

Researches of Microwave Circuit Based on Substrate Integrated Waveguide

【作者】 钟催林

【导师】 徐军;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 无线电物理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 基片集成波导(SIW)在平面电路基板上实现了矩形波导的立体结构,因此它具有高Q值、低损耗、低成本和易于平面集成等优势。本文围绕基片集成波导的理论和技术及其在微波毫米波电路中的应用展开了一系列的研究。在第一章,介绍了基片集成波导的研究背景和最新进展;概述了基片集成波导的工作特性以及分析设计方法。在第二章,首先介绍了全模和半模基片集成波导的实现方法;接着给出了基片集成波导的几种常用分析方法;然后分别采用这几种方法分析了基片集成波导的传播特性并得出了一些设计公式。在第三章,首先研究了基片集成波导谐振器的实现方法和分析理论,然后基于体效应二极管负阻振荡器的工作原理提出并设计了新型的全模和半模基片集成波导振荡器,其实验结果基本能满足工程应用的技术指标要求。在第四章,首先分析基片集成波导和矩形波导的阻抗特性及电磁场模式特点。接着基于阻抗变换和模式渐变的工作原理在宽频带上分别实现了基片集成波导(SIW)与矩形波导的转换。然后基于电磁场的模式耦合理论设计了共面线与基片集成波导的耦合结构。在第五章,首先分析了半模基片集成波导和电磁带隙结构(EBG)的传播特性,并基于半模基片集成波导和电磁带隙结构的电磁波传播特性提出了一种宽频带带通滤波器;然后研究了半模基片集成波导的谐振和辐射特性,提出了一种微带馈电的采用半模基片集成波导结构的天线。在第六章,对本论文进行了总结,并对进一步的研究工作做了展望。

【Abstract】 Substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) realizes rectangular waveguide of solid structure on planar circuit substrate. It has some advantages such as high Q-factor, low loss, low cost, easily being integrated on planar circuits. Researches on the theory and technology of SIW and its applications on microwave and millimeter wave circuits have been done in this dissertation.In Chapter 1, the research backgrounds and recent developments about substrate integrated waveguide and SIW’s applications are reviewed, then its performances and design methods are summarized.In Chapter 2, firstly the realizational methods of substrate integrated waveguide and half mode substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW) are introduced. Secondly some common methods of analyzing SIW are given. At last the propagation performances of SIW are analyzed using these methods and some designing formulae are deduced at the same time.In Chapter 3, the realizational methods and analytical theories of substrate integrated waveguide resonator are studied firstly. Secondly novel SIW and HMSIW oscillators are developed based on the principle of Gunn diode negative impedance oscillator, we can find that experimental results of these oscillators meet demands of practical engineering mostly.In Chapter 4, the impedance characteristics and electromagnetic field modes of SIW and rectangular waveguide are analyzed firstly. Broadband transitions between SIW and rectangular waveguide are designed based on impedance matching and field mode tapering. Meanwhile a coupler between coplanar waveguide and SIW is designed based on coupling theary of electromagnetic field mode.In Chapter 5, the propagation characteristics of HMSIW and electromagnetic band gap (EBG) are analyzed firstly. Based on these characteristics a broadband band-pass filter is developed. Then resonant and radiate characteristics of HMSIW are studied. Based on these characteristics, an HMSIW antenna is developed with microstrip line feeding electron.In Chapter 6, the summary of the whole dissertation is given, and future research topics are suggested.
