

Research on China’s Shrimp International Trade Structure and Competitiveness

【作者】 段媛媛

【导师】 万荣;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 渔业经济与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 虾产品是国际市场上价值最大且交易最活跃的水产品,也是中国水产品出口中最大宗的产品之一。虾产品是中国养殖名特优产品中养殖水面最大、养殖省份最多、养殖分布面最广、从业人员最多的产品,虾产业的可持续发展对促进出口、增加就业、提高人民生活水平具有重要作用。中国是世界虾产品第二大生产国和第四大出口国,但从贸易结构和竞争力看,中国却不是虾产品贸易强国。中国虾产品贸易结构和国际竞争力有什么特征?中国虾产品发展的优势是什么?中国虾产品贸易结构和竞争力变化的深层次原因是什么?虾产品的贸易结构和国际竞争力对贸易规模的变动有什么影响?本文试图以贸易结构和竞争力作为切入点,展开虾产业和虾产品国际贸易问题的研究,为制定产业政策和贸易政策提供相关依据。本文综合运用规范分析与实证分析相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合、静态分析与动态分析相结合的方法,在大量搜集相关数据资料的基础上对中国虾产品国际贸易结构和竞争力问题进行了较为系统的研究。主要成果如下:(1)通过对世界和中国虾产品贸易结构和竞争力变动特征的分析,结果表明:从长期变动情况看,世界虾产品贸易规模的变动总体呈现线性增长趋势且进出口分布非常不均衡;中国虾产品贸易一直保持净出口的状态,长期看进出口规模均呈线性增长趋势,出口市场呈分散化趋势。(2)从行业外部市场环境和产业组织内自身运行状况,分析了中国虾产品国际竞争力的影响因素。从外部市场环境看,中国虾产品的竞争优势表现在充足的初级生产要素和日渐成熟的国内消费市场,竞争劣势表现在高级生产要素不足、相关产业发展滞后以及国内与国际市场需求的差异。从产业组织内部看,世界虾产品生产和中国出口市场的高集中度,虾产品在品种、销售和加工等经营方式上的雷同,以及近年来国际市场贸易壁垒的增强,这些因素对中国虾产品出口非常不利。但是企业在引进新品种、提高养殖技术、增强质量安全等方面取得了很大进步,行业协会也有了一定的发展,政府施行了相关产业政策及水产品质量安全体系,对虾产品竞争力的提高起到很大的正面作用。从竞争效果的评价看,中国虾产品具有比较强的竞争优势,但比较优势不明显,反映出中国虾产品出口与竞争对手相比竞争力不强。(3)分析了中国虾产品贸易变动的影响因素,从虾产品总体看,贸易竞争力对中国虾产品出口规模的变动起到决定性的作用,市场规模对出口有较大的拉动作用,但并未产生决定性影响,市场分布对虾产品出口变动的影响不大。(4)提出了中国虾产品出口结构的改进空间。中国虾产品出口市场应继续开拓传统的美国、日本和欧盟市场,加大对加拿大、澳大利亚和韩国市场的开发力度。在品种上,扩大虾制品出口,努力扩大鲜活虾的出口规模。(5)中国虾产品产业国际竞争力提升的途径主要包括:积极培育高级生产要素、以产业集群作为战略方式、引导消费需求、增强市场开拓意识、实行品牌化战略、建立与国际市场接轨的质量体系和检验检测体系、提高养殖技术和加工水平、发挥行业协会的协调功能、加强战略性贸易政策研究等。本文主要创新点,一是构建了一个基于产业组织理论与钻石模型的虾产品产业国际竞争力理论框架,将虾产品竞争力问题的研究纳入了一个系统性、综合性的框架和体系;二是将中国虾产品贸易结构问题在世界范围内进行对比研究,避免了双边贸易研究或局部区域研究时的局限性和片面性;三是在微观层次上对虾产品贸易结构和竞争力问题进行了较为深入和全面的研究,是对贸易结构和竞争力问题宏观研究的一个较好的补充,实证分析和量化指标的分析结果可为相应产业政策的制订提供更可信的决策依据。

【Abstract】 Shrimp is the most valued aquatic product in the international market and is being traded widely. Shrimp is in the first place in farming area, farming province, farming distribution and number of practitioner. It is one of the biggest commodities in China’s aquatic product export. Shrimp industry plays an important role in fostering foreign trade, increasing employment opportunities, and improving standard of living.China is the second biggest shrimp producing country and the fourth biggest shrimp exporting country in the world, but from the perspectives of trade structure and competitiveness it is not as strong as what it looks like. What are the characteristics of China’s shrimp trade structure and competitiveness? What is the advantage of China’s shrimp industry development? What’s the inherent reasons of the change of trade structure and competitiveness, by which the trade scale is affected? This paper studies shrimp trade on the basis of the study on trade structure and competitiveness, and provides the foundation of industry and trade policy.The paper adopts and combines normative analysis together with positive analysis, qualitative analysis together with quantitative analysis, static state analysis together with dynamics analysis, and studies China’s shrimp trade structure and competitiveness based on collecting mass of data.The main results are as follows: (1) analyzing the changing characteristics of world and China’s shrimp trade structure and competitiveness. The world shrimp trade output increases linearly and the trade distribution is imbalanced according to a long time sequence data. China is a net exporter in shrimp trade, of which both the import and export output increase linearly, and the export market inclines to diversify.(2) The analysis of China’s shrimp competitiveness is undertaken by two sides. One is market environment and the other is industry. From the market environment, the advantage comes from primary production element and mature consumption market. The disadvantage is from advanced production element, correlative industry and the different demand between interior and international market. From the industry, the disadvantage comes from concentration of the world shrimp production and China shrimp trade, similarity of the product in variety, sales and processing, and the trade barriers. The advantage is that enterprises, unions, and the government are taking various measures advantageous to the shrimp industry.(3) The analysis of influence factors of China shrimp trade output gives the results as follows: competitiveness is the deciding factor; market scale also plays an important role; and market distribution has insignificant effect on trade output.(4) To optimize China’s shrimp trade structure, it is necessary to further exploit traditional markets such as USA, Japan and EU; in the mean time, Canada, Australia and Korea are also important markets. Increasing processed and live shrimp export is also advantageous to optimizing trade structure.(5) In order to improve shrimp competitiveness, some measures must be taken including cultivating advanced element, industry strategy, guiding consumption, brand strategy, quality inspection system, improving farming and processing technology, union and government function.

【关键词】 虾产品贸易结构竞争力
【Key words】 shrimp producttrade structurecompetitiveness
  • 【分类号】F752.6;F326.4
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1148
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