

Research on Trustworthiness Issue under the Market Economy in China

【作者】 丁建凤

【导师】 张澍军;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 “诚信”问题,是一个古老而又常新的话题,同时也是一个复杂、艰深的难题。远古的人类在变幻莫测的生存斗争中,结成了一种共识:人只有诚实守信,才能生存。这条古老的戒律曾对人类社会的繁荣与稳定发挥了重大的作用。然而,伴随着市场经济的产生,“诚信”曾遭遇历史的劫难,诚信失范甚至成为全球性的一种公害。中国社会也正面临着诚信问题的挑战。鉴于此,研究市场经济条件下的诚信问题具有重大的现实意义。本文将从以下几个部分分析探讨,以寻求诚信问题的出路。第一章,诚信的概念解析。本章把对“诚信”的源流考察作为研究的基点,从历史的角度建立起对诚信的宏观认识。在此基础上,进入现代诚信研究的视野。通过对传统诚信与现代诚信的比较,获取诚信的一般涵义,即“真实”、“真诚”、“守信”。阐明现代诚信在继承传统诚信思想的基础上,更多地嵌入了契约的精神、理性的精神、法治的精神以及人类终极关怀的精神。自古以来,诚信之所以一直为人们所颂扬,就在于其价值的永恒性。它不仅仅是一个基本的道德规范问题,更是一种重要的社会资源,在调整和完善社会主义市场经济体制中发挥着极为重要的作用。第二章,市场经济条件下诚信失范状况及其原因探析。本章首先对我国诚信失范现象进行了列举与归纳。进而运用历史唯物主义观点分析认为,失信对市场经济建设的危害性主要表现在两个方面:其一,破坏再生产的条件。其二,震荡着生活世界的价值坐标。然后,从历史传统与现实层面分析了市场经济条件下失信的原因,并提出诚信随着时代的变迁而发生新的变化,这就要求我们善于对诚信缺失的因由、结果及其关系进行全面的、具体的分析,以为构建诚信社会提供理论基础和现实依据。第三章,市场经济条件下诚信建构的制度安排。本章认为任何一个社会都不可能完全杜绝失信行为的发生,但可以通过规制的手段减少其发生的机率。因此,诚信的确认离不开工具化管理方式和法律倾向的行为规范的约束,特别是在现阶段,我国仍处于市场经济体制建设的初期,市场发育状况和社会信用欠佳的境况下,更需要规范化制度的建设。制定严密合理的法律信用制度,建立社会信用体系是诚信建构的根本举措。第四章,市场经济条件下诚信建构的道德教化。本章认为诚信的建构离不开法律的规制,但法律并非无所不能。即使在法律与信用制度相当健全的社会中,失信现象也会经常发生。因此,诚信的建构也离不开道德的教化。在道德教化的过程中,我们必须对诚信教育建立四点新的认识。第一,诚信教育的关键时期应该是人的未成年时期;第二,诚信教育是一种终生的教育;第三,诚信教育是一种全民的教育。第四,学生、家长、教师、各行业领导干部是诚信教育的重点。结语:通过对我国市场经济条件下诚信问题的研究,我们对诚信问题有了一个总体性的认识,诚信问题的解决一靠正式制度的规制,二靠道德、习俗等非正式制度的约束。虽然是两条不同的路径,但最终的目标都是建立一个和谐有序的社会秩序。

【Abstract】 As an ancient but renewed topic, trustworthiness is a sophisticated, profound and arduous problem all around the world. From the beginning of human beings, our forefathers brought forth the trustworthiness when they tangled with the capricious existence environment: trustworthiness between human beings is one of the very important factors to live, and trustworthiness did play an important role for the coming prosperous and stable lives. Nevertheless, with the appearance of market economy, trustworthiness undergoes its disaster and trustworthiness loss in economy is one of the most glaring problems, even the source of many troubles at present in China. Since then, a research of trustworthiness in market economy is significant practically. This thesis will try to explore an outlet for trustworthiness based on the following parts.Chapter one analyses the concept of trustworthiness. Based on the source of concept of trustworthiness, this part explores the trustworthiness historically and macroscopically. Following this, the author will give a modern view for trustworthiness. When the truthfulness and honesty are applied in the reality, we can extend its meaning to which are the first step to know about trustworthiness. After comparing the traditional and modern views of trustworthiness, we can come to the conclusion that credibility, reliance and truthfulness are the basic connotation of trustworthiness. Based on the theory that modern trustworthiness should inherit the idea of ancient ones, the thesis emphasizes that the modern one was inserted the spirit of charter, rationality, legality and humanity. The eternity of trustworthiness is the basic reason that it has been praised for so long time since the ancient times. Trustworthiness is not only a basic moral view, but also an important social source which plays an important role in regulating and normalizing the socialistic market economy system.Following this, the author explores the status of trustworthiness loss in market economy and its reason in chapter two. After listing and inducing the trustworthiness loss phenomenon, the author analyzed that there are two sides its harmfulness to the market economy construction. Firstly, destroy the conditions of reconstruction. Secondly, rock the directions of life world. After that, the author analyses the reasons of trustworthiness loss problem in market economy historically and realistically, and shows that it changes with the era development. Hence, we should analyze the source, reason, and interrelationship in detail, so as to form the theoretical basis and realistic accordance for constructing trustworthiness society.The system arrangement of constructing trustworthiness concept under the condition of market economy will be showed in chapter three. Trustworthiness loss cannot be eliminated completely in any society, but it can be reduced through regularities. Hence, conformity of trustworthiness should lies in the instructional management and lawful limitation. Under the condition of first stage of market economy in china, the development of market is not mature enough and the social trustworthiness environment is not so ideal. As a result, we need more normative regular at present.Chapter four introduces the moral education of trustworthiness reconstruction in market economy. We have known that the development of trustworthiness needs the norm of laws. However, we cannot ensure everybody will follow the law and to be trustful even if the law and trustworthiness regularities are sound enough. Under this condition, we also need the moral instruction to construct trustworthiness. During the process of moral instruction, we should have four new points of view, which are, firstly, the critical period of trustworthiness instruction is puberty; secondly, trustworthiness instruction is life-long education; thirdly, trustworthiness education is for all citizens; and at last, students, parents, teachers, and the leadership should be the key subjects of trustworthiness education.At last, it comes to the conclusion part. Based on the research on the trustworthiness problem in the market economy, we will have had a general knowledge to it. One solution to the trustworthiness issue is the management of regulations and the other is the restriction of morality and customs. Even though they are different ways, their final aim is both to establish a harmonious and friendly social.

  • 【分类号】F123.9;B82-053
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1743
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