选。电导率技术可定量测定林木的抗寒性,并已获得成功,本文采用不同优良单株与电导率技术,定量确定不同优良单株的低温临界温度。植物的抗寒性研究,前人在抗寒机理方面做了较深的探讨,取得相关研究成果,但对不同植物在不同区域抗寒适应性上,前人仅做了定性的探讨,尚未有人做定量的研究。本文首次提出,利用数学的极值分布模型与电导率技术,定量地说明不同树种在不同区域抗寒的适应性,把抗寒能力进行标准化定量。即把抗寒能力分为抗寒性差、一般抗寒与强抗寒等不同抗寒适应性,把该方法称作“抗寒性极端低温分布法”。利用抗寒能力标准化定量,复选优良单株,筛选抗寒-速生的优良单株,探讨了所筛选的抗寒-速生优良单株在该区域的适应性。本文首次提出,利用数学的极值分布模型与植物的半致死温度进行引种适应性决策,该方法对于以温度为主要限制因子的树种引种,具有快速决策与事前评价效果,在引种生产上,有较好的理论指导意义,并把该方法命名为“极端逆境反应法”。对优良能较准确地确定不同树种在不同区域的抗寒能力,定量地划分不同的抗寒能力,单株适宜推广的水平与起垂直分布的决策探讨,从理论上为该树种优良单株引种推广栽植做了事前评价,为减少生产应用的投资风险提供系统理论参考。本文对较高纬度北移推广引种的邓恩桉,从适应性生长到无性繁殖、抗寒--速生的优良单株筛选与林木育种理论等做了多方面的探讨,并提出林木育种方面三个新的应用理论观点,解决了林木育种在生产应用的问题,在林木育种理论研究与生产应用上具有较好的指导价值,主要研究成果如下:[1]一年生的生长规律经定期观察,该树种在日最高气温达10℃以上开始萌芽。一般在3月初开始萌动,高生长在3—4月份较慢,5月份生长加快,5月下旬后及6、7、8月份进入生长第一高峰期,9月份生长量开始下降,10、11月形成第二生长高峰,11月下旬后生长急剧下降,不形成顶芽,属于全期生长类型。霜期低温胁迫,个体适应性不同,显示不同的抗寒能力。抗寒差的,表现为顶芽冻坏,停止生长;一般抗寒的表现为叶色变红,嫩叶、顶芽受冻;抗寒性好的,叶色不变,顶芽仍保持缓慢的生长势。胸径或地径生长规律基本一致,但胸径或地径生长在第二生长峰期生长量高于第一生长量,在一年生幼树中,胸径或地径生长主要表现在第二高峰期。当年生平均高生长量约为3.0m,地径平均生长量为3.0cm。[2]邓恩桉实生苗造林,二年生在该区域生长,表现较大的群体分化,个体间高与胸径生长显示明显的分化。调查结果分析表明林分中林木个体胸径与树高生长呈正态分布。林木单株材积与高、胸径生长同样表现大的分化。所调查不同林分,高生长区间分别为2.7-10.4 m、2.9-10.8 m,极差分别达8.7 m、7.9 m;胸径生长区间分别为2.8-10.6 cm、2.5-10.9 cm,极差分别达7.8 cm、8.4 cm;林木单株材积在相同林分中的不同径阶的权重分布也呈正态分布。林木个体生长性状的早期分化表现个体遗传优势,对林木的优良性状的筛选有利,但高与胸径生长早期分化将影响该树种林分的整体生长量和材质。[3]邓恩桉实生苗栽植三年生林分,群体生长表现与二年生林分生长表现基本一致相似,林木个体分化与二年生林分比较进一步加大。三年生林分,对于桉树短周期经营而言,林分进入重要的材积生长阶段,个体单株材积生长量增大,由于三年生林分的胸径、树高生长分化加大,单株材积生长分化变得突出。所调查不同林分,高生长区间为4.2-16.5 m,极差达11.3m;胸径生长区间为3.4-15.2cm,极差达11.8 cm;材积生长区间为0.0025-0.1213m3,极差达0.1188m3,在0.07-0.13 m3材积生长区间的株数,占所调查林分1.1%。在桉树个体生长中,高径比变化较大,可能存在胸径和树高不能同时入选。单株材积生长量是由胸径和树高的指数积,是生产经营的主要指标,可以用单株材积生长指标来调节。[4]应用邓恩桉不同年龄林分生长性状的早期分化和林分中胸径、树高、单株材积生长的正态分布,进行林分突变个体的早期选择。突变个体选择,在引种区域,分别在不同年龄邓恩桉林分,以胸径、树高与材积三个主要生长因子做为选择指标,应用“t”检验选择方法确定突变个体的选择标准,进行突变个体选择。该方法较前人所研究的“11株标准木与5株优势木法”等,具有更客观的、适用性,解决了长期以来优树选择标准主观确定的问题。根据该方法,在闽北建阳市所引种1-4年生邓恩桉不同林分中,分别筛选得1年生6株,高生长在5.76m以上;2年生5株,高生长在8.8m以上,胸径8.93cm以上;3年生2株,高生长在15.03m以上,胸径14.12cm以上;4年生2株,高生长在16.59m以上,胸径15.63cm以上,显著高于各自林分相应的平均值,各平均值见表6-2。[5]无性繁殖是该树种北移栽植要解决的一重要技术难题。该树种扦插繁殖的插穗生根属于愈伤组织分化不定根生根类型。采用正交设计,以药剂1、药剂2、NAA、6-BA、多维素与处理时间为处理因子,各处理因子按三水平,诱导插穗薄壁分生组织,使切口形成愈伤组织。经反复试验,获得以药剂1与药剂2为2水平、NAA为120ppm、6-BA为40ppm、多维素为20ppm与处理时间为1.5h的有效组合,能较好诱导插穗切口形成愈伤组织,并分化不定根。应用上述方法诱导愈伤组织,对1年生插穗切口形成愈伤组织形成率达80%以上,2年生插穗切口形成愈伤组织形成率达20-60%以上,3年生插穗切口形成愈伤组织形成率在15%以下,许多不能形成切口愈伤组织,更不能形成不定根。2年以上母株,应先对母株进行修枝,促萌后获取插穗。试验结果不定根分化率最高达30%,不定根分化能获得重复效果,但不定根分化率还有待于提高。同时表明,温度区间在25-30℃,湿度在80%,土壤中性为宜。适宜条件下,经上述方法处理,7天可明显看到切口愈伤组织。[6]邓恩桉北移栽植,抗寒能力是该树种的主要限制因子。所筛选的优良单株抗寒性,因该树种生长表型的分化,抗寒性也不同。应用人工控制的制冷设备,按-1℃、-4℃、-7℃、-10℃、-13℃模拟自然低温胁迫处理不同优良个体,测定不同优良个体的半致死温度。在常温条件下,分别在8:00、10:00、12:00、14:00、16:00测定不同个体电导率的日变化,探讨不同优良个体的半致死温度与电导率的日变化的关系。应用引种区域的极端低温分布模型与不同优良个体半致死温度,定量确定不同优良个体在该区域抗寒的适应性。本文首次提出,定量地说明不同树种在不同区域抗寒的适应性,把抗寒能力应用定量进行标准化,把抗寒能力分为抗寒性差、一般抗寒与抗寒三个不同等级抗寒适应性,把该方法称作“抗寒性极端低温分布法”。解决了长期以来人们对不同树种在不同区域抗寒适应性的模糊定性说明问题,定量衡量不同抗寒树种在不同区域的抗寒适应能力,能做好决策的事前评价,在生产实践中具有良好的应用价值。利用该方法对上述所选个体进行抗寒的适应性复选,结果认为在引种区域上限600米海拔栽植、金山-02、金山-03为强抗寒适应性,为一年生幼树;金山-04、金山-05、金山-06、金山-09、金山-11、金山-12、金山-15为一般抗寒性;而所选的金山-01、金山-07、金山-08、金山-10、金山-13、金山-14不适宜被推广,金山-02、金山-03宜建设无性系。[7]不同抗寒的植物个体,在低温胁迫时,不同个体的生理反应表现一定的差异。按-1℃、-4℃、-7℃、-10℃、-13℃模拟自然低温胁迫处理不同优良个体,分别进行SOD酶活性、MDA含量、膜脂肪酸的不饱和度的相关生理生化指标测定,结果表明不同抗寒优良个体的生理生化指标结果表现差异,与上述所测得不同抗寒优良个体的半致死温度比较分析,有较为一致的试验效果。应用生理生化指标可以较好地反应植物个体的抗寒性,是研究抗寒机理的重要指标,但不能准确地反映不同个体的临界低温,只能定性地说明个体的抗寒性,在抗寒性优良性状筛选时,生理生化指标是一个重要的衡量标准,且能较准确反映生理物质的变化。[8]植物的引种栽植受许多地理条件的限制,对不同的植物与不同的引种地,限制因子也不同。桉树北移栽植的限制因子是引种地的极端异常低温,引种地极端异常低温的分布状况决定了引种的可行性。经过研究,由作者本人、洪伟教授等首次提出的“极端逆境反应法”,在引种栽植中,进行邓恩桉引种与不同优良个体抗寒适应性决策,能够较好地进行引种的事前评价。应用建阳市历史不同时期的极端异常低温和邓恩桉的不同优良个体的半致死温度,决策不同优良个体在该区域适宜的垂直与水平分布,事前评价不同优良个体在该区域适宜栽植状况,克服了传统引种的事后评价所带来失败与损失,为优良个体无性系建设与应用提供理论指导。

【Abstract】 Eucalyptus dunnii is the cold-hardness and rapid-growth tree and could be properly cultivated according to the introducing in higher latitude of our country in late years. This species has been introduced in the higher latitude areas of the south areas of Hunan province, the middle and south areas of Jiangxi province, the north areas of Fujian province. The tree was introduced that has been reported in south sub-tropic of Lanning city of Guanxi Zhuan nation municipality in 80 ages of 20 century, till now the lone tree flowered and fruited that has been reported ,but has not been newsed about the group trees flowering and fruiting in china. The