

Study on Comparative Advantage Evolution and Upgrading of Equipment Manufacturing Industry

【作者】 王福君

【导师】 宋玉祥;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 近年来,国际装备制造业转移呈现出以跨国公司为转移主体、以高端产业为转移领域、以兼并和收购为转移形式、以价值链的分解和全球化配置为手段、以中国为主要接受国家五个新趋势。在技术革命和经济全球化发展推动下,目前国际装备制造业正在发生重大变化,呈现出分工全球化、产业集群化、制造信息化和服务网络化等新特征。正是在这种背景下,为了迎接国际装备制造业转移和加快装备制造业内部结构升级,我国先后出台了《国务院关于加快振兴装备制造业的若干意见》(2006年)和《装备制造业调整和振兴规划》(2009年),明确提出了我国装备制造业发展的目标、基本原则、具体部署以及依托的重点建设工程。辽宁省是我国装备制造业三大基地之一,其装备制造业比较优势形成于计划经济时期,在重大成套装备和重要装备产品领域居于国内领先地位。从建国后到改革开放初期的八十年代末,辽宁省装备制造业一直承担着为我国大部分基础建设、大型项目等提供装备的任务,从某种程度上加剧了辽宁装备制造业技术装备的衰退,使辽宁省装备制造业进入20世纪90年代以后,虽然成为了辽宁工业的第一支柱,但横向上的比较优势正在不断减弱。因此,从比较优势演化角度,以辽宁省为例来分析装备制造业升级,不仅可以为辽宁省构建装备制造业基地提供路径选择,有利于推动辽宁省装备制造业升级和新型工业化进程,增强国际竞争力,而且可以在辽宁经济中形成较强的产业关联效应和增长极效应,同时为其它区域装备制造业升级提供借鉴。在实际的装备制造业研究中,国内学者多站在全国的角度为国家发展装备制造业提供理论参考,而较少从比较优势演化角度站在区域层次来研究装备制造业升级,这无疑使区域装备制造业升级选择路径及其对策受到极大的削弱。本文在理论体系层面和经验探讨层面的基础上,通过对辽宁省装备制造业历史沿革、现状及存在问题的分析,结合国际装备制造业转移和当前国内装备制造业市场潜力巨大的形势,提出了辽宁省装备制造业升级应该选择技术创新推动模式、产业集群发展模式和外向带动发展模式一体化的发展路径,并提出了三种模式下的具体对策以及制度对策。这不仅是现阶段辽宁老工业基地经济振兴的理性选择,也是把辽宁建设成为先进装备制造业基地的一条现实途径。本论文的基本框架由绪论、正文和结论三部分组成。绪论:主要分析本论文的研究背景、研究的理论价值和应用价值,同时阐明了论文的总体思路与研究方法,并概括地说明了论文的研究目标、研究内容和主要的贡献及创新点。正文分为五章。第一、二、三章是本文的基础理论部分。第一章是对比较优势演化理论、产业内升级理论、产业比较优势分析理论以及装备制造业基础理论进行综合述评;第二章主要阐述装备制造业内部结构升级的环境条件、动力机制和测度分析;第三章中国装备制造业发展的比较分析,主要从经验启示、国际、国内(区域)和行业四个角度,探讨出我国装备制造业内部结构升级的路径、模式、经验等,为后面的辽宁装备制造业内部结构升级分析奠定基础。这三章的基础理论阐述将为本论文后两章的实证分析奠定良好的理论铺垫,起到理论支撑作用。第四、五章是实证分析,是本文的核心部分。首先,从辽宁省装备制造业的时空特点出发,阐述了辽宁装备制造业的发展历程、空间特点和综合特点,并运用“七因素分析法”对辽宁省装备制造业比较优势进行定性分析。其次,引入主成分分析法(PCA法)对辽宁省装备制造业比较优势进行定量分析,并对辽宁省装备制造业内部结构升级程度进行评价。最后,对辽宁省装备制造业发展中存在的问题进行分析,阐述了辽宁省装备制造业比较优势减弱的表现及成因。第五章是在前面理论分析和辽宁省装备制造业发展现状评价的基础上,提出比较优势演化中辽宁省装备制造业内部结构升级应采取技术创新推动模式、产业集群发展模式和外向带动发展模式一体化的发展路径,并提出了三种模式下的对策选择和制度对策。结论:在总结正文的基础上,对相关内容进行总结概括,并针对研究的实际情况,找到研究的不足,并对相关问题进行展望,以便将来研究使之更加趋于合理、完善和系统。

