

Studies on the Large Public Building Energy Efficiency Regulatory System of the Operating Period

【作者】 梁境

【导师】 李百战; 武涌;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 土木工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 近年来随着大型公共建筑运行阶段高耗能的问题得到越来越多的重视,如何提高既有大型公共建筑的运行水平,大力推广节能改造已成为建设部门面临的重要工作。然而由于建筑设计、施工和运行阶段管理的脱节,加上大型公共建筑的多样性和复杂性,我国各地气候、经济、生活习惯的千差万别,造成了节能运行标准缺乏基础数据支撑,节能改造技术的适用性缺乏实践检验。从而导致了一种现象,运行标准仍然脱胎于设计标准和为数较少的实测数据,节能改造技术在某类工程或某地得到成功就全国推广,工程实际应用和理论科学研究混淆不清,政府管理部门、公共建筑业主无所适从。为此研究建立适合于我国国情的大型公共建筑运行阶段的管理制度,及其需要的相关技术支持工具及其必要。本人借2004年借调到建设部参与《民用建筑节能管理条例》编写,负责公共建筑节能运行管理制度设计工作的契机,在建设部科技司的领导下,对以大型公共建筑节能运行监管体系的相关制度、技术工具框和技术路线进行了设计,同时提出了重点建筑和标杆建筑的概念,并以其为基础设计了监管体系相关技术工具框和技术路线,研究了其中的部分关键技术工具。本论文正是基于以上所研究形成,主要内容包括以下部分:对大型公共建筑节能运行监管体系的框架进行了研究,同时提出了重点建筑和标杆建筑的概念,并对能耗统计(STAT)、能源审计(AUDIT)、能效公示(PUBLICE)、用能定额(RATION)和节能量激励(SERVICE)五项制度的技术工具框和技术路线进行了设计。建立了以能耗分区矩阵和运行模式分类模型为基础的标杆和重点建筑关联度划分模型,为由于能耗统计信息收集不完整、信息统计量过大,难以划分标杆和重点建筑选择范围的问题提供了解决方案。以空调系统为研究重点,从标杆建筑对标指标适用性判断入手,建立了由标杆建筑用能系统节能等级判断模型、基于负荷变化的适应能力判断标准、负荷水平合理性判断标准组成的标杆建筑对标指标适用性判断方法,并在此基础上构建了空调系统节能运行对标指标体系。以空调系统为研究重点,提出了针对重点建筑节能改造的三层次损失概念和措施选择原则,对相关低成本和无成本改造策略进行了研究,为确定重点建筑能源审计中的审计重点问题打下基础。研究了基于分项计量的实时监测平台框架和相关技术准则,并进行了实践检验,为大型公共建筑节能运行监管体系能耗统计、能源审计、能效公示等制度的技术平台建设打下了基础。

【Abstract】 The high energy consumption problem of large public building in the operating period is significant more and more. How to improve the operation level becomes the important mission of Ministry of Construction. Because of the diversity and complexity of large public building style, climate, lifestyle, and the out of touch in design, construct and operating management, it resulted in the lack of basic data to support energy efficiency operating standards and energy ,efficiency technology. There is a phenomenon that the operating standards is still derived from the design standards or a small amount of measured data, and some energy efficiency technologies in certain projects or place are spread to the whole country. So it is important to study the large public building regulation system of operating period, and design the relevant technology support tools.take advantage of the opportunities of participating in the drafting of“building energy efficiency regulations”and responsible for the public buildings energy-efficient system design, I made the concept of the key building and the benchmarking building, and design the relevant regulation system, technology tools and technology roadmap under the leadership of the science and technology Secretary in the Ministry of Construction. This paper is based on the above study. The main contents include the following components:In chapter 2, this paper presents the concept of the key building and the benchmarking building ,and designs the framework of large public building energy efficiency regulations, and the technology tools and technology roadmap about energy Statistics (STAT), energy auditing (AUDIT), energy efficiency public (PUBLIC), energy consumption ration(RATION) and energy saving service incentive (SERVICE).In chapter 3, this paper establishes energy consumption zone matrix, operation mode matrix and correlation model bout the key building and the benchmarking building, and provides solutions to define the key building and the benchmarking building division as t the information of energy statistics is incomplete and work heavy.In chapter 4, this paper researches the methods to evaluate the applicability of the benchmarking building, the Energy system level model, the evaluation criteria about the adapt ability to load changes. On this basis, this paper establishes the benchmarking index system of the air-conditioning system. In chapter 5, this paper presents the concept of three level losses and the selection principle of renovation, and researches the low-cost and no-cost renovation measures.In chapter 6, this paper researches the real-time monitoring platform framework based on sub-metering and technical guidelines, and the technology platform foundation of energy Statistics (STAT), energy auditing (AUDIT), energy efficiency public (PUBLIC), energy consumption rations (RATION) and energy saving service incentive (SERVICE).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期