

Systematic Studies on Trichogrammatidae and Mymaridae from Hainan (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea)

【作者】 田洪霞

【导师】 林乃铨;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文包括总论、区系分析和分类描述3部分。总论中介绍了赤眼蜂科和缨小蜂科的分类历史沿革、地方性的种类研究以及我国的研究现状、形态特征、生物学特性及在生物防治上的应用、研究材料与方法等。在区系分析部分,初步讨论了海南已知赤眼蜂、缨小蜂的地理分布分布特点、区系组成特点以及原因。在分类描述部分,从采自海南8个县、市的标本7, 056号中重点研究了玻片标本2, 000余号,描述鉴定赤眼蜂科25属、51种,其中3新纪录属、11新种和6新记录种;缨小蜂科20属、52种,其中2新纪录属、15新种、11新纪录种和2未定名种。文中所列的属均按照属名、异名录、属征、分布、研究概况等顺序记述。各个种的描述,分别按种名(包括中名和学名)异名录、成虫形态、研究标本(或模式标本)的数量、寄主和分布地点等特征先后记述。如系新种,还有新种学名的词源、新种与近缘种的鉴别特征等。本研究所用的标本全部保存于福建农林大学生物防治研究所。主要研究结果如下:一、赤眼蜂及缨小蜂的地理分布及区系成分初步分析在海南已知赤眼蜂的区系成分分析中,东洋种占有绝对的优势,其次依次是特有种、广布种、全北种。海南已知缨小蜂中,东洋种同样占优势,其次依次是特有种、广布种、全北种和其它种。二者相比较,缨小蜂的各成分种分布相对均匀,东洋种和特有种差距不大,广布种、全北种和其它种的数量也多。另外,赤眼蜂的跨多区分布一般是跨2-3个区,而缨小蜂跨3个区以上的广布种比较普遍。赤眼蜂和缨小蜂在海南地区的分布也是不均衡的:沿海低地区赤眼蜂属种较多,而缨小蜂属种较少,中部山地区赤眼蜂属种较少,而缨小蜂属种较多。另外在区系成分上,赤眼蜂在沿海低地区东洋种23种,特有种10种,而中部山地区东洋种17种,特有种5种;缨小蜂在沿海低地区东洋种15种,特有种6种,广布种7种,而中部山地区东洋种14种,特有种12种,广布种5种。二、海南赤眼蜂新分类单元和新纪录中国新纪录属:类广赤眼蜂属Burksiella De Santis,毛纹赤眼蜂属Chaetogramma Doutt,似尤赤眼蜂属Pseuduscana Pinto。新种:宽翅刺角赤眼蜂Haeckeliania platyoptera sp.nov.,长突赤眼蜂Trichogramma longiprocessa sp.nov.,短茎分索赤眼蜂Trichogrammatoidea brevipenis sp.nov.,半褐邻赤眼蜂Paracentrobia semifuscua sp.nov.,毛足类广赤眼蜂Burksiella hirtipedis sp.nov.,长缘毛纹赤眼蜂Chaetogramma longitricha sp.nov.,长索毛纹赤眼蜂Chaetogramma longifunicula sp.nov.,长茎肿棒赤眼蜂Tumidiclava longipenis sp.nov.,细棒尤氏赤眼蜂Uscana tenuiclava sp.nov.,长管尤氏赤眼蜂Uscana longituba sp.nov.,褐腹尤氏赤眼蜂Uscana fuscigaster sp.nov.。中国新纪录种:格氏副赤眼蜂Paratrichogramma giraulti Hayat,钩突赤眼蜂Trichogramma flandersi Nagaraja,长棒刺脉赤眼蜂Brachygrammatella longiclava Khan,唯一似尤赤眼蜂Pseuduscana sola Pinto,长棒肿棒赤眼蜂Tumidiclava longiclavata Yousuf & Shafee,微小缨翅赤眼蜂Megaphragma mymaripenne Timberlake。三、海南缨小蜂新分类单元和新纪录中国新纪录属:异缨翅缨小蜂属Allanagrus Noyes & Valentine,长跗缨小蜂属Eofoersteria Mathot。新种:多毛大棒缨小蜂Litus multicilis sp.nov.,半翅异缨翅缨小蜂Allanagrus semipterus sp.nov.,等索裂骨缨小蜂Schizophragma equifunicula sp.nov.,大棒长缘缨小蜂Anaphes magniclavus sp.nov.,长管长缘缨小蜂Anaphes longitubus sp.nov.,稀毛长脉缨小蜂Arescon oligotrichus sp.nov.,窄翅长脉缨小蜂Arescon tenuipterus sp.nov.,纹胸长跗缨小蜂Eofoersteria reticula sp.nov.,三亚膜腹缨小蜂Ptilomymar sanyensis sp.nov.,长索冠弯翅缨小蜂Stephanocampta longa sp.nov.,长毛柄翅缨小蜂Gonatocerus longitrichus sp.nov.,褐胸柄翅缨小蜂Gonatocerus fuscus sp.nov.,长柄柄翅缨小蜂Gonatocerus longicapulus sp.nov.,指突柄翅缨小蜂Gonatocerus digitus sp.nov.,短管柄翅缨小蜂Gonatocerus brevitubus sp.nov.。中国新纪录种:阿根廷大棒缨小蜂Litus argentinus (Ogloblin ),假大棒缨小蜂Litus cynipseus Haliday,叶甲长缘缨小蜂Anaphes behmani Girault,黑足长缘缨小蜂Anaphes pullicrurus (Girault),象甲长缘缨小蜂Anaphes victus Huber,大卫柄翅缨小蜂Gonatocerus devikulamus Mani & Saraswat,萨米柄翅缨小蜂Gonatocerus shamimi Subba Rao & Hayat,三白索柄翅缨小蜂Gonatocerus trialbifuniculatus Subba Rao,撒哈柄翅缨小蜂Gonatocerus sahadevani (Subba Rao & Kaur),半长钝毛缨小蜂Himopolynema haflongum Hayat & Singh,叶蝉钝毛缨小蜂Himopolynema hishimonus Taguchi。

