

Pattern and Solutions to the Coordination of Urban and Rural Development in Northeast China

【作者】 梅林

【导师】 刘继生;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 城市和乡村是构成社会的两个密不可分的组成部分,城市居民和乡村居民同是历史的创造者,社会发展的主体。城乡经济社会发展关系是否协调,直接影响区域经济社会的发展,影响地区改革、稳定的大局,影响现代化的历史进程和全面建设小康社会目标的实现。本文以城市与乡村相互作用关系为主线,以东北地区经济社会发展需求为宗旨,以经济地理学、城市地理学、区域经济学、城市经济学、社会学和城市规划学等学科的相关理论为支撑,采用理论研究与实证分析相结合的方法,从新的科学发展观视角出发,初步构建了城乡关系协调发展的基本理论体系。在分析诊断东北地区城乡关系演变历程、现状、空间格局和存在问题基础上,对东北地区城乡关系协调发展的制约因素、模式选择进行论述,并提出一系列对策建议。论文共分五章内容:第一章介绍了本论文研究范畴、研究区域和研究背景,说明了东北地区城乡关系协调发展研究的选题意义,并对国内外城乡关系研究现状及最新进展进行了全面阐述。第二章从城市、乡村概念和城乡关系研究中一些概念诠释入手,论述了城乡关系协调发展思想的科学内涵;对比分析了城乡均衡发展理论、非均衡发展理论和协调发展理论,研究了城乡关系协调发展的基础理论、基本原则和决定条件。第三章从东北地区城乡关系历史及现状分析出发,重点论述了东北地区城乡关系的演化过程;利用城乡协调度指标分析了东北地区城乡关系的空间格局;阐述了东北地区城乡关系的特征与存在的问题,并指出东北地区城乡关系失调的形成原因与后果。第四章从国内外城乡关系发展及其对我国的启示入手,分析评价了城乡关系发展主要模式的特点,根据东北地区实际,提出了东北地区城乡关系协调发展的模式选择、实现条件及动力机制等核心问题,并以长春市为典型案例,详细地论述了长春市实现城乡协调发展的非均衡网络建设问题。第五章从制度创新与政策调整、政府行为、加快城镇化进程、大力发展乡村工业和实现农村剩余劳动力转移等几个方面,提出了东北地区城乡关系协调发展的对策建议。

【Abstract】 The city and the countryside complement each other in social structure. Urban and rural residents are both the makers of history and the masters of social development. The coordination of urban and rural development concerns directly the regional economic and social growth, the overall situation of reform and stability, the progress of modernization, and the attaining of the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. The main thread of the paper is the interrelation between the city and the countryside.With the support of the theories of Geonomics, Urban Geography, Regional Economics, Urban Economics, Sociology, Urban Planology, etc, this paper has established initially the fundamental theoretical system for the coordination of urban and rural development so as to meet the needs of the economic and social growth in Northeast China. The paper combines the theory with practice and adopts the new scientific outlook on development. Based on the investigation and research on the history, present situations, spatial structure, and the problems in existence, the author points out the obstacles that restrict the coordination of urban and rural development in Northeast China and at last puts forward the growth pattern, motive system, and solutions and suggestions to the development. The paper is divided into five parts.In ChapterⅠ, the research scope, region, and background are introduced firstly. Then the author explains the significance of this paper and also presents the present and latest study on the interrelation between the city and the countryside at home and abroad.In ChapterⅡ, the paper starts with the definitions of city, countryside, and so on. Then analyze the scientific connotation of the concept of coordination of urban and rural development and compare the three theories of Balanced Development, Unequalizing Development, and Coordinative Development between the city and the countryside. Finally the paper analyzes the fundamental theories, principles, and decisive conditions of it.In ChapterⅢ, the paper investigates the history and present situation of the interrelation between the city and the countryside in Northeast China and stresses on the evolution progress. Based on the Index of Coordination Level, the author illustrates the spatial structure, expounds the features and problems existing, and finds out the reasons and results of the imbalance of the interrelation between the city and the countryside in Northeast China.In ChapterⅣ, the paper starts with the research on the interrelation between the city and the countryside at home and abroad and its enlightenment to China. Then analyze the features of the main patterns for the interrelation. According to the present situation in Northeast China, the author points out the key issues including developing pattern, realization conditions, motive system, and so on. Taking Changchun City as an example, the author illustrates the construction of the unequalizing network for the coordination of urban and rural development in this city.In ChapterⅤ, the author puts forward the solutions and suggestions to the coordination of urban and rural development in Northeast China from the aspects of system innovation, policy adjustment, government actions, acceleration of urbanization, rural industry development with all efforts, realization of the transferring of rural surplus labor force, etc.

  • 【分类号】F127;F224
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】1619
  • 攻读期成果