tree comparision to another Eucalyptus has long life history, when the tree flowers and fruits that must use more time to grow in nutrient period. The growth-period of nutrient of the tree overs 15years when the tree flowers and fruits in our land .The tree fruited and provided seeds that has not been reported in the introduction areas, for all that it has been introduced in many provinces from 80 ages of late century to now.The seed of Eucalyptus dunnii appling to afforestation is imported from the original area of Austria now and the seed of Eucalyptus dunnii is strict and expensive in market, the cost of the seed that it is more clare is highe and the price of average kilogram overs 70,000 yuan in international market. The seedling will be cultivated by 1 kilogram seed about 300,000-400,000 individual plant and invest the cost of seed expend between 0.15 to 0.20 yuan average Individual and increase the investion of afforestation of Eucalyptus dunnii. A great of money will be expended for buying the seed of Eucalyptus dunnii from Austria every year in china. The flower of Eucalyptus dunnii is pollinated through the pollen of even flowers, so the provenance of Eucalyptus dunnii is more confusion than anothers because of natural distribution in the original area of Austria. The growth of generation individual of Eucalyptus dunnii is various because of hybrid, the different individual of growth and cold-hardness will behave even diversity in planting in Minbei of Fujian province.The cold-hardness and rapid-growth characteristic of Eucalyptus dunnii is better ,it is difficult for clone of the tree to root, culture of seedling of clone is more difficult than anothers tree ,no matter what tissue culture or sticking difficultly provide the seedle for application in practic till this time. Although the success that rooting of clone of Eucalyptus dunnii has been reported ,the seedle of clone has not been used in production. A great deal of seed of Eucalyptus dunii is imported for culture of seedle every year ,but the seedle of clone of Eucalyptus dunnii is hardly used in practic. The results could not been getten by repeating experence that it had been reported for rooting of sticking and tissue cultivation. It is the main and difficult problem for providing the seedle of clone in production still, so the technology measure of clone of Eucalyptus dunnii is greatly obstacle in planting and popular. The obstacle limites planting and popular of elite individual of Eucalyptus dunnii and moving to more high altitude ,at the same time the potential of high output is limited in practic.The stands that had been afforestated by seedle of culture of seed of Eucalyptus dunnii in different years was investigated and it indicated that the individual growth of Eucalyptus dunnii exsisted more great differentiation in the growth of brand diameter, height, volume in stands, the elite comparision to averages exsists even varity in the growth of brand diameter, height and overs 100% and outdo to 100% more and more in the growth of volume in stands. the elite comparision to averages exceeds to 200% in the growth of volume of individual tree according to the selection and analysis, the best individual overs 400% than average in volume. The average output of stands in year is various low than anothers stands that was afforestated by clone seedles and the total facial of stands is not clear and the total output of stands is lower too ,because of the differentiation in the growth of stands is great. The growth result that was afforestaed by seedles of culture of seed of Eucalyptus dunnii is not perfect ,the potential growth could not be behaved and the volume quality was resulted to decreasing in stands at the same time. The technology and measures of clone of Eucalyptus dunnii was studied that is the potential cost of economy and sociality and grand magnificant in planting forward to higher altitude.Stusdying on the elite selection of Eucalyptus dunnii has been papered in higher altitude of middle-subtropic area, but the study of elite selection of Eucalyptus dunnii is only the primary period in china. The study of elite selection of Eucalyptus dunnii that the prehuman had done don’t express the application cost in practic, because a