

【作者】 向芬

【导师】 尹韵公;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 新闻学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 国民党新闻传播制度之演进,是我国新闻传播发展史的重要一脉。本论文主要考察国民党新闻传播制度的本质,通过政治构架、政治文化和政治运行程序及其具体的法律制度、行政制度、政党制度等各个方面,来考虑政治制度对新闻传播制度的影响和制约。本论文的研究主线包括新闻传播制度产生和演进的原因;各时期新闻法规政策具体内容与衍变;新闻传播制度对新闻业的影响;各个时期具有代表性的国民党人关于新闻传播方面的言论等。为切合从政治思想史的视角入手来分析新闻传播制度,笔者依照孙中山“革命程序论”,相应地将国民党新闻事业分为三个时期来探讨:第一,军政时期,自1905年到1928年;第二,训政时期,由1928年至1988年,分为大陆和台湾两大段;第三,宪政时期,本文主要探讨1988年至2000年这一时段的新闻传播制度,对2000年民进党上台和国民党2008年再度上台执政后的情况只做简要论述。国民党军政时期还未实质性的掌握国家政权,进行政党建设并进一步谋求政治合法性是军政时期的现实目标,所以军政时期国民党并没有形成系统的新闻传播制度,国民党人在这一阶段所做的工作更多的是理论构建和框架设想。到了训政时期(大陆阶段),国民党确立了一党专制制度,并逐渐向蒋介石的个人独裁演变,从而形成高度集权局面。通过专制主义政权,执政者实行对社会的严密控制。国民党在训政时期的不同阶段其基本政策的转变,使得国民党的新闻传播制度也相应改变。这一时期,国民党强化意识形态宣传,重心在三民主义的重新诠释及以党治国理论的构建。在权力一元的极权体制下,新闻传播业受制于党权,施行所谓的新闻一元主义。为确定政党的合法性地位,国民党重视社会控制,排斥异己思想,新闻统制制度成为党国体制下的必然产物。新闻统制制度的实施,为宣传国民党中央和国民政府的政策纲领、统合思想文化界起到了极大的推动作用。此外,在蒋介石的个人极权制约下,训政体制下的法律权威和机构权威处于配角地位。国民党新闻传播制度的形成很大程度上还是上层领袖意旨主导的结果。国民党迁台后的训政时期,为保住在台安身立命的据点,实行严密的威权控制。国民党新闻传播制度是“党国”威权统治中的一环。威权体制下,党是政治资源的最大配置者,“党国”的界限常常模糊不清,对于民间社会的反对声音他们不惜采取压制方式,并用制度的外衣将其合理化。随后的政治自由化带动了新闻传播制度的变革。“党国威权政体”其有限多元的特征又为这一制度留下了被突破的缺口。面对一个日趋多元化的社会,国民党已经无法垄断思想市场,在威权政治转型过程中不得不面对舆论的监督和制衡。执政者对异见刊物和异议分子采取较为容忍的态度,零星的新闻自由出现,并最终于1988年宣布开放报禁。伴随台湾“宪政改革”的实施,宪政时期的国民党政府对报业采取完全解禁的模式。在市场导向新闻理念下,媒体展开激烈市场竞争。遗憾的是,竞争机制并未在一开始引入合理的游戏规则,导致报业发展面临种种问题。其它媒体在解禁后也出现和报业同样的问题,即在“自由放任论”下出现媒体乱象。长久以来,国民党的新闻传播制度也未能实现宪政多元而理性的理念,所有的还是执政者的现实考虑。政府自由放任的开放政策使得媒体演化为新政商工具。在政治民主化的过程中,政府和政党力量从来没有放弃对媒体的操纵,而商业力量却又在资本主义自由化的大旗下,堂皇进驻媒体,甚至主控一切。媒体的垄断、以及媒体受到政治商利益的干涉,都使新闻自由变得越来越遥不可及。

