

Study on Transforming the Fisheries Economic Growth Pattern in China

【作者】 史磊

【导师】 高强;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 渔业经济与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 渔业是我国大农业的重要产业之一,在国民经济中占有重要地位,对于保障国家粮食安全,增加农民收入,繁荣农村经济有着积极而重要的作用。改革开放以来,我国渔业发展取得了巨大的成就。但我们仍要清醒的看到,时至今日,我国渔业还没有摆脱依靠生产规模扩张和大量消耗自然资源为主的粗放型经营方式。渔业资源过度捕捞、经济效益下降、污染日趋严重和水产品的价格持续低迷,使渔业可持续发展困难重重。在此背景下,研究我国渔业经济增长方式转变的问题具有重要的现实意义。本文运用现代经济增长的理论与方法,对改革开放以来我国渔业经济增长影响因素和增长方式进行了较为系统深入的分析,并在此基础上提出了一些促进我国渔业经济增长方式转变的政策和建议。论文具体内容包括以下九个部分:第一部分是导论。介绍对我国渔业经济增长问题研究的目的、意义;对国内外相关研究文献进行综述,并做出分析总结和评论判断;介绍本文研究的视角、研究方法、技术路线;并阐述论文主要贡献和需要进一步研究的问题。第二部分是论文研究的理论基础。首先阐明了渔业经济增长方式相关概念,对经济增长理论作了系统的回顾,在此基础上提出了影响我国渔业经济增长方式的主要因素,为后文详细分析我国渔业经济增长规律作理论铺垫。第三部分是我国渔业经济增长方式的历史轨迹。这一章主要对我国渔业发展的历史沿革进行详细分析,总结出改革开放之后我国渔业增长方式的特征。第四部分是我国渔业经济增长影响因素分析。主要从实证角度分别研究了投入要素、产业结构、对外贸易、制度变革等对我国渔业经济增长的影响。第五部分在上文研究的基础上,从科技进步、产业结构、对外贸易和制度创新四个方面分析渔业经济增长方式的转变机制。第六部分是我国渔业增长方式现状分析。这部分分析了当前我国渔业经济增长方式,造成粗放型渔业经济增长方式的原因,以及渔业经济增长方式中存在的“路径依赖”问题,最后分析了当前我国渔业经济中存在的一些问题。第七部分是对渔业发达国家发展渔业的经验总结,通过对国外渔业发达国家渔业发展经验进行整理归纳,挖掘其中的合理成分,为我国渔业经济发展提供合理性的借鉴。第八部分是我国渔业经济增长方式转变的对策和建议。这一部分是综合前面的研究成果,从科技进步、产业结构、对外贸易和制度创新四方面提出我国渔业经济增长方式转变的对策和建议。本文取得的研究成果如下:1、本文注重将规范研究与实证研究相结合,定性分析与定量分析相结合。首次将生产函数、灰色分析以及因果检验等分析方法中应用到渔业经济增长因素的分析,提高了研究的精确度。2、本文通过实证研究揭示了要素投入、产业结构、对外贸易和制度创新是刺激渔业经济增长的四大动力,并在此基础上构建了渔业经济增长方式转变机制。3、在回顾我国渔业发展历史的基础上,联系我国渔业发展的现状和借鉴国外渔业发展的先进经验,提出了转变我国渔业经济增长方式的具体措施。

【Abstract】 Fisheries is an important part in agriculture. It plays an important role in the national economy. The development of the fisheries can protect national food security, increase the income of peasants and prosper rural economy. Since reform and opening up, China’s fisheries has made great economic achievements. But to date, our fisheries was developed in an extensive growth form. There are many problems with our fisheries, such as over fishing, decline in production, pollution and the price depression of aquatic products. Under this situation, the study on the transformation of fisheries has important practical significance.In this thesis, the author use the modern economic growth theory to analyze the growth factors and patterns of fisheries economics since the reform and opening, and on this basis, some policies and recommendations are proposed for promoting fisheries growth pattern. The thesis consists of nine chapters:The first part is the preface. It illustrates the background and practical meaning of the China’s fisheries economic growth research, and summarizes the present articles. The second part is the theoretical basis for the research. First of all, the author clarifies the concept of fisheries economic growth pattern and the author reviews the economic growth theory. Then the author summarizes the primary influencing factors of fisheries economic growth pattern for the later detailed analysis of fisheries economic growth laws.The third part is about the mode of China’s fisheries economic growth pattern. This chapter focused on the development of China’s fisheries history, and then sum up the characters of fisheries economic growth after the reform and open policy in 1978.The forth part is about the impact factors of fisheries economic growth. On the empirical viewpoint, this paper studies the impacts of input factors, the industrial structure, foreign trade, institutional change to fisheries economic growth. In the fifth part, on the basis of above, this paper study the transformation mechanisms of fisheries economic growth pattern from the scientific and technological progress, industrial structure, foreign trade and institutional innovation.The sixth part is about the status of fisheries growth pattern. First of all, this paper analyzes the current fisheries economic growth pattern. Then this paper analyzes the reasons for the extensive growth pattern, as well as the phenomena of "path dependence" problem. At last the author studies the existent problems of China’s fisheries.The seventh part is about the experience of the developed countries in the fisheries; summarize the revelation for our country fisheries growth including the useful experiences and lessons.At last, in the eighth part some recommendations are put forward to transform the fisheries growth pattern from the angle of scientific and technological progress, industrial structure, foreign trade and institutional innovation.In this paper, the main results are as follows: 1, In order to improve the accuracy of the study, this paper studies the factors of fisheries economics by combining the production function, gray system theory and granger causality. 2, this paper reveals that the input factors, the industrial structure, foreign trade and system innovation are the major power of stimulating fisheries economic. And on this basis, this paper builds the transformation mechanism of fisheries economic growth pattern. 3, on the basis of recalling the history of the development of fisheries, this paper combined the current fisheries economic and the experience of foreign fisheries development, raised the recommendations of how changes the fisheries economic growth pattern.
