

A Study on the Information Ethics Education of Schools in the Perspective of Information Society

【作者】 刘彦尊

【导师】 孙启林;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 以数字化生存为主要方式的信息社会在给人类带来巨大利益的同时,也衍生出一系列空前的和多元的伦理道德问题,如计算机犯罪、侵害隐私权、信息污染等,这被称为信息伦理或信息道德问题。这些问题超越了既有伦理理论和法律的发展速度。为了填补这种政策和概念方面的真空,当代哲学、伦理学和文化学、信息科学等都对信息伦理问题作出了比较明确的阐释。其中信息伦理学更是对信息伦理问题作出了深入研究。信息伦理学理论对社会、国家乃至个人,均不可或缺。在信息伦理学理论观照下,担负着传承、弘扬传统伦理文化,进而培育未来理想公民信息伦理素养的信息伦理教育成为在信息社会中思考的一个重要课题。学校教育是信息伦理教育的重要环节,在培养青少年学生的信息伦理素养中扮演着特殊的角色。在信息社会中,明确信息伦理教育的意义,准确把握信息伦理教育的目标和内涵,积极探索其实施途径是一项十分重要的任务。信息伦理教育的目的是培养信息社会的理想公民,从而实现理想的信息社会。信息伦理教育的目标旨在培养青少年学生正确的信息伦理观念,使他们掌握正确的信息伦理判断能力,采取符合信息社会需要的伦理行为。为实现信息伦理教育的目的与目标,有效的信息伦理教育要依靠传统道德教育和信息伦理教育来保证。传统道德教育因自身所具有的稳定性和延续性而成为信息伦理教育的文化资源之一。然而,传统道德教育在信息社会中的局限性在于它不能完全解决日益严峻复杂的新的信息伦理问题。因而,顺应信息时代发展要求,信息伦理教育是对传统道德教育的改造、新解和采用,信息伦理教育在促进今日学生成为未来信息社会理想公民方面具有重要的作用。基于以上考虑,本文以美国为案例,阐述了美国学校信息伦理教育的改革与发展,试图从中找到具有特殊性和规律性的问题,以为我国学校信息伦理教育的理论和实践提供比较的视野。美国学校信息伦理教育仅仅是当今世界信息社会中伦理教育的一个缩影。从根本上说,信息社会是属于全人类的,在多元、开放、民主、参与的信息社会中,人与人之间的相互关系日益密切,其中共生性日益凸显。由此,学校信息伦理教育也要对之加以思考。为达到上述研究目的,在研究方法上,本文具体运用了以下方法:文献法、描述法、因素分析法、一般研究和个案研究相结合的方法。本文除引言和结语外,共分为五章,分别对信息社会中的学校信息伦理教育的实然状态甚至应然状态进行了梳理与研究,在对具体问题的实证性论述时,突出了对美国的介绍和评析。第一章信息伦理教育的必要性。信息伦理教育是培养信息社会理想公民的内在需要;信息伦理教育是解决信息社会青少年学生信息伦理问题的有效手段之一;信息伦理教育是对传统道德教育的改造、新解和采用。第二章信息伦理教育兴起的背景与理论基础。本章分析了世界性的青少年信息伦理缺失的现状,阐述了信息社会对学校教育提出的机遇与挑战;在信息伦理学理论观照下,信息伦理教育的理论基础融合目的论、义务论、德性论、人性论以及后现代哲学观为一体。这些理论为信息伦理教育的开展提供了三种基本方向:关注信息社会共同利益的实现,以实现个体受教育者之间互利性利益的共同善原理;以保障中小学生个体权利为目标,关注相关个体受教育者之间相互性关系的公平性原理;德性成为信息伦理行动的基础。此外,本章还简述了世界范围内学校信息伦理教育兴起的背景。本章的研究是铺垫性的,为后续研究作理论上的准备和说明。第三章传统道德教育理论在信息社会中的效用。本章对信息社会传统道德教育的功能进行了探讨,解释了传统道德教育资源在信息社会理想公民培养中的局限性和积极作用;比较系统地阐述了“道德认知发展理论”、“关怀伦理理论”、“价值澄清理论”以及“品格教育理论”对于信息社会伦理道德建设的适用性;并且对美国传统道德教育理论在学校信息伦理教育中的具体运用作了进一步的探讨,认为传统道德教育理论是构筑中小学信息伦理教育体系的“天然”基础。第四章信息社会中的信息伦理教育建设。本章认为信息伦理教育是信息社会伦理规范建设的重要力量。信息伦理教育追求的终极目的是理想公民的培养,其目标是教导学生认识信息伦理,获得正确观念,进而改变行为,从而实现理想的信息社会。信息伦理教育表现出的引导性功能、预防性功能、调节功能以及自律的功能有助于实现信息伦理教育的目的与目标。美国学校信息伦理教育是以信息伦理相关标准的提出为契机,以信息伦理课程与教学方法的改善为主要内容,美国整体社会环境和社会教育在学校信息伦理教育中起到了配合作用。这体现出美国学校信息伦理教育不仅是学校的事务,而是学校与家庭、社会协同合作,共同营造信息伦理教育环境。第五章学校信息伦理教育未来视野与模式建构。信息社会是全人类性的,信息伦理教育未来视野关注全球公民和共同性。美国学校信息伦理教育的经验可以为思考我国学校信息伦理教育模式提供比较的视野。

