

Meridian Doctrine Study of Bianxu (Polygonum Aviculare) and Chengliu (Tamarix Chinensis)

【作者】 许福泉

【导师】 管华诗;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 药物化学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 归经理论是中医药理论的重要组成部分,按“经”选药,可以提高临床用药的准确性和针对性。归经指药物对于机体部位的选择作用——主要对某经(脏腑及其经络)或几条经络发生的明显作用,而对其他经作用较小或者没有作用。药物归经源自历代医家对遣方用药的总结,既能有效指导临床用药,又是联系中医药理论与临床用药的桥梁。然而,现代关于归经理论的实验研究非常少见,归经理论缺乏现代研究支持。为给归经理论提供科学支持,并为归经研究探索实验依据,从而推动中医药理论发展,深化对药性理论的认识,帮助中药合理高效利用。本文对柽柳和萹蓄归经进行了研究,海洋中药的归经研究,对海洋药用资源合理高效利用,研制开发海洋中药,实现我国海洋中药从特色走向壮大都有重要意义。膀胱经“运行大盛之阳气”来推动和激发五脏六腑的运动,可表述为膀胱经可通过中枢反射地影响内脏的通道,或直接影响内脏的通道,这种直接影响也发生相应的反馈作用。这归咎于膀胱经与植物神经有着非常密切的联系,进而解释了膀胱经“内属脏腑”的功能,说明膀胱经是全部经脉学说的核心,膀胱经的研究应该是归经研究的重点。萹蓄在药典中记载单归膀胱经,其在化学成分、药理功效方面具有归膀胱经中药的普遍特点,以其为对象的归膀胱经研究具有代表性。药效物质基础组织分布能最有效体现归经理论选择性的特点,是适宜的归经研究方法。萹蓄苷是萹蓄药效物质基础,可顺利进入到体液中并在体内组织中有广泛的分布,以在肾中组织分布密度最高,在心、膀胱中也有分布。因“肾合膀胱”、“肾与膀胱相表里”,组织分布结果与膀胱经“属膀胱,络肾,与心有联系”相吻合,从而合理解释了萹蓄归膀胱经,并为归经研究提供了实验依据。柽柳广泛分布于滨海盐碱地带,因而常被认为是海洋中药。柽柳与萹蓄在化学成分、药理活性方面有很多相似、一致之处。作者同样利用药效物质基础分布对柽柳的归经进行了研究。发现柽柳素是柽柳的药效物质基础,也可顺利进入到体液并在组织中产生广泛的分布,其组织分布密度顺序为:肺>心>肝>肾>脑>脾>前列腺>膀胱。此实验结果与柽柳归心、肺经的药典记载基本吻合。柽柳素与萹蓄苷在化学结构、药理活性、体内动力学等方面非常相似,而且又分别为柽柳和萹蓄的活性物质基础,柽柳归经研究表明柽柳素在肾中的组织分布密度同样较高,故作者推测柽柳也应归膀胱经。《本草纲目》认为柽柳具有利尿功效,而实验中发现柽柳素具有利尿作用,进而提高了作者推测的可信度。柽柳素组织分布结果表明,其组织分布密度肺高于心,虽然两者在数值上相差不大,且均为前两位,与药典记载归经情况基本符合。但组织分布密度的差别提示柽柳在归经顺序上可能需要调整,应该第一归肺经,部分古籍记载支持与这种结果相一致,从而提示药典关于柽柳归经的顺序可能需要商榷。柽柳与萹蓄的归经研究结果表明,药效物质基础的组织分布与中药归经基本吻合,说明此方法对研究归经有一定的作用和意义。实验结果与古籍记载一致,说明古代医家对药物归经的认识基本正确,归经理论对指导临床用药是有效的;柽柳归经研究结果首次验证了海洋中药的归经情况,为海洋中药的归经理论开了个好头,海洋中药归经理论的深入研究,可为将来归经理论指导海洋中药开发奠定实验基础,为未来海洋中药从特色走向强大提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 The meridian doctrine was one of the most important parties of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory. The guide of meridian doctrine could help advancing TCM’veracity and pertinence. The definition of meridian doctrine can be described as TCM’selective effect to the particular part of human body. If one TCM belonged to a (Heart meridian for example) meridian and did not belong to the other, which means the TCM had more remarkable effect to heart than the other part of the body. The origin of meridian doctrine was the experience of using TCM in the ancient, with the development of meridian doctrine, which became to be the guideline of TCM using, and even the juncture between the TCM’theory and clinical TCM using.Meridian doctrine formed in the ancient, but the base was blurry for Hesperian science, which made it very difficult to study though modern experimental method. On the other hand, the understanding of meridian doctrine was quite different at present, vary methods based on vary understanding means contention, and strengthen the hardness of modern research. Because of little modern research and almost no literature reported the study of meridian doctrine, the deviation between TCM using and meridian doctrine became more and more wide, and less and less Chinese people believed in TCM. In order to provide scientific evidence to meridian doctrine, and to find a way in studying meridian doctrine by modern technology, then help TCM using more reasonable and effective. Meridian doctrine study of Chengliu (Tamarix chinensis L.) and Bianxu (Polygonum aviculare L.) were developed in this paper. Chengliu was a marine TCM in China, the meridian doctrine study of marine TCM would help to improve the marine medical resource availability, and to manufacture new marine TCM, even to develop Chinese pharmacy.Bladder meridian was regarded as can drive