

Study on Disease Name Concept of Febrile Disease

【作者】 蔡秋杰

【导师】 曹洪欣;

【作者基本信息】 中国中医科学院 , 中医基础理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在人类同疾病斗争的历史过程中,中医温病理论在防治外感热病中占有重要地位。概念是理论创新的基础,温病概念作为温病理论的重要组成部分,在温病理论实践与研究中起着不可或缺的作用。随着社会的发展,自然环境和疾病谱不断变化,新发流行性传染病不断出现。但古代医籍中温病病名纷繁复杂、概念模糊,使人们难以掌握其内涵,制约了中医药防治温病优势的发挥,因此全面整理和研究温病主要病名的源流及概念,有利于温病理论的丰富完善,特别是对发挥中医药防治新发流行性和传染性疾病的优势具有十分重要的现实意义。本文以温病病名概念为研究对象,对温病常见病名的概念进行梳理,整理温病病名294个,并对其进行分类和研究。选取现在仍有流行且名称繁多、内涵不清的温病病名为研究对象,主要有温病、瘟疫、温疫、新感温病、伏气温病、痧病类、疫喉类、温毒类、风温、春温、暑温、湿温、冬温、秋燥、伏暑等疾病概念,对其病名的源流和内涵进行研究,得出结论如下。1.在中医理论形成之初,温病主要病名就已出现,随着温病种类不断出现,对温病认识逐渐深化,病名日益增多,至明清时期温病理论体系形成,其内涵进一步丰富。2.温病是由于感受温热或湿热病邪而致的以发热为主症的一类外感疾病的总称。按发病学分新感温病和伏气温病,按感邪性质可分为温热类和湿热类,按传播性可分为不具有传染性的四时温病和有传染性的温疫类疾病。3.“寒疫”概念由感受非时之寒而致的地域性伤寒疾病,发展为感受疠气引起的传染性疾病。疠气致病理论的提出是对瘟疫非时之气致病理论的补充,丰富了瘟疫病因学说。4.温病病名的认识是由从属到独立、由狭义到广义、由混乱到清晰的演变过程。这个逐步完善的过程既反映了医家对温病病名认识的不断深入,同时也是温病理论不断完善的过程。

【Abstract】 Febrile disease of Chinese Medicine is very important in the struggle against diseases history of human being. The concept of febrile disease is a very important part of febrile disease science, which play an indispensable role on the clinical and theoretical research. With social development, natural environment and disease spectrum constantly changes so do the occurrence of new epidemic diseases. So people hardly master connotation of febrile disease name because of its complexity and ambiguity, which restrict Chinese Medicine advantage on treating febrile disease. So synthetically analyzing and researching main disease name origin and concept connotation that may be beneficial to not only understand and enrich the theory of febrile disease but also play a significant role on preventing and treating new epidemic infectious diseases with Chinese Medicine .The thesis is focus on disease name concept of febrile disease by applying the method of philology, historiography etc to arrange 294 common disease names concept and classify them, select main disease names such as febrile disease、plague、instant febrile disease、latent evil febrile disease、pestilent abdominal disorder、epidemic throat disorder、virulent heat pathogen、pathogenic wind-dampness、spring epidemic febrile disease、summer epidemic febrile disease、dampness prevalent diseases、winter epidemic febrile disease、autumnal febrile disease、latent epidemic febrile disease and so on.Conclusion:1. Representative febrile disease names trace back before Song Dynasty. At that time febrile disease names and therapeutic methods still belonged to typhoid because febrile disease didn’t detach from typhoid. Till Ming and Qing dynasty febrile disease name existed independently and formed system about syndrome and treatment theory.2.Febrile disease is general name of exogenous diseases that suffering damp-heat or warm-heat pathogenic evils. Its connotation include all exogenous fever diseases except typhoid. It is classified latent evil febrile disease and instant febrile disease according to pathogenesis, damp-heat febrile disease and warm-heat febrile disease according to pathogenic factor character, noncommunicable four seasons febrile disease and communicable plague disease according to transmissibility.3. "Cold plague" was understand and compared to "warm plague". This knowledge was developed from the regional typhoid diseases caused by the abnormal cold evil to the contagious disease caused by the pestilence. In fact, this kind of understanding enriched the etiology theory of plague and is part of the continuous development of the theory on disease caused by infectious pathogen.4. The development of febrile disease name was formed from single conception to multiple conceptions. Through arranging concept synonym and classificating medical practitioners during different periods have diversified cognition on disease named under the restriction of times. There are promoting factors on forming and developing febrile disease between name and theory.

【关键词】 温病病名源流内涵
【Key words】 Febrile diseaseFebrile disease nameOriginConnotation