great deal of seedles that are cultivated by the clone method has not still efficient technology measures in production and the hybrids of Eucalyptus dunnii is difficult in application because of long life history.The need of timber and timber organization are rapidly increased by sociality with the development of sociality and increasing of popular and brings up the great depression for environment that human exsists in. Eucalyptus has become the main special that is afforestated as the industry material stands in south areas of our country and ceaselessly planted forward to higher altitude of middle-subtropic area, because our country is poor in forestry ,in order to decrease the depression of need of timber and timber organization by the people’s use, but many specials of Eucalyptus are of the poor characteristic of cold-hardness, they are limited to plant forward to higher altitude of middle-subtropic area in china. The characteristic of cold-hardness is the important selection factor of Eucalyptus dunnii for popularly planting forward to higher altitude of middle-subtropic area in china, but the elite adaptability of cold-hardness and rapid-growth was behaved during planting in the higher altitude of middle-subtropic areas in china .The elite selection of Eucalyptus dunnii mainly includes three aspects(the characteristic of rapid-growth, the characteristic of cold-hardness, the technology and measures of clone )and the technology and measures of clone is the key problem to settle down the selection aim, when the study of elite selection of Eucalyptus dunnii for popularly planting forward to higher altitude of middle-subtropic area in china is getten. It is the basic technology that preserves the elite characteristic of Eucalyptus dunnii and applies to the production. If the elite characteristic of selection of Eucalyptus dunnii is not efficiently behaved by the technology and measures of clone, the potiental cost could not be developed and used ,it will not settle down the antinomy that the needs of sociality for the timber and timber organization are discoveredThe growth rule of stands, individual growth, the adaptability of cold-hardness and the growth distribution of different individuals in stands are respectively studied on the introduced Eucalyptus dunnii in higher altitude of Minbei ,Jianyuang city of Fujiang province. The different growth rules that are systemicly approached in this paper and theory of recombine and mutation of individual generation of Eucalyptus dunnii hybrids were applied and the mutational individuals of Eucalyptus dunnii in the different ages stands are selected in introducing area. The mutational individuals of Eucalyptus dunnii in the different ages stands are investigated by the method that the sample numbers and area are respectively more over 500 ,4000m2 in investigation, the election criterion of elite trees was determined by applying“t”determination principle according to the normal distribution rule of stands growth and the cold-resistant and rapid-growth elite trees of Eucalyptus dunnii were elected based on the election criterion. The new selecting method that the theory of mutation of botanical and mathematics statistics were crossed and integrated was firstly advanced in this paper.The new method compares with“the 11 average standards tree and 5 dominant tree”that had been brought forward by prehuman is more strict and logic, the selection standards of elite individual could betterly be determined and select the elite according to the mutation of botanical, the new theory could avoid the errors that are formed by environment and selection standards that will be determined by human thought, the method was first proposed and named as the method of“t”determination principle, this method overed the problem that the election criteria is subjective long time in this paperThe clone technology of Eucalyptus dunnii is a magnificant technological problem that must be discovered for planting in the higher altitude of middle subtropic, but the success in sticking technology of Eucalyptus dunnii has been getten in sticking technology through experienment time and time, the efficient ingredient that has been getten could betterly induce the callus of the cutting of Eucalyptus