【Abstract】 With the tremendous benefits to human beings by digital information society, it has also resulted in a series of various unexpected ethical problems such as computer crimes, privacy violation and information abuses etc. The above behavioral phenomenon is categorized as information ethics or information morality issues. These issues have outpaced ethical and legal developments. In order to fill this policy and conceptual vacuum, researchers have already attempted to apply modern philosophy, ethics, culture and information science to the topic and ever made some relatively clear explanation about it. Information ethics among others has contributed more to further its comprehensive research.Information ethics is indispensable in that it carries out an extended and intensive study of information ethical issues for the whole society, as for individuals. Within the perspective of information ethics theory, information ethics education is a key issue of the information society. It also plays an important role in advocating the traditional ethics and cultivating the ideal citizens’information ethics lieteracy in the future.School education is one of the most important links to information ethics education. It plays a special role in cultivating the information ethics literacy of teenagers.In addition, it is also an important task to define its significance, goal, content and the ways to implement it.The aim of information ethics education is to cultivate the ideal citizens so as to make ideal information society come true. Its objectives are to help young students have correct attitude, judgment and behavior in information ethics.In order to ensure the achievement of the aim and objectives of information ethics education, both traditional and information ethics education is adopted. The former works as one of cultural resources in information ethics education due to its stability and continuity. However, its disadvantages are that it cannot totally resolve increasingly serious information ethics problems. Therefore, the latter meets the requirement of the development in information age and functions as the reform,new explanation and adoption of traditional ethics education. It is also very important to urge the present students to become ideal citizens in tomorrow’s information society.Based on the above, the researcher first chooses the United States as a single case and then attempts to find the specific and regular patterns of information ethics education through studying its reforms and development at schools. In this way, a comparative perspective can be provided to the studies on its theories and practice back at China’s schools. Generally, information society belongs to the whole mankind and information ethics education at American schools is only an epitome in current information society around the world. The relationship between individuals are increasingly closer and the compatibility is more obvious in diverse, open, democratic and participating information society. Therefore it should also consider those above.In order to achieve the above research objects, the researcher adopts the following methods: literature review, description, factor-analysis and the integration of general and single case study.With the exception of Introduction and Conclusion, the dissertation is made up of five chapters which respectively categorize and study the state of“to be”and“ought be”. When specific issues are empirically discussed, the introduction and assessment of the American case is emphasized.Chapter 1 is on the essentiality of information ethics education. It is an internal need to cultivate ideal citizens for information society; it is an effective measure to help solve young students’information ethics problems in information society; it is also the reform,new explanation and adoption of traditional ethics education.Chapter 2 is on the background and theoretical basis for the rise of information ethics education. It analyzes the default of information ethics among teenagers over the world and expounds that school education will be faced up with the opportunities and challenges brought by information society. In the perspective of the theory of information ethics, information ethics education should integrate teleology, deontology, virtue ethics, human nature and post modern philosophy as its theoretical basis. These theories provide three perspectives for information ethics education. One is concerned with the obtainment of common benefits in information society so as to guarantee the common benefits between educated individuals. The other aims at guaranteeing the primary and high school students’fair rights to receive the education. The third is on virtue ethics as the basis of action of information ethics. Moreover, this chapter gives a brief description on its background at schools around the world. All in all, this chapter supplies a theoretical basis for the following research.Chapter 3 is on the effectiveness of traditional moral education in information society. It covers its functions in information society, interpreting that the resources of traditional moral education has played the positive role and limitations on cultivating ideal citizens. This chapter makes a systematic exposition of the applicability of the theories of cognitive moral development, care ethics, values clarification and character education to the construction of information society. At last, it is concluded that traditional ethics education is a“natural basis”to build up information ethics education at primary and high school through the discussion of American traditional ethics education’s roles in information ethics education at school.Chapter 4 is on the construction of information ethics education in information society. This chapter thinks that information ethics education plays a very important role in the standardization of information society ethics. Its ultimate aim is to cultivate ideal citizens and its objectives are to make ideal information society come true by students’awareness of information ethics, their correct views and the change of their behaviors. Its guidance, preventability, regulation and self discipline are conducive to achieving its aim and objectives. American information ethics education includes the enactment of information ethics criteria, the improvement of curriculum and teaching method and the cooperation of the whole society and social education. This shows that American information ethics education needs not only the involvement of schools but also the cooperation among school, family and society to set up an environment for it.Chapter 5 is on the perspective and model of information ethics education in the future. It should be concerned with the similarities of all the global citizens for information society belongs to our human beings. Its experiences at American schools can be used as a comparative perspective for the reflection on its model at China’s schools.

  • 【分类号】G40-059.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1031
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