

The Study of Missionary and Chinese American Community upon the Perspective of the Cultural Communation Theory (1848-1900)

【作者】 岳志强

【导师】 董小川;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 美国是一个移民国家,同时,美国又是一个宗教性很强的国家。美国的移民问题和宗教问题往往交织在一起,密不可分。一方面,移民在登陆美国的同时带来了自己的传统宗教,如基督新教、天主教、犹太教、伊斯兰教、佛教、道教等种类繁多的宗教,使美国的宗教日益多元化。另一方面,作为美国文化核心的基督教文化试图将外来移民同化到美国的大熔炉中去,美国教会派遣传教士到移民群体中进行宗教文化传播,使外来移民皈依基督,成为美国基督教文化的一份子。这种多元与一体的矛盾便构成了美国移民与宗教问题发展的主流趋势。作为移民最早、人数最多的亚洲移民,美国华人群体尤为凸显出美国移民与宗教问题的矛盾倾向:华人移民将中国传统的佛教、道教和民间宗教带到了美洲新大陆;同时,美国各大教会在华人移民刚刚登陆美国的时候,便注意到了华人移民的存在,开始派遣传教士到美国华人社会进行宗教文化传播活动。美国传教士在华人社会的宗教文化传播行为构成了19世纪中西两种风格迥异的文化在美国土地上的民众层面的传播和交流,奠定了美国华人基督教会发展的根基。本文尝试以19世纪到美国华人社会进行传教活动的美国白人传教士群体为研究对象,运用文化传播学的相关理论,将传教士群体视为中西文化传播与交流的使者,从文化传播的环境、主体、方式和内容、客体等文化传播行为的构成因素方面,对传教士在美国华人社会的宗教文化传播行为进行研究,并对传教士的宗教文化传播效果进行评估。除了引言和结论之外,本文分为四章。第一章考察了19世纪传教士在美国华人社会进行宗教文化传播的传播环境的形成。文化交流与传播的发生首先依赖于不同文化在特定历史条件下的激烈碰撞,形成必要的传播环境。19世纪中期以前,由于地理环境的阻隔和科技发展水平的落后,中西文化之间缺乏大范围的民众层面的交流与传播。1848年,美国加利福尼亚州发现金矿之后,华人开始大规模地登陆美国。由于当时美国社会对华人的排斥和歧视,以及美国华人自身的旅居观念,美国华人将中国传统文化原封不动地移植到了北美大陆。这样,在北美大陆便形成了中西两种文化激烈冲突碰撞的局面,传教士宗教文化传播的环境由此形成。第二章主要考察了作为文化传播主体的美国传教士的宗教文化传播动机。一方面,传教士的传教动机源自于一神论基督教的传播上帝福音的神圣使命;另一方面则源自于传教士的种族主义华人观,传教士认为,中国文化是低劣的文化,华人是美国盎格鲁——萨克逊白人社会的威胁,向美国华人社会传播上帝福音,使他们皈依基督教是解除这种威胁的根本途径。此外,在美国传教士看来,他们的传教活动还具有培养华人事工返回中国传教的目的。第三章主要考察了传教士在美国华人中进行宗教文化传播的方式,其中主要包括宗教性的建立华人传教会和华人教会、街头传教等,以及世俗性的成立女馆,解救美国华人妇女,成立教会学校,对美国华人进行英语和基督教教育等。第四章考察了作为传教士文化传播客体的美国华人社会对于传教士宗教文化传播行为的反应。面对传教士的宗教文化传播,美国华人社会内部产生了分化:大多数美国华人大众和社会精英阶层对于传教士的文化传播行为采取了抵制态度,但也有很少一部分美国华人接受了传教士所传播的基督教文化,改信了基督教,游离于中华传统文化和美国文化之间。结论部分,通过对存在于19世纪美国传教士对美国华人进行宗教文化传播活动中诸多重要因素的考察,并对这种宗教文化传播的效果进行评估,本文得出结论:19世纪传教士在美国华人社会进行的宗教文化传播并未实现其预期目的,因为文化的交流与传播受控于非常具体和历史性的多元因素,其效果需经历漫长而复杂的历程才能充分体现出来。

【Abstract】 America is an immigrant and religious country. So the history of American religion could also be taken as the history of American immigrants. The immigrant and religious problems mix with to be the inseparable to one to another. Moreover, the mixture goes in two ways. On the one hand, American immigrants land on with their traditional religions, such as Catholicism, Judaism, Islamism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc, which make American religion special and pluralistic. On the other hand, Christianity the American biggest culture attempts to assimilate the immigrants into her dominance. With that lots of Christian missionaries spread the gospels among the immigrants. They manage to unite all immigrants under the light of the God. The pluralistic situation and the Christian will of integration make the two twist lines of the American immigrants and their religion. Due to that contradiction is unavoidable.As the earliest immigrant group from Asia, Chinese American has the contradiction. Chinese immigrants bring with them the Chinese traditional religion, including Buddhism, Taoism, and folk religions. They are different from European’s. As soon as the Chinese land on America, American Christian churches notice them and Christian missionaries come onto the Chinese community engaging the conversion to involve the Chinese with the American Christianity. The missionaries make up of cultural communication between Chinese traditional culture and American culture in the 19th century and ground work the Chinese American Christianization.This dissertation tries to use cultural communication theory to analyze the historical course of the missionaries’culture communication action in 19th Chinese American community from the angle of culture communication’s circumstance, subject, manner and contents, and object etc, and probes the evaluation of the cultural communication effect. In addition to the preface and conclusion, this dissertation consists of four chapters as follows:ChapterⅠprobes the form of the cultural communication circumstance among Chinese Americans in the 19th century. With the golden rash in California, Chinese ship to the west coast of America in great numbers. Because of the exclusion and discrimination of American society, and sojourn intention of Chinese immigrates, Chinese American transplants their traditional culture from China to America. The clash between Chinese culture and Christian culture is unavoidable. It also enhances the culture communication between them. ChapterⅡprobes the motions of the American missionaries. First, the missionaries have the motion to transmit the God’s evangelicalism. Second, the missionaries regarded Chinese immigrant as the menace to the Anglo-Saxon white society. By means of the conversion they believe they can mop out the Oriental spoils on Chinese Americans. Third, the missionaries intent to train Chinese missionaries to spread their belief in China.ChapterⅢprobes the cultural communication manner of Christian missionaries in Chinese American community in the 19th century, including establishment of Chinese missions and churches; street preach; Rescue Home founding, rescuing of Chinese women; setting up Sunday School, etc.ChapterⅣprobes the Chinese American’s reaction to the American missionaries. Most of Chinese immigrants both Chinese masses and outstanding persons resist on the missionary. However, there is a group of minority Chinese establish their belief on Christianity.The conclusion sums up the factors that work on the cultural communication impacts, among them are, circumstance, motivation, manner, object’s resistance and so on. Accordingly, it draws the conclusion that the missionaries could not succeed their mission among Chinese Americans in the 19th century.
