

Historical Influence of the Factors of Soviet on Marxism Sinicization

【作者】 梁继超

【导师】 郑德荣;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中共党史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 马克思主义中国化是一个完整的历史链条,是一个连续的不断推进的历史过程。从李大钊为代表的早期中国共产党人对马克思主义中国化的思想启蒙到以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党第一代领导集体对马克思主义中国化的开创奠基,从以邓小平为代表的中国共产党第二代领导集体对马克思主义中国化的复归再造到以江泽民为代表的中国共产党第三代领导集体对马克思主义中国化的创新发展,苏联共产党给马克思主义中国化的整个历史进程产生了极其深远的影响,既有直接影响,也有间接影响;既有积极作用,也有消极作用。以俄为师,以苏为鉴,中苏对照,就像一根历史金线,几乎自始至终地贯穿在马克思主义中国化的历史进程中,体现在中国特色革命道路和中国特色社会主义建设道路的开辟过程中。对苏俄模式的仿效与突破构成了马克思主义中国化的基本轨迹。第一章十月革命与马克思主义中国化。马克思主义中国化的前提是中国人民找到科学的马克思主义。十月革命一声炮响,给中国送来了马克思列宁主义。十月革命架起了马克思主义中国化的中介桥梁,使马克思主义的科学社会主义通过十月革命的通道源源不断地输送到中国,中国人民才真正找到了改变自己命运的思想武器。李大钊不仅是马克思主义在中国的最早传播者,也是马克思主义中国化的最初探索者。他对马克思主义中国化进行了最初探索,成为后来中国化马克思主义的理论源头与历史铺垫。第二章共产国际与马克思主义中国化。共产国际在指导中国革命的过程中,在促进马克思主义中国化的进程中具有双重效应。以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人从中国的特殊国情和所处的国际环境出发,运用马克思列宁主义基本理论,总结党领导中国革命过程中三次“左”倾、两次右倾的经验教训,找到了一条中国特色的革命崭新道路。毛泽东思想作为马克思主义中国化的第一次历史性飞跃的伟大理论成果,就是在把中国马克思主义者从对斯大林和共产国际的迷信中解放出来,在反对教条主义斗争中,在独立自主地解决中国革命具体问题的过程中形成的。第三章苏共二十大与马克思主义中国化。无论是民主革命时期还是社会主义建设时期,中国共产党都经历了从照搬苏联经验到独立思考,从走俄国人的路到探索走自己的路的过程。苏共二十大以后,针对斯大林模式弊端,毛泽东发出了要把马克思主义基本原理与中国实际进行第二次结合的伟大号召,开始了中国式社会主义建设道路的艰辛探索,深化了对科学社会主义的再认识,提出了一系列关于社会主义的正确思想和主张,为党的第二代、第三代中央领导集体探索中国特色社会主义理论和道路提供了思想理论基础和实践经验总结。第四章中苏论战与马克思主义中国化。中苏论战给中苏两国、两党之间的关系和国内历史进程的发展带来极大影响,在外部条件和国际环境巨大压力下,以毛泽东为代表中共第一代领导集体在继续探索中国社会主义建设的艰难历史进程中,偏离了马克思主义中国化的正确航向,中断了中国式社会主义建设道路的艰辛探索。第五章斯大林模式与马克思主义中国化。毛泽东去世后,以邓小平为代表的中国共产党人,接过马克思主义中国化的“历史接力棒”,坚持科学社会主义基本原则,总结中国社会主义建设和国际共产主义运动的经验教训,把握了中国社会主义的历史方位,彻底摆脱斯大林模式和传统社会主义观念的束缚,揭示了社会主义本质,回答了“什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义”这个首要的基本问题,实现了马克思主义中国化的第二次历史性飞跃,创立了邓小平理论,开创了中国特色社会主义道路。第六章苏联剧变与马克思主义中国化。苏联亡党亡国、东欧剧变、世界社会主义处于低谷状态。以江泽民为代表的中国共产党人认真汲取苏东剧变的经验教训,深刻总结党的建设的历史经验,有针对性地提出了“三个代表”重要思想,以紧密联系、相互贯通的一系列新思想、新观点、新论断,进一步回答了“什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义”基本的问题,创造性地回答了“建设一个什么样的党,怎样建设党”的重大问题,极大地丰富和发展了马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论,开创出马克思主义中国化的又一个崭新境界。第七章马克思主义中国化的结论和启示。基于苏共因素对马克思主义中国化的深远影响,通过分析和研究得出如下的结论和启示:科学对待马克思主义是马克思主义中国化的理论基础;正确评价领袖人物是马克思主义中国化的政治前提;始终代表最广大人民群众的根本利益是马克思主义中国化的根本立场;坚持独立自主原则是实现马克思主义中国化的内在要求;时代的主题的转换和时代特征的变化,是实现马克思主义中国化的时代航标。中国人民的面貌、社会主义中国的面貌、中国共产党的面貌之所以发生历史性变化,归根结底是实现马克思主义中国化的结果。