【Abstract】 Development of journalism system during Kuomintang’s rule plays an important role in China’s journalism history. This dissertation is mainly to do well the examination in the nature of journalism systems during that stage, through political structure, political culture, and political operation procedure and its detailed law systems, executive systems, party systems, etc, to think over the effect and constraint of the system of journalism from the political system. And the main clause of this dissertation is including the reason of the born and the progress of the journalism system; the detailed contents and changes of news laws and regulations and its politics at every stages; the effect on the news industry;and some representatives and their speeches on journalism in those stages, and so on.To analysis the journalism system in the glimpse of political and thought history, the author, accorded to“Innovation Procedure”of Sun Yat-sen, relatively specified as three stages to deeply research: firstly, the stage of military government, from 1905s to the end of 1908s; secondly, the stage of political training, from 1928s to the end of 1986s, including basic two parts: Mainland and Taiwan; thirdly, the stage of constitutional government. In this dissertation, the main research job is on the stage of the journalism system from 1988s to 2000s, but it will be simply specified that the Democratic Progressive Party on stage since 2000 and the Kuomintang on stage again since 2008.At the stage of military government, Kuomintang had not really controlled the national government power on the nature, and the party construction and the further step on political legal were the reality objective at the stage of military government, however, of which the systematically journalism system were not established and the Kuomintang’s jobs were largely on the theoretically construction and frame design.When coming to the stage of political training (also the part of Mainland), Kuomintang established the One-party domination system, and been going to the Chiang Kai-shek’s dictatorship step by step, so the highly centered power formed. Through autocracy, the executors strictly controlled the society. At every stage of political training and the change of basic strategies, the journalism system changed relatively. During these stages, Kuomintang emphasized on the sensation advertisement, and the most important on the re-clarification on the Three People’s Principles and the construction of the theory of management on the country with party. Under the centered-power system with one party, the journalism were been constrained with party power, performing that called news monism. For deciding the legal stature of party, Kuomintang enhanced social control and spared out different ideas, and dominant news system formed as a necessary product under Kuomintang’s systems. By performing which, it played huge role in the aspects of popularizing the principles and strategies of the Center Party and the Government of Kuomintang. Additionally, under the personal center power, the law power and institutional power of the system of political training stood on the second point. Kuomintang journalism system largely formed under the result in super-leader idea, personally.When transferring to Taiwan, the stage of political training, to protect their basic place for living, Kuomintang strictly executed power control. The journalism system of Kuomintang is one of controlled procedures in center power domination, under which system, the party is the largest matcher for the political resource,“Kuomintang Party”was often very vague on the meanings, and strongly pressed the anti-responses from basic environment of society without any pities and sympathies and made it legally under its systems. After that, the political freedom pushed forward the innovation of journalism system.“Kuomintang Center Power Political Party”had the feature of limited-pluralism, which had left an entrance for broken. Facing a pluralistic society day by day, Kuomintang could not dominate the thoughts world any more, and had to have faced the monitor and balance from the public voice in the transferring centered politic. Political executor dealt with different papers or periodicals and different ideals with tolerance attitude, then, a little news occurred and finally opened those prohibited papers in 1988.Accompanied with the execution of the“constitutional innovation”in Taiwan, the Kuomintang government at the stage of constitutional dealt with papers industry with totally and completely innovation and un-prohibition. Leading by the market, mediums participated strongly competition, but the pity is that the series of problems and troubles occurred which resulted in unreasonable regulations or systems used at the beginning stage of trace for the paper industry. And the same was the true of other mediums——“Free Speech”making too chaos. Long time went, the journalism systems of Kuomintang have not realized the theory of constitutional government and pluralistic, all of that are under the personally thinking from government executors.The opening policy of“Free Speech”makes the medium transferring into the tool of new politic and commerce. During the progress of democracy of politic, the government and the party have not had forgiven up controlling the medium, however under the big flag of commercial freedom, the commerce power goes into the world of medium freely so much, even controlled all. The domination of the medium and the intervene from the benefit of the dealer in politic, all makes the freedom of news or press untouchable and unimaginable remotest.

  • 【分类号】G219.29
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1778