

On the Protection Law of Rare or Endangered Marine Animals of China

【作者】 马英杰

【导师】 徐祥民;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境科学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 根据《联合国海洋法公约》,我国的管辖海域约300万平方千米。海洋为我们提供了丰富的生物资源。很多现在已经属于珍贵濒危的海洋生物如海豹、海豚、鲸鱼、儒艮、海龟、中华鲟、鲸鲨、姥鲨曾经成群结队的游弋在我国的海域中,有的甚至在二十世纪六十年代数量还很多,可以供人进行捕捞。它们对于维护海洋生态健康起着重要的作用,为各种科研活动提供了实验材料,为人们提供了食物、医药、工业原料、观赏物品、礼品等,满足了人们的各种生活需要,促进了经济的发展。但是它们现在在我国海域已经难觅踪影,人们除了能够买票到水族馆观赏到这些海洋生物外,几乎不知道它们还有什么其他作用,更别说将它们作为食物或者生活用品了。为了不至于永远的失去这些美好的生物,人们不得不将它们以各种形式保护起来。为了保护珍贵濒危野生动物,我国颁布了《野生动物保护法》、《环境保护法》、《海洋环境保护》、《渔业法》、《自然保护区条例》等法律法规,还加入了《联合国海洋法公约》、《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》、《生物多样性公约》、《关于特别是作为水禽栖息地的国际重要湿地公约》等国际公约;建立了一系列的保护制度,但是由于我国人口发展过快,法律制度的建设和管理水平的提高满足不了经济社会又快又好的发展,我国海域中的珍贵濒危物种的数量仍然呈下降的趋势。在这篇文章中,作者对我国的海洋珍贵濒危海洋动物保护的法律法规进行梳理和研究,对照我国海洋珍贵濒危野生动物保护的实践情况,找出不足,提出完善的对策和建议,以期研究的结果能为我国珍贵濒危海洋动物的保护提供参考。本文共分七章。第一章论述了珍贵濒危动物以及它们的价值,重点论述了我国的珍贵濒危海洋生物。第二章介绍了我国珍贵濒危动物的立法概况,对珍贵濒危海洋动物保护在我国珍贵濒危动物保护立法体系中的地位进行了分析,提出珍贵濒危海洋动物保护是我国珍贵濒危保护立法体系的重要组成部分。第三章介绍了我国珍贵濒危海洋动物保护的原则和基本法律制度。第四章论述了我国珍贵濒危海洋生物种群的保护,包括珍贵濒危海洋野生动物的分级、特许利用、资源费的收取、拯救措施,最后提出了完善海洋珍贵濒危生物种群保护的法律措施。第五章论述了我国珍贵、濒危海洋动物栖息地环境的保护,包括海域使用的管理、工程建设项目的环境管理、生存环境的监测、污染控制和保护区制度。提出了完善珍贵、濒危海洋生物栖息地保护的法律措施。第六章论述了几种特殊的海洋动物的立法保护,提出对海洋哺乳动物、海龟和鲨鱼进行单独立法保护。第七章论述了海洋入侵物种对海洋物种的危害,介绍了国际上生物入侵有关的法律,提出了我国防治海洋入侵物种的法律构想。本文提出我国应当参照国际上普遍接受的标准,订立我国珍贵濒危海洋野生动物的分级标准;根据环境的变化适时修订国家和地方保护的珍贵濒危海洋野生动物名录;对于每一种列入保护名录的珍贵濒危海洋野生动物要单独指定保护计划进行种群恢复;国家立法并采取有力措施鼓励进行珍贵濒危海洋动物的研究和养殖,对于达到一定数目的种类鼓励利用;单独立法保护特殊海洋物种,如哺乳动物、海龟和大型鲨鱼;采取措施控制外来物种入侵。

【Abstract】 In accordance with the“United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea”China’s has a judicial sea area about 300million suqameter,which offers aboudantliving resources to people.Before 1960’s,many seals,whales,dolphins,dugons,seaturtles,sturgeons and big sharks lived in the China seas,and they were available forpeople to catch and use in daily life.They kept an healthy marine ecologicalenvironment for Chinese people and were excellent experimental materials forscientific studies.People used them as food,medicine,tornaments,gifts and industrialmaterials etc in old days.But,these animals are rare and some are endangered inChina seas now,and people only may wtach them in aquariums.People almost havelost these beautiful animals and have to protect them in many ways.Law is an important tool to protect rare or endangered marine ainmals.China hasenacted many laws in this field.For example,the“Wild Animal Protection Law”,“Environmental Protection Law”,“Marine Environmental Protection Law”,“Fisheries Law”,“Natural Reserves Protection Regulations”and related internationalconventions,such as the“United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea”,“Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora”,“Convention on Biodiversity”and“Convention on Wetlands of InternationalImportance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat”,etcs,have established the legal framework in animal protection in China.But because of the radip growth of China’spopulation,the legal frame work and management measures can not meet therequirment of social development,the number of many species of rare or endangeredmarine animals are still decreasing.In this paper,the author put forword somecountermeasures in legal aspect in China by analyzing the related laws andincorporting with practical studies,There are Seven Chapters in this paper.Chapter One introduces the value of rare or endangered animals with focus onmarine animals.Chapter Two introduces the legislations on the protection of rare or endangeredanimals in China,and shows that the legislations on the protection of rare or endangered marnine animals are an impirtant part of it.Chapter Three introduces the basic principles and legal institutions on theprotection of rare and endangered marine animals.Chapter Four introduces the legal protction of the population of rare or endangeredmarine animals in China,including the classification,permission of use,collection ofresouces fee,rescue measures etc,and put forward countermeasures.Chapter Five introduces the legal protection of living habitat of rare or endangerdmarine animals,including the control of occupation of sea,management ofconstruction projects,habitat monitoring,pollution control,and protected areas,andand put forward countermeasures in the protction of habitat..Chapter Six introduces the legislation of some special animals abrod and at home,and suggests that special laws should be enacted in the protection of marine mammals,sea turtles and big sharks in China.Chapter Seven introduces the legislation on alien species intrusion abroad and athome,and put forword some measures on the legal prevention of alien marine speciesintrusion in China.In this paper,the author sugested that,the calssification standard of rare andendangered marine animals should be established and be harmonous withinternational accepted standards;the list of“state protected aninals”and“localprotected animals should be revised in accordance with practical condition regularly;protection pain should be make for individual speciese in the list of state or localprotected animals;effective measures should be taken by government to encouragepeople to study and culture rare or endangered marine animals;special lawsshould be enacted to protect some special marine animals;effective measures shouldbe taken to control alien species intrusion.

【关键词】 珍贵濒危海洋动物保护法律对策建议
【Key words】 Rare or Endangeredmarine animalsProtectionLawCountermeasures