

Evolution of the Western Catholic Ethical Ideas

【作者】 郝国昆

【导师】 董小川;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 天主教伦理作为人类智慧的总结和人类道德智慧的结晶,一直保持着与全球人类伦理共同拥有的价值观和道德意识境界,在改造人心、克服全球化所带来的道德危机方面具有其独特的作用,扮演着重要角色。西方天主教伦理观的变迁一文旨在探寻西方天主教伦理发展的历史及演变的原因、历程,说明这种演变与发展对各个时代及社会产生的影响,提供的精神资源和道德资源和形成的特质,阐释宗教伦理的差异性,各主要宗教在伦理层面相互关联、彼此影响及相互作用,研究天主教伦理的现实发展状况及其现实意义。不仅从宗教的角度,而且从伦理的角度,探寻其对形成人类文化、精神资源的意义作用,以及对当今中国文化建设及建构和谐社会的借鉴意义。对西方天主教伦理观的研究属于跨学科的文化研究范围,它立足于历史研究,同时需要引进现代哲学理论、社会学的比较分析方法,以及民族学和人类学的研究成果来丰富自身的论证。希冀通过这样的研究,结合伦理的视角,能够在各种因素的互动中全面反映西方天主教会的风貌。本文将研究目标定位于西方天主教伦理观,全文共分六个部分:第一部分探讨了西方天主教伦理观研究中的几个基本问题,包括西方天主教伦理观研究的学术价值及现实意义,国内外研究现状和研究范围及研究方法。第二部分阐释了古希腊罗马时代西方伦理观的奠基;首先述析了伟大的贤哲苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德的伦理观,然后分析了后亚里士多德时代的伦理观,进而论及罗马时代的西方伦理观,并阐明基督教伦理观是犹太教伦理观的借用和发展。第三部分探讨了中世纪西方天主教(基督教)伦理的滥觞,内容包括奥古斯丁时代的天主教(基督教)伦理观和阿奎那时代的天主教(基督教)伦理观,主要是要阐明在中世纪西方天主教(基督教)伦理观的发展变化和表现活跃的原因。第四部分着眼于《圣经》伦理的内涵与阐释,重点从《圣经》伦理思想的整体认识、《圣经·旧约》中的伦理观及《圣经·新约》中的伦理观这三个方面对《圣经》伦理进行论证。第五部分通过对托马斯主义及其伦理观、新托马斯主义及其内部论争和梵二会议以后的天主教伦理观的解析来说明近代以来西方天主教伦理观变迁的历史背景和理论渊源,探究天主教伦理观变迁的历史轨迹和精神特质。第六部分对西方天主教伦理观的现实地位进行评价,探讨其对全球政治、经济、文化危机背景下伦理建设的借鉴意义及对我国在现代视域下核心价值体系建设、精神文化建设、伦理道德建设的现实意义。

【Abstract】 The purpose of Evolution of the Western Catholic Ethical Ideas is to seek the history and change of Western Catholic ethical development , and try to dowse the reason and course, explain the change and development on the impact of every time and every society, and spirit resource and moral resource and formative quality, illustrate the difference of religion and ethic, classify the relation and impact and role among the main religions on the ethic, study actual development state and actual significance of Catholic ethic, seek the meaning and role.Evolution of the Western Catholic Ethical Ideas belongs to the scope of interdisciplinary cultural study. Based on historical research, it need bring in modern philosophical theory and research production of ethnology and anthropology to enrich its own argumentation. We hope to reflect the scene of Western Catholic with such study.The paper mainly focuses on the Evolution of the Western Catholic Ethical Ideas. In the first of all six parts some key issues of study including the fundamental theories and conceptions, the research scope and recent research progress are discussed.Part Two elucidates the base of Western ethical ideas in the time of ancient Greece and Rome. Firstly narrates the ethical ideas of great Socrates and Plato and Aristotle, and then analyses the ethical ideas of post- Aristotle time, discusses the ethical ideas of Rome time, clarifies the Christian ethical ideas.Part Three discusses the popularity of Western ethical religion in the Middle Ages. The content includes the religious ethic of Augustine time and the religious ethic of Aquinas time and religious philosophy and ethical religion. It mainly illuminates the reason of the change and vibrancy of Western ethical religion in the Middle Ages.Part Four analyses the connotation and explanation of Bible ethic. It demonstrates the change of Bible ethic and the ethical ideas of the Old Testament and the ethical ideas of the New Testament.Part Five addresses Thomism and its ethical ideas and Neo-Thomism and its inner controversy and Catholic ethical ideas after the Second Vatican Council, expounds historical background and academic origin, researches into historical track and inspirit particularity of the evolution of Catholic ethical ideas.Part Six evaluates on realistic status of Western Catholic ethical ideas, discusses the significance on the human culture.

【关键词】 西方天主教圣经伦理观梵二会议
【Key words】 WestCatholicismBibleEthical ideasthe Second Vatican Council