【Abstract】 Localization of Marxism is a historical process which is advanced continuously like a chain. From the early Chinese communists represented by Li Dazhao to the first generation of collective leadership represented by Mao Zedong, from the second generation of leadership represented by Deng Xiaoping to the third-generation collective leadership represented by Jiang Zemin, Localization of Marxism passed enlightenment, foundation, reversion , innovation and development. The Soviet Communist Party has extremely far-reaching impact to Localization of Marxism in the whole process .Some are direct impact, some are indirect effects, some are positive roles,some are negative roles. Studying from Russia ,learning from the Soviet Union , controling from the Sino-Soviet, the historical process like a golden thread almost passed the whole history of Localization of Marxism.This reflected in the process of the revolutionary road with Chinese characteristics and the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Following and breaking through the model of the Soviet Union Constituted a basic trajectory of Localization of Marxism.Chapter I One:The enlightenment and advocacy of Localization of MarxismThe premise of Localization of Marxism is the scientific Marxism which was found out by the Chinese people. The October Revolution in Russia brought Marxism-Leninism to China.The bridge was set up between the October Revolution and Localization of Marxism, So that the Marxist scientific socialism was continuously transported to China through it, and the Chinese people have really found their own ideological weapon that can change their own destiny.Li Dazhao is the earliest disseminator of Marxism in China and the first explorer of Localization of Marxism.He carried out the initial exploration of localization of Marxism ,and his works became the sources and historical beddings of the Marxist theory.Chapter Two: The exploration and foundation of localization of Marxism.The Comintern has a dual effect in the process of guiding the Chinese revolution and promotion of localization of Marxism.The communists of Chinese represented by Mao Zedong started from special national conditions and international environment. Using the basic theory of Marxism-Leninism.Sum up the lessons learned during the three "Left", the two rightist in the process of Chinese revolution lead by party ,and found a new revolution road with Chinese characteristic.As great theoretical results of the first historical leap of localization of Marxism , Mao Zedong Thought free Chinese Marxist out of the superstition of Stalin and Comintern .Chapter Three: The new exploration of localization of Marxism.The CCP have gone through copying the experience of the Soviet Union to thinking independent, through taking the way of the Russians to exploring its own way whether in the period of democratic revolution or in the period of socialist construction.After Stalin’s model for the defects, Mao Zedong issued to the basic tenets of Marxism with China’s actual combination of the second great call,After the 20th convention of the soviet Communist Party, Mao Zedong issued great call of combination the basic tenets of Marxism with Chinese actual situation against the defects of Stalin’s model.From then, the CCP started hard roads of Chinese-style socialist construction, and deepen the understanding of scientific socialism and then put forward a series of socialist right ideas and allegations.These work provide theoretical basis and practical experience for the second and third generations of central collective leadership of the CCP to explore the theory and the road on socialism with Chinese characteristics .Chapter Four: Deviation and distortion of Localization of Marxism.Debates between the Soviet Union and China brought a great impact to the two countries and the two parties and the process of the development of domestic history.Under tremendous pressure of external conditions and international environment ,the first generations of central collective leadership of the CCP represented by Mao Zedong Deviated the right direction from localization of Marxism, interrupt hard roads to explore a Chinese-style socialist construction in the process of explore these roads .Chapter Fiye: The Reversion and recycling of localization of Marxism.The Chinese communists represented by Deng Xiaoping took over "History baton" of localization of Marxism after the death of Mao Zedong. They adhere to the basic principles of scientific socialism, summed up experiences and lessons of China’s socialist construction and the international communist movement, grasped the historical position of China’s socialist, broken away from the Stalinist model and the traditional concept of the shackles of socialism completely.Revealed the nature of socialism, answered the fundamental question of "what is socialism and how to build socialism, Start a socialist road with Chinese characteristics and realized the second historic leap of localization of Marxism, created the Deng Xiaoping Theory.Chapter Six: Innovation and development of localization of Marxism.The world socialist state is at a low ebb after the disorganization of Soviet and dramatic changes in Eastern Europe.The Chinese Communists represented by Jiang Zemin seriously learned from the experiences and lessons of the drastic changes in Eastern Europe.Profoundly summed up historical experience of the building the party, and put forward the "three represents" important thought.Further answered the basic problem of "what is socialism and how to build socialism" with a series of new ideas, new viewpoints, and new theses linked to each other Closely., answered the major issues on "what kind of party, how to build the party" in a creative way. Enriched and developed greatly Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, and create out a brand new realm of localization of Marxism.Chapter Seven: Conclusions and enlightenment of localization of Marxism. Based on the far-reaching implications of Soviet Communist Party to localization of Marxism, we draw the following conclusions and Enlightenment through analysis and research: A scientific treatment of Marxism is theoretical foundation, evaluated correctly the leaders is a political prerequisite.Always represent interests of most broad masses of the people is the fundamental stance localization of Marxism.Adhere to an independent principle of is internal requirements to realize the localization of Marxism.The conversion and changes of the themes of the time and the characteristics of the time is an era of aids to navigation to achieve localization of Marxism.The reason of the historic change of the face of the Chinese people, the face of socialist China and the face of Chinese Communist Party is the results to achieve localization of Marxism.

  • 【分类号】K512.5;D239
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2013
  • 攻读期成果