

【作者】 王伟男

【导师】 周建明;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 世界经济, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 气候变化是当前和未来人类面临的最大挑战之一。与其他国家——特别是同为发达国家的美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本——相比,欧盟在应对这一挑战方面取得了很大的成绩,为世界其他国家和地区提供了宝贵的经验。中国面临的气候变化挑战也十分艰巨,有必要认真研究和借鉴欧盟在这方面的经验。在应对气候变化方面,欧盟存在一个包含有四个步骤的基本响应模式,即:把握挑战→凝聚共识→依法决策→贯彻实施。把握挑战,就是对气候变化的事实及其对欧盟的危害进行全方位的评估和预测。在气候变化的事实日益明显、挑战日趋严峻的情况下,欧盟各界直面挑战的态度已经无庸置疑。凝聚共识,就是在对气候变化提出的挑战进行全面评估和预测的基础上,就应对这一挑战所要达到的主要目标和基本途径集思广益、统一认识。在欧盟,凝聚共识的过程不是讨论要不要应对气候变化,而是以采取什么样的政策路线、达成什么样的政策目标为主要内容。依法决策,就是通过法定程序,把已经达成的共识转变成具体的、带有不同程度约束力或强制力的政策和法规。决策的过程就制定相关政策和法规的过程,决策的结果主要由三个基本面构成:一是技术路线,它要回答采取什么样的技术手段来落实拟定的政策和法规,如何获得这些技术,以及通过这些技术实现政策目标的潜力有多大,这要由相应的研发政策和行动来支撑;二是内部路线,它要回答在欧盟内部各个相关领域(如能源、交通、农林等)通过什么样的现实途径来落实拟定的政策和法规,其中也包括如何运用已经获得的技术手段;三是国际路线,它是欧盟应对气候变化的战略和政策在国际层面上的反映和延伸,回答的是欧盟通过什么样的外交政策来实现其应对气候变化的战略目标。贯彻实施,就是通过具体的法律、市场和财税工具,把已经生效的决策结果(政策和法规),落实到现实工作和日常生活中去,主要就是应用到能源、交通、农林、其他温室气体的减排、适应能力建设等领域的一系列具体做法。这既是整个响应过程的阶段性终点,也是新过程的起点。也就是说,贯彻实施的具体成效对前三个环节、尤其是决策过程具有反馈作用。在能源领域,欧盟致力于开发可再生能源,提高能源的使用效率。在交通领域,欧盟把降低公路交通的温室气体排放作为重点,同时大力发展铁路和水运,推动多式联运。在农业和林业领域,欧盟一直在加强对土壤和森林的保护,并把它们纳入到可持续发展的大框架中。欧盟还注重除CO2以外的其他温室气体的减排,并在最近开始加强适应能力建设。在国际层面上,欧盟针对不同发展程度的国家,制定了不同的方针,以促进其他国家与欧盟一道应对气候变化。在上述响应模式的各个环节,欧洲国家的法治传统和欧盟社会各阶层、各利益群体的合作主义精神是贯穿始终的两个基本理念。尤其是公民社会和环境非政府组织的广泛参与,成为欧盟气候决策过程的重要因素。事实上,法治主义和合作主义是欧盟应对气候变化的两大文化支撑,也是两条最重要的基本经验。此外,欧盟在应对气候变化上善于运用市场机制,注重运用财税工具,重视相关的科技研发,这些都可以看作是欧盟在该领域的重要经验。当然,欧盟的经验并非尽善尽美,有些经验不一定适合其他国家。关键在于结合自身实际,扬长避短,合理扬弃。中国在应对气候变化领域也取得了一定的成绩,同时也存在诸多明显的缺陷与不足,如相关政策和法律的执行效果不佳,环境非政府组织和公民社会发育严重滞后,公众的气候意识急待提高,等。中国需要结合自身国情,认真研究借鉴欧盟的经验,同时推进中欧在应对气候变化方面的合作。