【Abstract】 This paper comprised 3 parts: General account, geographical distribution and fauna components of trichogrammatids and mymarids in Hainan and taxonomy part.In General part, the taxonomy history, morphology, research status of China, biology and apply in biological control, material and methods were briefly reviewed. In the second part, the general geographical features of Hainan was described and the characters of geographical distribution and fauna component of trichogrammatids and mymarids in Hainan were analyzed briefly.Characteristics of faunal components of Trichogrammatidae and Mymaridae in Hainan were summarized as follows: Oriental species were the most and widely distributed in both Trichogrammatiade and Mymaridae, the next were Endemic species, Widely-distributed species, Holarctic species and other species. Compared with Trichogrammatidae, the faunal components of Mymaridae well-proportioned, with smaller differences between Oriental species and Endemic species, and also have larger amount of other species. Mountainous region rich in Trigrammatidae genera and species while Lowland marginal rich in Mymaride genera and species.In the third part, the species based upon the examination of about 2, 000 slide-mounted specimens were consist of 25 valid genera and 51 species of Trichogrammatidae, including 11 species new to science, 3 genera and 6 species new record for China, 20 valid genera and 52 species of Mymaridae, among which, 15 species are new to science, 2 genera and 11 species are new record for China. In each genus the following information was given: generic synonymy; distribution;diagnosis; the historical review and the present species. A list of the genera and species new for China and new species are as follows.I. TrichogrammatidaeNew generic records for China: Burksiella De Santis, Chaetogramma Doutt, Pseuduscana Pinto.Species new to science: Haeckeliania platyoptera sp.nov., Trichogramma longiprocessa sp.nov., Trichogrammatoidea brevipenis sp.nov., Paracentrobia semifuscua sp.nov., Burksiella hirtipedis sp.nov., Chaetogramma longitricha sp.nov., Chaetogramma longifunicula sp.nov., Tumidiclava longipenis sp.nov., Uscana tenuiclava sp.nov., Uscana longitubus sp.nov., Uscana fuscigaster sp.nov.New species records for China: Paratrichogramma giraulti Hayat, Trichogramma flandersi Nagaraja, Brachygrammatella longiclava Khan, Pseuduscana sola Pinto, Tumidiclava longiclavata Yousuf & Shafee, Megaphragma mymaripenne Timberlake.II. MymaridaeNew generic records for China: Allanagrus Noyes & Valentine, Eofoersteria Mathot.Species new to science: Litus multicilis sp.nov., Allanagrus semipterus sp.nov., Schizophragma equifunicula sp.nov., Anaphes magniclavus sp.nov., Anaphes longitubus sp.nov., Arescon oligotrichus sp.nov., Arescon tenuipterus sp.nov., Eofoersteria reticula sp.nov., Ptilomymar sanyensis sp.nov., Stephanocampta longa sp.nov., Gonatocerus longitrichus sp.nov., Gonatocerus fuscus sp.nov., Gonatocerus longicapulus sp.nov., Gonatocerus digitus sp.nov., Gonatocerus brevitubus sp.nov.. New species records for China: Litus argentinus (Ogloblin), Litus cynipseus Haliday, Anaphes behmani Girault, Anaphes pullicrurus (Girault), Anaphes victus Huber, Gonatocerus devikulamus Mani & Saraswat, Gonatocerus shamimi Subba Rao & Hayat, Gonatocerus trialbifuniculatus Subba Rao, Gonatocerus sahadevani (Subba Rao & Kaur), Himopolynema haflongum Hayat & Singh, Himopolynema hishimonus Taguchi.Remarks on the New SpeciesThe host of all new species are unknown and all of them were collected by sweeping.1. Haeckeliania platyoptera, sp. nov.This new species is similar to H. nigra Lin, but can be easily separated from the later by the broader forewing, the undeveloped and short ovipositor, and the length of antennal segments. Material: Holotype:♀, Jianfeng Mountain, Ledong, Hainan, 25-II-2005, Zhang Li-xiang.2. Trichogramma longiprocessa, sp.nov.This new species is similar to T. artonae and T. longxishanense, but differs from the latter in the dorsal expansion of gonobase, not as a triangle. It differs from T. longxishanense by the central ridges reached the base of the gonobase, apex of dorsal expansion of gonobase close to apex of median ventral projection, and chelate structures out of the gonoforceps distinctly.Material: Holotype:♂, Limu Mountain, Qiongzhong, Hainan, 13-IV-2006, Li Wen-biao.3. Trichogrammatoidea brevipenis, sp.nov.This new species is similar to T. bactrae Nagaraja, but can be separated from the latter as following: the male genitalia gonobase broader, the apex of aedeagus not reach out of the gonobase, aedeagus longer than apodemes, the whole about 0.64x of hind tibia length.Material: Holotype:♂, Danzhou, Hainan, 6-V-2005, Zhang Duan-zhang.4. Paracentrobia semifuscua, sp.nov.This new species is similar to P. (P) cassidavora Subba Rao, but the new species has wide clava, which less two times as long as the combined lengths of pedicel and funicle including the anelli.Material: Holotype:♀, Jianfeng Mountain, Ledong, Hainan, 26-III-2006, Li Wen-biao. Paratypes: 1♀, Danzhou, Hainan, 6-V-2005, Zhang Duan-zhang; 1♂, Jianfeng Mountain, Ledong, Hainan, 25-III-2006, Li Wen-biao.5. Burksiella hirtipedis, sp.nov.This new species is similar to B. singularis Yousuf & Shafee, but can be distinguished from the latter by the slender club, broader forewing and ovipositor not arising from basal one-third of metasoma. Material: Holotype:♀, Danzhou, Hainan, 6-V-2005, Zhang Duan-zhang.6. Chaetogramma longitricha, sp.nov.This new species is similar to C. occidentalis Doutt, but can be easily separated from the latter as followings: the joint of premarginal vein and marginal vein light colored,forewing fringes longer, and the ovipositor not arising from basal metasoma. Material: Holotype:♀, Danzhou, Hainan, 6-V-2005, Zhang Duan-zhang.7. Chaetogramma longifunicula, sp.nov.This new species is similar to C. hisarensis Yousuf & Shafee, but differs from the latter in the slender antenna, 1 ring-like annellus, and the broader forewing.Material: Holotype:♀, Sanya, Hainan, 22-II-2005, Zhang Li-xiang.8. Tumidiclava longipenis, sp.nov.This new species is similar to T. sasniensis Yousuf & Shafee and T. minoripenis Lin. It differs from the former in the broader forewing and the base of forewing no fuscated area; it differs from the latter by the slender forewing and longer