dunnii and the rootings are differentiated from callus, at the same time ,the mechanism of rooting of Eucalyptus dunnii was discussed. The sticking technology of Eucalyptus dunnii can have succeedly been applied on culture seedles, at the same time the differentiate clone groups that the selecting standards is mainly determined as the characteristic of rapid-growth were constructed. The adaptability of cold-hardness could not be determined according to the fix quantify in preliminary selection because that The adaptability of cold-hardness is influenced by natural factors. the method of electrolyte leakage rate of determining the adaptability of cold-hardness had succedly been achieved by prehuman, the adaptability of cold-hardness of the different elite clone groups will be determined according to the fix quantify using the different elite clone groups and the method of electrolyte leakage rate. The mechanism of cold hardness had been studied on the characteristic of cold-hardness of plant by preman that they had achieved magnificant result from physio- biochemistry to gene, but the fix quantify study about adaptability of cold-hardness has no one to do in the different botanical in the different areas, the qualititive analysis was only done by prehuman. The adaptability of cold-hardness of the different botany in the different areas will be determined according to the method of fix quantify through using the method of electrolyte leakage rate and the maths model of extreme values distribution , the method is firstly advanced in this paper and applied to precialy determining the adaptability of cold-hardness of the different botanical in the different areas, the adaptability of cold-hardness was standardized by quantify, the method was named as the lowest temperature distribution of cold-hardness, at the same time the adaptability of cold-hardness can be divided into the poor adaptability of cold-hardness, normal adaptability of cold-hardness and the stronger adaptability of cold-hardness according to the method of fix quantify. The gene type of the cold-hardness and rapid-growth was repeatedly selected basing on the adaptability of cold-hardness of different elite clone groups of Eucalyptus dunnii that had been determined according to front method, the method could rapidly make decision and value the result before applying for the introducing trees that its are limited by temperature in introducing and guide the introducing in practice, the method was named as“the extreme-environment reflecting method”. The decision was studied on the distribution of level and erect areas that the gene types of the cold-hardness and rapid-growth of Eucalyptus dunnii will be fitted on with the“the extreme-environment reflecting method”that have firstly been advanced by GUO Xiang-quan, HONG wei and so on. The evalution and decision making of the planting and popularing the gene types of the cold-hardness and rapid-growth of Eucalyptus dunnii could betterly be done basing on front theory,also“the extreme-environment reflecting method”will provide the system theory and reference in order to decrease the venture of investion in practic. The growth rules of adaptability, clone, the elite selection, the gene types of the cold-hardness and rapid-growth of Eucalyptus dunnii and theory of forestry breeding and so on were probed for the introduction and planting in the more northern areas of middle subtropic and the three new application theories was first proposed in forestry culture and overed the application of forestry culture in this paper, it would provide guidance in the forestry culture theory of study and using, the main fruit includes these aspects:[1] The growth rule of young trees during year of Eucalyptus dunnii was observed on fix interval-time in the introducing area of Jianyuang city Fujian privince, the results indicated that the tree begins to sprout when it overs 10℃.The tree firstly begins to sprout on the initial stages of March in general and the growth of height of young trees during year of Eucalyptus dunnii is slower during March to April and is more speedy on M ay and enter the first fastigium from the late of May to August, the growth quantity of height emerges decreasing during September and enter the second