【Abstract】 The transfer of international equipment manufacturing industry has presented five transfer trends, including multi-international company as transfer subject, high-end industry as transfer field, merging and acquisition as transfer modes, decomposition of value chain and global deployment as means and China as main receiver. Driven by technical revolution and economic globalization, the international equipment manufacturing industry is experiencing substantial change, presenting features such as global division of labor, industry clustering, manufacturing informationization and service networking etc. With the abovementioned situation in mind, China has successively issued“Notion on Speeding up the Revitalization of Equipment Manufacturing Industry”(2006) and“Planning on Adjustment & Revitalization of Equipment Manufacturing Industry”(2009), bringing forward clearly the target, principles, arrangement and key construction projects etc. for development of manufacturing industry, with the aim of preparing for the transfer of international equipment manufacturing industry and speeding up the interior upgrading of equipment manufacturing industry. As one of three equipment manufacturing bases in China, the comparative advantages of Liaoning province’s equipment manufacturing industry was formed in the period of planning economy, leading in the fields of key complete sets of equipment and key equipment. Liaoning province’s equipment manufacturing industry had undertaken the equipment supply of most of China’s infrastructure construction projects from the establishment of the country to the end of 1980s when the reform and opening up have just started, which, to certain extent, fasten the recession of its manufacturing level. Its comparative advantage has been weakening from the 1990s although it has become No.1 pillar of Liaoning industry. The analysis on upgrading of Liaoning’s equipment manufacturing industry from the angel of comparative advantage evolution, can not only provide options for establishment of equipment manufacturing base in Liaoning province, drive the upgrading and progress of new industrialization of Liaoning’s manufacturing industry and improve the international competitiveness, but also create an industry correlation & growth pole effects and offer reference for the upgrading of manufacturing industries in other areas.In the studies on equipment manufacturing industry, most domestic scholars have offered theoretical references for the development of equipment manufacturing nationwide, other than studying the upgrading of equipment manufacturing industry at the regional level and from the viewpoint of comparative advantage, which will undoubtedly impairing the option and counterstrategies for the upgrading of regional equipment manufacturing. The paper, based on theoretical and experiential discussion as well as analysis on the history, current status and existing problems of Liaoning’s equipment manufacturing industry, in combination with the transfer of international equipment manufacturing industry and market potential of domestic equipment manufacturing industry, proposes development routes integrating mode of technical innovation, industrial cluster and export-oriented economy for the upgrading of Liaoning’s equipment manufacturing industry and corresponding counterstrategies. It is not only a rational choice for revitalization of the rusty belt of Liaoning Province but also a practical approach to build Liaoning Province into an advanced equipment manufacturing base. The paper in consisted of introduction, main body and conclusion. Introduction: analyzes the background, theoretical value and application value of the paper, sets forth the general ideal and research methods of the paper and explains the object, contents, contribution and innovation of the paper.The main body of the paper includes five chapters. Chapter one, two and three deal with the basic theory. It starts with the comprehensive discussion on theory of comparative advantage evolution, upgrading within the industry, comparative advantage analysis and basic theory of equipment manufacturing industry; it then sets forth the environmental conditions, driving mechanism and estimate analysis of interior upgrading of equipment manufacturing industry. Chapter three is the comparative analysis of China’s equipment manufacturing industry development, it obtains the mode, experience and path etc. of interior upgrading of equipment manufacturing industry from the international, domestic(regional) and industrial point of view and lays basis for the analysis on the interior upgrading of Liaoning’s equipment manufacturing industry. The basic theories in these three chapters support the case studies in the following chapters.Chapter four and five is the core part engaging in case study. It starts with the exposition of development, spatial features and comprehensive features of Liaoning’s equipment manufacturing industry and qualitative analysis on comparative advantage of Liaoning’s equipment manufacturing industry by the help of“Seven Factors Analysis Approach”; introduces Primary Component Analysis(PCA) to carry out quantitative analysis on comparative advantage of Liaoning’s equipment manufacturing industry and evaluate the interior upgrading of equipment manufacturing industry of Liaoning’s equipment manufacturing industry, analyzes the problems hindering the development of Liaoning’s equipment manufacturing industry and discusses the display and causes of weakening of comparative advantage of Liaoning’s equipment manufacturing industry. Chapter five proposes, on the basis of aforesaid theoretical discussions and evaluation on Liaoning’s equipment manufacturing industry, development routes integrating modes of technical innovation, industrial cluster and export-oriented economy shall be adopted for the interior upgrading of Liaoning’s equipment manufacturing industry during the period comparative advantage evolution.Conclusion: summarizes relevant contents by summing up the text, finds out the shortages of the study in view of the actual study and explores the prospect of relevant matters, in an aim for achieving a reasonable and systematic study.

  • 【分类号】F426.4;F224
  • 【被引频次】18
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