fringe.Material: Holotype:♂, Danzhou, Hainan, 7-XI-2005, Li Wen-biao.9. Uscana.tenuiclava, sp.nov.This new species is similar to U. setifera Lin, but it differs from the latter by the slender forewing, the longer fringe and the developed ovipositor about 1.67x of hind tibia length, while the latter only 0.62x. Material: Holotype:♀, Danzhou, Hainan, 7-XI-2005, Li Wen-biao.10. Uscana longitubus, sp.nov.The new species is similar to U. caryedoni in the forewing, while the new species has extremely longer ovipositor, which about 5x of hind tibia length.Material: Holotype:♀, Limu Mountain, Qiongzhong, Hainan, 13-IV-2006, Li Wen-biao.11. Uscana fuscigaster, sp.nov.This new species is similar to U. rugatus Lin, but it differs from the latter by the broader forewing, the developed ovipositor, and the tergum II to IV of metasoma brown。Material: Holotype:♀, Yunyue Lake, Danzhou, Hainan, 29-X-2005, Li Wen-biao.12. Litus multicilis, sp.nov.This new species is similar to L. camptopterus, L. usach and L. karapuz, but can be separated from them by the antenna funicle and clava segment, forewing shape, disk cilia on forewing and the fringe of forewing.Material: Holotype:♀, Limu Mountain, Qiongzhong, Hainan, 13-IV-2006, Li Wen-biao. Paratypes: 6♀♀, the same data as holotype.13. Allanagrus semipterus, sp.nov.This new species can be separated from other species of the genus by antenna segments, forewing shape ,fringe and ovipositor.Material: Holotype:♀, Jianfeng Mountain, Ledong, Hainan, 25-II-2005, Zhang Li-xiang.14. Schizophragma equifunicula, sp.nov.This new species is similar to S. parvula Ogloblin, but new species forewing broader distinctly, the front of the wing has a glabrous area, and the length of F3 is equal to F5.Material: Holotype:♀, Jianfeng Mountain, Ledong, Hainan, 26-II-2005, Zhang Li-xiang.15. Anaphes magniclavus, sp.nov. This new species is similar to A. longiclava (Doutt), but difers from the latter by followings: F4 shorter than F3 and F5 distinctly, and the sensila on the funicle is different.Material :Holotype:♀, Limu Mountain, Qiongzhong, Hainan,13-IV-2006, Li Wen-biao.16. Anaphes longitubus, sp.nov.This new species is similar to A. pallipes (Ashmead), but new species with two sensilla on F4, while the latter without. And new species has fewer disk cilia on forewing.Material: Holotype:♀, Yunyue Lake, Danzhou, Hainan, 20-VIII-2004, Lv Bao-qian. Paratypes: 4♀♀, Danzhou, Hainan, 7-XI-2005, Li Wen-biao; 2♂♂,Sanya, Hainan, 27-III-2006, Li Wen-biao.17. Arescon oligotrichus, sp.nov.This new species is similar to A. iridescens (Enock), but differs from the latter by the slender forewing, the distinctly fewer disk cilia of forewing, the position of the ovipositor rising and the rate of ovipositor to metasoma is different.Material: Holotype:♀, Limu Mountain, Qiongzhong, Hainan, 13-IV-2006, Li Wen-biao.18. Arescon tenuipterus, sp.nov.This new species is similar to A. oligotrichus, but can be easily distinguished by the narrower forewing, the less disk cilia, and the narrower disk cilia area below marginal vein.Material: Holotype:♀, Jianfeng Mountain, Ledong, Hainan, 26-III-2006, Li Wen-biao. Paratypes:♀, Jianfeng Mountain, Ledong, Hainan, 26-III-2006, Li Wen-biao, 1♂, Danzhou, Hainan, 18-V-1997, Chen Guang-fu, 1♂, Tunchang, Hainan, 2-V-2006, Li Wen-biao.19. Eofoersteria reticula, sp.nov.This new species can be separated from any other known species as followings: the length of antenna segments of E. camptopteroides Mathot and E. secunda Viggiani is different from the new species; while compared with E. vista (Gerald), the ovipositor is not as developed as the latter.Material: Holotype:♀, Jianfeng Mountain, Ledong, Hainan, 25-III-2006, Li Wen-biao.20. Ptilomymar sanyensis, sp.nov.This new species is similar to P. magnificum Yoshimoto, but the latter’s areolate carinae located on the dorsal of tergum I, while new species’on the dorsal and ventral of the tergum I, and the latter with broad dark band below marginal vein, while new species without.Material: Holotype:♀, Sanya, Hainan, 27-III-2006, Li Wen-biao.21. Stephanocampta longa, sp.nov.New species differs from other species of the genus by the longer F2, the fewer disk cilia and the different color of the mesosoma and metasoma.Material: Holotype:♀, Jianfeng Mountain, Ledong, Hainan, 25-II-2005, Zhang Li-xiang.22. Gonatocerus longitrichus, sp.nov.New species differs from other species of the genus by the parallel front and hind of the forewing,the longer fringe. Material: Holotype:♀, Jianfeng Mountain, Ledong, Hainan, 25-II-2005, Zhang Li-xiang.23. Gonatocerus fuscus, sp.nov.The new species is similar to G. delhiensis (Narayanan & Subba Rao) and G. narayani (Subbao Rao & Kaur), but compared with the former, new species has shorter ovipositor, which only 1.17x of the hind tibia; while compared with the latter’s brown vertex and brown band on mesosoma, new species with head and mesosoma all brown.Material: Holotype:♀, Jianfeng Mountain, Ledong, Hainan, 18-II-2005, Zhang Li-xiang. Paratypes:♀, Jianfeng Mountain, Ledong, Hainan, 18-II-2005, Zhang Li-xiang; 4♀♀, Danzhou, Hainan, 6-V-2005, Zhang Duan-zhang.24. Gonatocerus longicapulus, sp.nov.This new species is similar to G. pahlgamensis (Narayanan), but the new species has developed ovipositor, which projecting towards to the mesosoma.Material: Holotype:♀, Sanya, Hainan, 27-III-2006, Li Wen-biao.25. Gonatocerus brevitubus, sp.nov.This new species is similar to G. trialbifuniculatus Subba Rao, but new species bigger in size, all the antenna brown, and forewing broader.Material: Holotype:♂, Jianfeng Mountain, Ledong, Hainan, 18-II-2005, Zhang Li-xiang. Paratypes:♀, the same data as holotype.26. Gonatocerus digitus, sp.nov.The new species differs from other species of the genus by the tip of female clava prolonged into a digit.Material: Holotype:♀, Danzhou, Hainan, VI-2005, Zhang Duan-zhang. Paratypes: 2♀♀, Danzhou, Hainan, 30-X-2004, Lv Bao-qian; 1♀, Danzhou, Hainan, 7-XI-2005, Li Wen-biao.

【关键词】 赤眼蜂科缨小蜂科分类海南
【Key words】 TrcihogrammatidaeMymaridaetaxonomyHainan
  • 【分类号】S476.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】256