【Abstract】 Climate Change is one of the most serious challenges that mankind faces today and in the future. Compared with other countries, especially US, Canada, Australia and Japan, the European Union (EU) has achieved great success in fighting against Climate Change, providing a lot of valuable lessons for other countries and societies. It is necessary for China, still facing great challenges in this area, to learn from EU and draw on their lessons.There is a four-step basic responding model for EU to fight against Climate Change: Challenge acceptance→Consensus building→Decisions making according to law→Implementation.Challenge acceptance means comprehensive evaluation and prediction of climate change and its hazards to EU countries. While the facts of Climate Change and challenge related are becoming more and more severely, almost all kinds of interest groups and classes in EU have been convinced that they must struggle to fight against Climate Change.Consensus building means utilizing the wisdom of the masses and working out some common opinions about the main objectives and approaches to win the fighting against Climate Change. In EU, this proceeding does not mean debating whether to cope with the challenge or not, but discussing how to cope with it, i.e. adopt which policy maps and anticipate what policy goals.Decisions making according to law means putting the consensus into compulsory or restrictive concrete policies and legislations. The following 3 aspects should be taken into consideration.A. Technical aspect: What kinds of technologies and techniques could be used to help implement the policies and legislations, and what is the potential of these techs to achieve relative policy goals?B. Internal aspect: What and how the feasible measures will be adopted to implement the policies and legislations in such domestic areas as energy, transport and agriculture & forestry?C. Foreign aspect: What foreign policies could be use to achieve EU’s goal as a whole in fighting against Climate Change?Implementation means taking all the policies and legislations and measures related to the fighting against Climate Change into effect. It relies mainly on three specific policy tools, i.e. law and market and finance, and disseminates in all kinds of sectors such as energy, transport, agriculture & forestry, emissions reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) other than CO2, adapting capacity construction, etc. This step is the periodical end of the whole process and also the start for another new process. This implies that the effect de facto of this step will feed back to the other three steps, especially the step of decision-making.In the energy sector, the EU is committed to developing renewable energy,increasing energy utilization efficiency and reducing wastage. In the transport sector, the EU makes reducing greenhouse gas emissions from road (cars and trucks) as a key priority of its policy, while struggling to improve the rail and waterway and encourage intermodal transport system. In the agriculture & forestry sector, the EU has been enhancing the protection of soil and forest, integrating them into its sustainable development framework. It also attaches great importance to the emissions reduction of greenhouse gas other than CO2, and emphasizes the adaptation capacity construction recently. On the international level, the EU has different guidelines towards different countries with different development degrees. The aim of EU’s foreign climate policies is to urge other countries to fight against Climate Change along with the EU.There are 2 basic principles running through the every step of the whole process above and cherished by all the interest groups and classes in EU. They are legalism and cooperatism, the former being European cultural tradition while the later a new symbol of European culture. The civil societies and environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in EU are concerned with all the steps very deeply and extensively, which is a key factor to the whole process. In effect, legalism and cooperatism are the two cultural backbones in the EU’s fighting against Climate Change. They are also two essential lessons from the fighting. Furthermore, in the fighting against Climate Change, EU is adept in using market-oriented schemes, emphasizes the function of financial tools and pays great attention to R&D, all which could be regarded as the essential lessons of EU in the fighting. However, the lessons are not perfect and fit for all the other societies. When studying and learning from the EU’s lessons, every country and society will have to stand on its own bottom and integrate the lessons into its own conditions in order to rationally develop the useful and discard the useless.China has got some achievement in fighting against Climate Change so far. However, there are still kinds of shortcomings obviously, such as the disappointing implementation of concerned policies and legislations, the insufficiency of activities of civil societies and environmental NGOs, and the low-level awareness about Climate Change of the public, etc. China needs to stand on its own bottom and start from its own conditions, then study and draw on the lessons of EU, promote cooperation between China and EU in fighting against Climate Change at the same time.

【关键词】 气候变化欧盟经验
【Key words】 Climate ChangeEuropean UnionLessons
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