and excite the movement of five-internal six-organs (Wuzangliufu), which means bladder meridian can control and influence splanchnic functions. Modern research found that nerve system and bladder meridian had very consanguineous relationship. There were some pints (Yuxue) on the bladder meridian line, and nerve also conjunct at these points, the bladder meridian could influence the splanchnic functions though nerve system. Because bladder meridian could control and influence all the inner organs, which explained why external action could change the inner organs’behavior, then the bladder meridian was regarded as the central part of the meridian. The author believed that study on the bladder meridian stand for the meridian for bladder meridian’s central effect. Viscera (zangfu) were proved most like the organs in modern anatomy, which indicated that tissue distribution maybe a perfect way for study meridian doctrine. Bianxu was a very ordinary TCM and only belonged to the bladder meridian in Chinese Codex, had the common characters which was most TCM had belonged to bladder meridian. Tissue distribution of effective substance could embody the selectivity of the meridian doctrine, and could be used for study the meridian doctrine.Avicularin was proved had antibacterial, diuretic, antioxidant and liver protective activities in our experiment and literatures, which corresponding Bianxu’s efficacy. In our experiment, we found that avicularin was one of the most abundant compounds, and then we concluded that avicularin was the effective substance of Bianxu. Tissue distribution experiment showed that avicularin could be distributed in most viscera. The order of tissue distribution density was kidney>liver>heart>bladder>spleen>lung, this order consistent with the recordation of bladder meridian. The result showed that Bianxu belong to bladder meridian was reasonable, and provided a method for meridian doctrine study.Chengliu was widely distributed on coastal zone and was regarded as marine TCM. Chengliu and Bianxu have the similar chemical constituents and activity, but belong to different meridian, respectively. In order to explain the reason of the diversity, the author also studied meridian of Chengliu though effective substance tissue distribution. The result was: tamarixetin was the effective sunstance of Chengliu, and also widely distributed in lung, heart, liver, kidney, brain, et al. the order of density was lung>heart>liver>kidney>brain. The result was similar as the recordation of Chengliu, and proved that Chengliu belong to heart meridian and lung meridian. The recordation of Chengliu was belong to heart meridian firstly, followed by lung meridian, but the result showed that the lung density higher than heart density, then the author concluded that Chengliu maybe belong to lung meridian firstly. In this experiment, the author also found that the density in kidney was also higher than most viscera, compared with Bianxu’tissue distribution the author drive a conclusion that Chengliu also belong to bladder meridian.In this paper, the author developed a method for meridian doctrine study, the result of Bianxu and Chengliu’effective substances tissue distribution experiment show that the method was useful. This study also indicated that meridian doctrine was reasonable and can be used for instructing TCM using. This paper was the first time for marine TCM meridian study, which could help the development of marine TCM in the future.
