

The Study of Yan Geling

【作者】 邢楠

【导师】 逄增玉;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 严歌苓,1957年生于上海,最初在文坛上得到好评的是发表于1986年的军旅题材长篇小说《绿血》。这本湮没在岁月风沙中的试笔之作尽管尚显稚嫩,但已充分表现了“思索与顽强奋进的人生风貌”,其后长篇小说《一个女兵的悄悄话》问世,这两部作品分别获得1977——1986年优秀军事长篇小说奖和解放军报军版图书奖。如果说对于时代与社会的“边缘人”的体察、对于人性的关注以及对叙事技巧的探索,在这部小说中还仅仅是初露端倪的话,那么1988年完成《雌性的草地》时,这些因素已日臻成熟,并形成了严歌苓日后创作的一个特色。1990年严歌苓进入美国芝加哥哥伦比亚艺术学院攻读写作硕士,异域的生活经验使她和故土“有了地理、时间、以及文化语言的距离,许多往事也显得新鲜奇异,有了一种发人省思的意义。”①在三四年的创作实践中她跃出陈规、搏击现实、静观都市中小人物的挣扎与痛苦,尤其着墨在异质文化语境下的移民生活,书写边缘化的移民阶层在身份建构中所经历的尴尬、孤独、困顿的“蜕变”过程。从第一部长篇小说《绿血》到新近的《小姨多鹤》、《密语者》,三十多年的写作时间,千万字的写作量,其中跨越着军旅题材、移民题材、新历史主义的转宕与变数;严歌苓似乎未曾引领一时风气,甚至有时候显得旧派。因此,读她的小说,也许是对我们阅读趣味的考验。本文以严歌苓的作品为研究对象,对其写作的主题、方式、意义进行阐述,全文分五部分展开论述:绪论部分简述了严歌苓的生平及创作,同时对近十年的严歌苓研究进行综述,以便厘清严歌苓研究的重点与盲点。通过梳理,我们看到在严歌苓小说研究中,“众声喧哗”的意味远甚于“百家争鸣”——尽管研究成果不少,但大多是从众之声,相当一部分论文都倾向于女性形象等少数几个论述角度,切入点乏善可陈。其实,对于严歌苓的小说研究尚有很多未挖掘的宝藏。比如严歌苓的一些小说包括《少女小渔》《天浴》《一个女人的史诗》等都被改编成电影或电视剧,且作者本人也参与改编,那么在两种艺术之间的转变是否会有研究的缝隙,这缝隙是否蕴含着作家的创作核心与精华,都是值得研究和探索的。这也是论文第五章试图阐述的论题。第一章论述严歌苓小说的文化主题,首先运用文化理论梳理严歌苓在中西文化间的文化身份及其对她作家身份的影响,然后分析严歌苓作品中的文化认同与文化疏离现象,接着从历史角度并置阅读严歌苓的新历史主义作品《第九个寡妇》和《小姨多鹤》,试图从中剥离出作家独特的历史意识。最后细读《扶桑》,分析它如何打破以往倡优叙事的单纯浪漫程式,将妓女扶桑置于东西方文明冲突之中,通过书写扶桑对自我命运的掌控完成女性经验的表达。第二章通过对变态性心理的阐释解读严歌苓作品中畸恋题材的情感叙事,包括同性恋、乱伦母题、恋童及其他变态情感,笔者认为“性爱+变态”的主题在文化消费时代里是赢得读者群的最好卖点,也铺就了走向经典的捷径。但这条捷径也有一个伦理“瓶颈”,就是如何规避庸俗与色情。严歌苓成功地避免了庸俗化倾向,以文学自身的诗性获得超越与提升,使这类作品成为她创作中的别样风景。无论是表现非常历史时期性取向的转化,还是有违常伦的畸形情感,亦或是恋童及其他非常态情感,严歌苓都抱之以平和理解的心态,从人道主义的悲悯情怀出发,深深关注着人的生命意识,敏感的捕捉个人生存的痛苦与矛盾,并以聚焦的手法加以展现,但这展现不是为着批判和示众,而是为探讨人类情感的多种可能性。第三章运用女性主义理论分析严歌苓笔下的女性形象,从二十世纪来美的中国妓女到二十世纪末的大陆女留学生,从文革中的女性成长悲剧到对今时今日故国的想象与回忆,女性的牺牲和奉献,坚韧和痛苦,挣扎和包容是严歌苓笔下不断萦绕的画面。这些形象充分地表现着女性特有的性别意识、各自不同的现实欲望和冲动,以及灵魂浮出历史地表的震颤与悱恻动人。从这些女性形象身上,我们深切地体验到严歌苓对女性独特的怀想方式以及对女性人性内涵挖掘的深度,她由女性意识出发,思考着女性的社会处境,这种思考既面向着时代也同样是面向着她自身的困境,而她日后作品最重要的主题走向———女性关怀也由此明朗化。作者源于女性视点而流露出的人性悲悯,使其对人物内心与命运的立体展现更富神采,无论是对于东西方文化缝隙的阐释还是对边缘人物、女性生活世界的关怀亦或是对文革历史的反思,她始终都在揭示人性——人性的光辉、丑恶,无分是非的复杂。在呈现与敞开之中对小人物寄予深沉的悲悯,触摸和发掘东西方人性在各种失控磨砺下的扭曲和转换。第四章是对严歌苓小说艺术特点的论述,分别从行文风格、叙述视角、意象设置来解读严歌苓作品,力求对严歌苓的美学诉求做宏观把握。第五章以电影改编理论为支柱,以严歌苓的文学作品及据此改编的影视作品为对象,阐述其在改编过程中的增减损益及所传达的信息。综上所述,严歌苓在其多年的小说创作实践中形成了自己成熟的小说观念,她的小说具有丰厚的主题意蕴及独特的语言特点和美学特征,并获得了众多批评家和广大读者的欣赏、认同与接受。她小说创作的成功,在于将民族意识糅合在自身的性别经验和日常生活经验中,传达出了女性作家在特定社会历史语境下的家国之思。她的笔触由底层贫民、两性家庭而延及国家社会,透出女性关怀立场,以怜惜同情的柔肠抒写着移民的灰色人生,为弱小者浅吟低唱,张扬一种深沉的人道主义精神。

