

Multi-dimensional Charms of Tea

【作者】 马晓俐

【导师】 沈生荣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 茶学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本论文试图突破英国茶文化从历史、文化、经济等单一领域入手的研究模式,而将多学科、多视角、多方位地探讨英国茶文化的独特风采,同时展示茶的多维魅力。所谓“茶的多维魅力”,不仅仅是对茶自身优点的分析认可,更重要的是要研究茶在各个领域产生的文化现象和文学艺术之美。英国茶文化的产生、发展和形成体现了茶与社会、历史、文学创作和艺术表现之间的相互关系。因此,从多维视角研究,可以满足呈现英国茶文化的独特条件以及茶的无国界魅力。本论文将采用跨学科的研究方法,将茶置于英国社会、历史、文化和文学等领域,直面透视英国茶文化的独特世界。分析研究大量的中英文茶叶文献和英语文学文本资料,证明了英国茶文化的形成和发展广泛受到多种领域的关注和推动,反之,也作用于它们的向前发展。论文第一部分绪论,从本论文的选题缘由入手,通过分析研究国内外研究现状,论述本论文的研究目的、思路、方法及其现实意义。第二部分,从中国茶传入英国的历史轨迹入手,回顾中国茶品质的内在优势和美丽的茶称谓的变更。中国茶在英国的出现是英国茶文化产生的源头。第三部分,从茶叶在英国引发的风波、饮茶仪式和茶具、饮茶发展等方面,展现英国茶为国饮的艰辛道路及其英国茶文化的特色风采。第四部分,从英国茶文化的鼎盛时期—一维多利亚红茶文化的形成和发展入手,探讨维多利亚红茶文化的影响和作用。这部分的内容还侧重红茶文化以及英国立顿品牌带给我们的启示和借鉴意义。第五部分,从茶与女性关系的视角入手,运用法国哲学大师米歇尔·福轲的“权力”概念,解读茶桌边的“女性权力”。茶在英国吸引了女性的注意力,然后又赋予她们“权力”,使她们产生对未来的憧憬,促进社会、工业革命等的发展。第六部分,从茶的文学、文化艺术表现形式入手,分别论述诗歌、散文、小说、绘画和音乐中的茶,展示文人艺术大家笔下的茶魅力。第七部分,从文学评论的角度赏析英语小说中的茶文化。代表作家包括著名小说家简·奥斯汀、盖斯凯尔夫人和亨利·詹姆斯,他们的作品中闪烁着英国茶文化的不同亮丽景色,独具特色。他们创作中的茶文化达到出神入化的至高境界,充分反映出英国茶文化的“成熟”魅力以及作品的创作之美。第八部分结论从茶的美誉入手总结英国茶文化的特征,将英国茶文化的精神归纳为“贵、雅、礼、和”。并为读者进一步开展英国茶文化的研究提出新的思路。本论文努力从多维角度研究茶的魅力和茶文化的风采,探讨英国茶文化与社会、历史、文学等方面的相互关系。论文从法国著名哲学家福柯的理论引入对英国茶文化和女性权力的关系进行分析,这在同类研究中尚属首次。另外,英语小说中展现出点点滴滴的英国茶文化,自成体系地始终贯穿于故事情节发展和刻画人物等方面。这种分析和欣赏英语小说中的英国茶文化,在英美文学专业和茶文化专业均属首次。

【Abstract】 This paper focuses on the unique characteristics of British tea culture as well as multidimensional charms of tea under multiple disciplines and perspectives, which breaks through the traditional pattern of studying from a point of single-subject, such as history, culture, economics and so on. Multidimensional Charms of Tea are defined as not only the strong points of tea itself, but most importantly, the cultural, artistic and literary charms of tea under various fields. The birth and formation of British tea culture embody the mutual relation between tea and those disciplines. So, studying from multiple perspectives can meet the need of showing the uniqueness of British tea culture and the transnational charms of tea.This paper tries to study the world of British tea culture in an interdisciplinary point of view. A lot of Chinese and English tea literature and English literary texts have shown that the formation and development of British tea culture are promoted by various fields and do help their advanced development as well.The first part states the purpose and reason of this paper which includes the present research situation both home and abroad, research methods and its realistic significance.The second part probes into how Chinese tea was introduced into Great Britain and the changes of the beautiful name "cha", which shows the origin of British tea culture.The third part examines the characteristics of British tea culture, presenting the difficulty of tea becoming the national drink of Great Britain that consist of the disturbance caused by tea, tea ceremony and tea equipments and their development.Part four discusses the influence of Victoria black tea culture whose formation and development are on the prime time of British tea culture. Both Victoria black tea culture and Lipton tea brand culture enlighten us and are of great significance.Part five explores the mutual relation between tea and women. Women were attracted by tea and endowed with "female power" on the tea table defined by French philosopher Michel Foucault, which imparts on the development of British society, Industrious Revolution and so on and so forth. Part six shows tea charms under the pen of great British masters which include tea poetry and tea in prose, novels, paintings and musical works.Part seven focuses on appreciating tea culture in English novels. The representative novelists are Jane Austen, Mrs. Gaskell and Henry James whose works shine the different beauties of tea culture in their works. Their superb description and use of tea culture in their works reflect the "maturity" glamour of British tea culture and the beauty of the works as well.Part eight makes a conclusion of the characteristics of British tea culture and puts forward the soul of British tea culture—"nobility, elegance, ceremony, harmony".All efforts are made to show the multidimensional charms of tea and tea culture by exploring the mutual relation of British tea culture and multiple disciplines. For the first time, the definition of power of French philosopher Michel Foucault is used in analyzing the relationship of female power and tea culture in the research field of China. What’s more, tea culture forms its own system connecting the development of plots, character depicts and so on. Appreciating tea culture in English novels is new both in the disciplines of English literature and tea culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期