fastigium from Octember to November and behaves rapidly decreasing from the late of November. Eucalyptus dunnii belongs to the growth type of total year and doesn’t form the up-bud in winter. The adaptability of the cold-hardness of young trees during year of Eucalyptus dunni is different when it is stressed in winter because of the individual differentiation and include three degrees. The poor adaptability of the cold-hardness behaves the winter kill of up-bud and the growth of height stops. The normal adaptability of the cold-hardness behaves that color of leaf become red and the young leaf and up-bud are freezen. The stronger adaptability of the cold-hardness behaves that leaf keeps green and slowly grows still. The growth rule of young trees groud-diameter during year of Eucalyptus dunnii is basic the same as the height’s, but the growth quantity of ground-diameter is higher in the second fastigium than the first fastigium, the main growth quantity of ground-diameter emerges in the second fastigium for the young tree during year. The average growth quantity of height of young trees during year of Eucalyptus dunnii is about 3.0m and The average growth quantity of ground-diameter is about 3.0cm.[2] The growth of stands of Eucalyptus dunnii in the second years emerges great difference with the seedle that was cultivated by seed in the introducing area, the individual growth differentiation of height and brand-diameter is obvious. The individual growth of height respectively distributed in 2.7-10.4m,2.9-10.8m,the distribution inter-distance is respectively 8.7m,7.9m and The individual growth of brand-diameter respectively distributed in2.8-10.6cm,2.5-10.9cm,the distribution inter-distance is respectively 7.8cm,8.4cm in the investigation stands. The investigating resuilt in the stands of 2 ages is analysized that it indicated the individual distribution of height and brand-diameter in the stands is normal distribution, the stands of 2 ages that has well survival ratio could cover in general and begins the growth of volume accumulation. The individual growth differentiation of volume is the same as the height and brand-diameter and the individual distribution of individual growth of volume is normal distribution in the same interval in stands. The earlier differentiation of individual growth characteristic behaves the dominance of individual inherit and it is profit for selection of elite characteristic, but The earlier differentiation of individual growth characteristic of height and brand-diameter will influence the total growing quantity of stands and quality of timber.[3] The growth rule of stands of Eucalyptus dunnii in the third years is the same as the stands of Eucalyptus dunnii in the second years, but the individual differentiation is more great comparision the third years to the second years. The stands of Eucalyptus dunnii of 3 ages enters into the important period of volume growth for the management aims of short-periods of Eucalyptus dunnii and the annual growth quantify of individual volume increases and the differentiation of individual volume growth becomes more obvious because of the differentiation of the growth of brand-diameter and height. The individual growth of height distributed in 4.2-16.5m,the distribution inter-distance is 11.3m and the individual growth of brand-diameter distributed in 3.4-15.2cm, the distribution inter-distance is 11.8cm and the individual growth of volume distributed in 0.0025-0.1213m3, the distribution inter-distance is 0.1183m3and the numbers proportion of the individual growth of volume distribution in 0.07-0.13m3 is 1.1% in the investigation stands. The growth ratio of height to brand-diameter is obviously changing during the individual growth of stands. The total growth of stands volume is the aim of production, so the elite characteristic of individual volume growth that was selected as the aim of annual volume growth quantify basing on the differentiation of individual volume growth will provide much more profit for production management. The individual growth of volume comes from the exponential product of brand-diameter and height and the individual growth index of volume may be regarded as the selection index of brand-diameter and height when the selection index of brand-diameter and height couldn’t be satisfied in order to satisfy the needs of elite selection.