【Abstract】 Yan Geling, born in Shanghai in1957, firstly received praise in literary field in 1986 when publishing her military saga novel“Green Blood”. Though the trial work was submerged in the waves of time, it had sufficiently expressed the“life outlook of thinking and striving”. After that, the saga novel“Whisper Of A Woman Soldier”came into being. These two works respectively won“prize of excellent military saga novel 1977--1986”and“prize of liberation army newspapers and military books”. If it is the first time she observed the times and edge people of society, concerned about humanity and probed into narrative skills in this novel, when she finished“Mead Of The Female”in1988, these factors had developed to be mature, and had formed a feature of her future works. In 1990, Yang Geling entered Columbia Arts College of Chicago in America to study as writing master. The foreign life experience made her“feels the distance in geography, time and culture and language, and some past memories also became fresh and fantastic, which aroused deep thinking.”In the three or four years of writing practice, she broke the old rules, fought the reality and quietly observed small potatoes’struggling and pain in city life, and especially put more words to migration life under foreign cultural and language environment, and made out that the migration rank in edge of society experienced embarrassment, loneliness, and depression in spallation process during forming their social position. From the first saga novel“Green Blood”to“Aunt Duohe”and“Wisperer”, more than thirty years of writing, ten millions of words, her works’themes span military, migration and new historicalism’s transit and variation. It seems that Yan Geling never led a trend, sometimes even of old fashion, so reading her novel may be a test to our reading taste.The article sets Yan Geling’s work as research object and expounds her works’theme, writing style and meaning of the works. The article consists of five parts: the first part briefly introduces Yan Geling’s lifetime and works, and meanwhile generalizes research of Yan Geling in recent ten years, so as to clarify the emphasis and blank spot. Through sorting, we found among the researches of Yan Geling’s novels, most are“majority’s blatancy”other than“”—though there’s no shortage of research results, most just follow others, and a number of articles inclined to dissertate from some certain angles such as female figure, thus the discussion topic scope is very narrow. In fact, there are much treasure to be excavated in Yan Geling’s novel research. For example, some of her novels including“Maid Little Yu”“Heaven Bath”and“One Woman’s Epic”had been adapted to be movies or TV plays, and the author also attached herself to the adaptation. Then whether there will be research gap during the transit between the two art forms, and if the gap contains author’s invention core and essence? All these are worthy of research and exploring, which is also the topic of the fifth part of the article. The second part sets her new migration novel as object and expounds“loss of words”,“mistranslating”and student abroad’s maladjustment while facing strange living environment in the new migration novel by intercultural communication theory. Meanwhile, the article read“Fusang”carefully and analyze how it broke the mould of pure romantic narration of actresses and prostitutes, and put the prostitute Fusang in the conflict of east and west cultures, thus completing expression of female experience by Fusang’s controlling fate of herself. In the third chapter, through the interpretation of abnormal psychology, the interpretations of works of Yan Geling’s special emotional mode, including homosexuality, as well as Oedipus’s love and cross-age love.In the fourth Chapter ,it analyzes the women’s image through using of theory of feminism from the Chinese prostitutes who came united states in twentieth century to the female students at the end of the twentieth century; from the Chinese prostitutes to female students; from the Cultural Revolution, the tragedy of women to the imagination and recall of native country today ;a woman’s heroic death and dedication, perseverance and pain, struggle and magnanimity are always constant scenes described by Yan Geling. These images show female’s unique gender identity fully, different realistic desires and impulses , and the soul of the tremor Moving. From the images of these women, we can deeply feel unique way of female’s memory as well as the depth of exploring towards Human Nature. In the mean while ,it starts from feminist consciousness , considering women’s situation in society, and such consideration is not only for the times but also for the plight of their own. This is why her later works are so clear. According to the author ,human compassion is originated from feminine perspective and shows the heart and the fate of the characters .Whether it is the explanation for the East-West cultural gap or for the edge of the figure, the concern for the living world and historical reflection of the Cultural Revolution. She always reveals the humanity in the brilliance, ugliness. In the process of showing the characters, the article Placed deep compassion to the little people , touching and exploring the distorting and conversion of human nature between Eastern and Western countries under the wild condition.The forth chapter is about the novel’s artistic characteristics. Her works are interpreted from the desolate style, narrative perspective, imagist settings, and the application of psychoanalytic theory. Chapter V is based on the film adaptation, her literary works, and Movie works. Finally, it describes change s in the process of adaptation and the conveyed message.To sum up,Yan’s novels become more mature from many years’creation .Her novels have a huge implication of the theme and unique characteristics and aesthetic features of language, and many critics and readers appreciate, recognize and accept her works . The success of her novels is due to the combination of national consciousness and her gender , personal life experiences, conveying patriotism of a female writer in a particular social and historical situations . Her description is from the bottom of the poor, intersexual family to the extension of the nation and society, revealing the viewpoint of women in care, through the sympathy to the weak, propagating a deep humanism.

【关键词】 严歌苓小说审美表征改编电影
【Key words】 Yan GelingNovelsCharacteristicMovies adaption