

A Study on Coupling Mechanism of Eco-agriculture and Ecotourism

【作者】 杨红

【导师】 蒲勇健;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 旅游管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 具备可持续发展特征的生态农业和生态旅游业是对当前我国传统农业和旅游业的升级转变。生态农业主要是通过农业机械化、土地规模化、技术创新和技术集约化的途径来提升农业生产力水平、农产品的原生态水平和农民的收入水平。而生态旅游业提倡摈弃传统旅游业无序无节制地消耗资源,提倡在旅游承载力约束下进行旅游开发,从而提升旅游产品的高品味性、环保性和经济效益。目前,大多数研究都是将这两个产业分开独立研究。虽然到目前为止,生态旅游和生态农业在单独领域已经取得了丰硕的成果,但仍然缺乏对两个产业的协同演化机制研究,缺乏连续性的、系统的动态分析。尤其是生态农业和生态旅游业的耦合机制研究领域还基本属于空白。论文的研究对正处在经济转型时期的三峡库区,是十分必要的。三峡库区具备实现跨越式发展的巨大的资源,但随着三峡工程完工,也出现了一系列有待解决的新农村建设问题。首先,库区具有发展生态农业得天独厚的优势。远离工业密集区,土壤、空气等很少被污染,生物多样化,种群间制衡机制完备。其次,库区也具备发展生态旅游业的区位优势,库区位于长江三峡旅游黄金线路的黄金路段上,本身就具备旅游产业的基础和品牌影响力。所以完全可以将自然资源优势和生态环境优势通过生态农业和生态旅游业的强力拉动有效地转化为商品优势和经济优势。而且,三峡工程的竣工和移民的迁建造成的生态系统脆弱化和产业结构的空心化,加之库区传统农业耕种背景下的低收入状况,也要求在没有密集工业的现实情况下必须发展生态农业和生态旅游业耦合的新型产业系统。因此,研究生态农业和生态旅游业两大产业的耦合机制,所取得的研究成果不仅为三峡库区产业结构调整、经济增长方式转型和库区社会主义新农村建设提供建议,而且也为其他区域的产业结构调整提供参考。论文在介绍研究背景与意义、思路与内容、特色与创新以及相关理论研究综述的基础上,对生态农业和生态旅游业耦合机制进行了研究,得到了创新性结论如下:①运用大系统理论对产业耦合的过程进行机理分析,建立单一的封闭产业系统的发展模型和耦合的开放产业系统的发展模型。进行耦合过程中不同互动关系下产业发展的效应分析,模型推导结论显示,产业间的不同关系对开放产业系统的耦合有着非常重要的影响。在开放产业系统中,互补产业可以直接导致产业耦合。相互竞争的产业在某些特定的强约束下可能促进产业耦合。其中,产业的替代效应与潜在市场规模、资源容量和污染排放及控制阀值对产业的耦合起关键作用。②模型刻画了封闭和开放产业耦合系统中资源的最优利用问题,对不可再生资源和可再生资源的最优配置进行分类描述。区别了资源在耦合产业系统中的竞争性消耗和合作性消耗两种开发方式,模型推导显示,相互合作比相互竞争对于资源的开发和消耗更具有可持续性。合作性产业耦合通过对基于资源生产出的产品的价格控制来延长资源的开采和使用时间,在一定程度上延缓了资源的消耗。最后构建出基于资源消耗、劳动力供给、环境压力和容量约束下的生态农业、生态旅游业耦合产业系统的最优配置模型。③引入产业系统结构负熵概念,通过数理模型刻画、分析生态农业、生态旅游业的耦合产业结构负熵,选取典型地区进行实证分析,验证从封闭的传统农业、传统旅游业生产模式向开放的生态农业、生态旅游业耦合产业的升级转型中,产业发展潜力增强,产业发展规模扩大,产业结构负熵降低,产业系统趋于有序化发展。④讨论两大产业系统间、政府与产业系统间的耦合博弈行为。主要包括对两个主要机制的研究。在对耦合系统产权管理决策机制的研究发现:中央政府对两大产业耦合系统的产权管理进行严格的统一管理所带来的预期收益实际将大于将两大产业耦合系统产权管理放在地方政府进行管理,中央政府仅在宏观政策上对其进行管理所带来的经济收益。并且由于该结论仅从经济角度进行判断,尚未将环境损失、社会福利损失纳入,这预示政府的实际损失实际更大。因此作为一个理性政府,可以认为政府在对生态农业和生态旅游业耦合系统产权管理模式改革中,将趋向于加强对耦合系统产权的统一管理。在对生态农业和生态旅游业利益分配机制研究发现,耦合产业系统内的两部门存在合作竞争关系,并且耦合系统内部存在准超额利润,耦合系统中有比较优势的主管部门需要采取激励和惩罚措施来降低比较劣势主管部门的违约诱惑。在重复性耦合过程中给予比较劣势主管部门比一次性耦合过程中更高的收益分配比例,会降低其违约诱惑。同时,应控制比较劣势主管部门在长期耦合过程中所得收益比例的增长幅度,以免增强相对优势主管部门的背约倾向。