[4] The mutative individual of stands was selected in the earlier period with the great sample method basing on the earlier differentiation of characteristic of Eucalyptus dunnii during the different period in the different stands and the normal distribution of growth of brand-diameter,height and volume in stands. The great sample method is the sample number overs 500 individual and the area that is investigated overs 5000m2,when the mutative individuals are selected in investigation. The mutative individuals of Eucalyptus dunnii are selected with the three index factors that includes brand-diameter ,height and volume and the selection standard is determined with“t determined rule”of normal distribution in the different stands in the introducing area. The selection method is advanced in first in this paper that could be applied to the elite selection and is more impersonal and adaptive than“the 11 average standards tree and 5 dominant tree”that had been brought forward by prehuman. The method that the selection standard is determined with“t determined rule”of normal distribution bases on the theory of mathematics statistics and gene reform,it is different from anothers that had been brought forward by prehuman and it is strict maths logic and overed the problem that the selection standard is subjective in the elite trees election long time. using the method ,6 individuals of 1 age,5 individual of 2 ages ,2 individual of 3 ages ,2 individual of 4ages that the height- growth are respectively over 5.76m,8.8m,15.3m,16.59m and the brand-diameter growth are respectively over 8.93cm,14.12cm,15.63cm from 2 to 4 ages stands were elected ,these growth were obvious large than averages of the different stands.[5] The clone of Eucalyptus dunnii is the important and technologic problem to discover planting forward to higher altitude area of middle subtropic. The clone rooting of sticking of Eucalyptus dunnii belongs to this type that callus differentiates unfix-root. using orthogonality design and additive1,additive2, NAA,6-BA,vitamin,time were regarded as treating factors that its were divided into three degrees,the parenchymatous meri-tissue is induced with the botanical growth regulator and callus was formed in cutting of stick. The efficient combination that it was gained using these factors which are 2 degrees of additive1 and additive2, 120ppm of NAA,40ppm of 6-BA,20 ppm of vitamin,1.5h of time can betterly induce callus in cutting of stick and differentiating unfix-root by time and time again. Applicating cofront mothed could induce callus and ratio of calluses is respective much more 80%,20-60% for cutting of stick of 1 age ,2 ages, ratio of calluses is lower 15% for cutting of stick of 3 ages and overs and many stick calluses could not be induced and unfix-root could not be differentiative. The mother-trees must be cutted off a little of branch in order to advance germinating new branch for the over 2 ages mother-trees in beforehand. experiment indicated that the differentiating ratio of unfix-root could not over 30%,but the fruit can be repeated and the differentiating ratio of unfix-root will be advanced in future ,in the same time, the temperature adapts in 25-30℃,humidity adapts in 80%,soil adapts in middle. using confront method, callus can be observed in 7 days under the adapted condition.[6] The adaptability of cold-hardness is the important and strict factor for Eucalyptus dunnii moving forward to the higher altitude area of middle subtropic. The adaptability of cold-hardness of the different elite selected of Eucalyptus dunnii is various because of the differentiation of growth phenotype. The self-mortality temperature of the different individuals of Eucalyptus dunnii elite and average could be determined with the refrigeration plant of manual control, after the different clone groups of Eucalyptus dunnii elite and average are stressed by lower temperature for simulating natural condition according to-1℃,-4℃,-7℃,-10℃,-13℃. The daily changing of the different individuals of Eucalyptus dunnii elite and average were determined respectively in 8:00,10:00,12:00,14:00,16:00 in normal condition, and the connection of The daily changing of electro-conductivity with self-mortality temperature of the different individuals of Eucalyptus dunnii elite and average was probed The adaptability of cold-hardness of the different clone groups of Eucalyptus dunnii elite and average in the introducing area could be determined in quantify using the maths model of extreme values distribution in the introducing area and the different clone groups of Eucalyptus dunnii elite. The different adaptability of cold-hardness of plant that is quantified in the different area is firstly advanced in this paper and the degree of adaptability of cold-hardness of the different botany in the different areas are divided into three degrees in quantify and respectively named the poor,normal and stronger adaptability, this method discovers the problem that the different adaptability of cold-hardness of plant in different area is narrated in faintness and unquantify method for long time, making the decision of introducing with the adaptability of cold-hardness of plant in unquantify generally results to natural calamity bringing up the lower temperature streession, but this method could betterly make the decision and evaluation and the cost is higher in production. using this mothed, the different adaptability of cold-hardness of the different elites were re-elected . The resuilt indicated that jingshan-02, jingshan-03 are of the strongest adaptability of cold-hardness when they are planted up to altitude 600m, jingshan-04, jingshan-05 jingshan-06, jingshan-09 jingshan-11, jingshan-12 jingshan-15are of the normal adaptability of cold-hardness, but jingshan-01, jingshan-07, jingshan-08, jingshan-10 jingshan-13, jingshan-14 can’t be adapted to popularize and jingshan-02, jingshan-03 will adapt to culture the clone[7] The physiological reflecting for the different adaptability of cold-hardness of plant individual behaves obviously vary during the lower temperature stress. The physio-biochemistry index of action of SOD,MDA , index of un-saturation fatty acid of the different elites of Eucalyptus dunni and average is determined after the different elites of Eucalyptus dunni and average are stressed by lower temperature for simulating natural condition according to-1℃,-4℃,-7℃,-10℃,-13℃. determining of physio-biochemistry reflecting results indicated that the physio-biochemistry index of Eucalyptus dunnii elite exsisted obviously vary. the resuilts that the physio-biochemistry index had been determined is similaritive to self-mortality temperature index of the different elites of Eucalyptus dunnii .The physio-biochemistry index of plant may betterly reflect to the adaptability of cold-hardness of plant individual. The physio-biochemistry index of plant is important index and determining standard during selecting elite individual. but it can’t exactly determine the critical lower temperature of botany individual and can exactly reflect changing of physio-biochemistry of botany individual, the index only indicates the adaptability of cold-hardness of plant individual in subjectivity[8] The introducing of plant is limited by many factors of geography and it is different for the different plant and the different areas to introduce planting. The limited factor for Eucalyptus dunnii to move planting in the higher altitude of middle- subtropic is the extreme lowest temperature of introduce area, the distribution of the extreme lowest temperature of introduce area determines the possibility of introduce. The“the extreme-environment reflecting method”that have firstly been advanced by GUO Xiang-quan, HONG wei and so on could betterly make the decision and evaluation before introducing of plant, the decision that the different clone groups of Eucalyptus dunnii elite is planted in the level and erect fitness area is made and evaluates the fitness planting area for the different clone groups of Eucalyptus dunnii elite with the records of the extreme lowest temperature of Jianyang city of Fujiang province and the self-mortality temperature of the different clone groups of Eucalyptus dunnii elite ,this method overs the failure and damnify that evaluation was made by the historic method .

  • 【分类号】S792.39
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