【Abstract】 Eco-agriculture and eco-tourism are sustainable and able to upgrade China’s traditional agriculture and tourism. By means of agricultural mechanization, large land scale, technological innovation, and technical intensification, eco-agriculture promotes the level of agricultural productive forces, the original ecological level of agricultural products, and the farmer’s income level. And eco-tourism avoids the traditional tourism disorder to consume the resources intemperately and advocates developing tourism under the constraints of tourism carrying capacity so as to increase the taste of tourism products, the environmental protection, and the economic efficiency. At present, the major researches on the two fields are separate and independent. Although eco-agriculture and eco-tourism have already borne fruit in their independent domains, but there are still little continuous and dynamic analysis on the two industries and little research on the synergetic evolution mechanism, in particular, on the eco-agriculture and eco-tourism coupling mechanism.The research in this dissertation is very necessary for the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in the process of the economic transformation. Three Gorges Reservoir Area is rich in resources needed for the great development, but with the completion of Three Gorges Project, there have also been a series of new rural reconstruction problems yet to be resolved. First of all, the reservoir area is possessed of unique advantages for developing eco-agriculture. In addition, it is away from the industry-intensive areas and has barely-polluted soil and air, biodiversity, and comprehensive inter-species balance mechanism. Secondly, the reservoir area also has location advantages for developing eco-tourism since it is located in the golden section of Yangtze River Three Gorges Tourism gold lines, and it has the tourism industrial foundation and brand influence. Therefore, it is good to convert natural strengths and ecological advantages into commercial and economic superiority by the strong pull from eco-agriculture and eco-tourism. Moreover, the fragile ecosystem and the hollow of the industrial structure caused by Three Gorges Project and the relocation of migrants, in addition to the low-income status due to the traditional farming, call for a new type of coupling industrial system of eco-agriculture and eco-tourism in the area without intensive industries. Therefore, the research on the coupling mechanism of eco-agriculture and eco-tourism do not only provide suggestions for the industrial structure adjustment, changes of economic growth mode, and the new socialist countryside construction in the reservoir area, but also make a reference for the industrial structure adjustment in other regions.Based on the introduction of research background and significance, ideas and the content, features and innovations, as well as relevant theoretical researches, the dissertation conducted the research on the coupling mechanism of eco-agriculture and eco-tourism. The creative researches are as follows:①The dissertation analyzed the mechanism of industrial coupling by employing the large-scale system theory, and attempted to establish the development model of a single and closed industrial system and the development model of a open coupled industrial system. The effect analysis on the industrial development under the different interactive relations during the industrial coupling, and the conclusion derived from the model showed that the different relations among industries had great impacts on the coupling of open industrial system. In the open industrial system, the supplementary industries led directly to industrial coupling, and under certain strong constraints, competing industries might promote industrial coupling. Among these constraints, the industrial substitution effect, the potential market scale, the resources capacity, pollution emissions, and the threshold value play the crucial role in industrial coupling.②The dissertation set up a model to depict the optimal utilization of resources, and conducted the classified description to the optimal allocation of non-renewable and renewable resources both in the closed industrial coupled system and the open industrial coupled system. It distinguished two kinds of resources development modes in the coupled industrial system, the competitive consumption and the cooperative consumption. The model indicated that cooperation was more sustainable than competition as to the resources development and consumption. The cooperative industrial coupling could extend the time of resources exploitation and use by controlling the price of resource-based products, and, to a certain extent, slow the resources consumption as well. Finally, it constructed an optimal allocation model of the coupled industrial system of eco-agriculture and ecotourism subject to constraints of resources consumption, labor force supplies, and environmental pressure and capacity.③The dissertation introduced the concept of the industrial structure negentropy and analyzed the structure negentropy of the coupled system of eco-agriculture and ecotourism in terms of mathematical model. It selected a typical area to conduct a empirical analysis to verify that, during the transition from the closed traditional agriculture and tourism industry into the open coupled industry of eco-agriculture and ecotourism, industrial development potential was strengthened, the scale of industrial development was expanded, industrial structure negentropy was lowered, and industrial systems tended to develop orderly.④The dissertation discussed the coupled game behavior both between the two industries, and between government and the industrial system. The study was mainly on two main mechanisms. The study on the decision mechanism of property right management in coupled system found: the expected return derived from the strict centralized management on the coupled industrial system directly by central government would be greater than economic benefits brought from the management by local government that central government only carried out management on macro policies. Moreover, since the conclusion was made from the economic angle without regard to the environmental and social welfare losses, it was indicated that government’s actual loss was actually bigger. Therefore, as a rational government, it would tend to centralize its management on the coupled system of eco-agriculture and ecotourism.The study on the profits distribution of the two industries, eco-agriculture and ecotourism, found that there existed the cooperative and competitive relations between two sectors in the coupled industrial system. Moreover, in the coupled system, there were the quasi super profits, and the superior department needed to take the incentive and punitive measures to weaken the inferior department’s temptation to break an agreement. The higher proportion of the inferior department could be obtained from the repeated coupling instead of a single coupling, which could weaken the inferior department’s temptation to break an agreement. At the same time, the growth rate of the profits distribution proportion gained by the inferior department from the repeated coupling should be controlled in order to prevent the superior department’s tendency to break an agreement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】F327;F592.7;F205;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2503
  • 攻读期成果