

A Research on Consumer Ethics in Mainland China with Sociality Views

【作者】 赵宝春

【导师】 田志龙;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文基于问卷调查(N=535)的实证研究方法深入研究中国消费伦理,并从伦理现状、社会奖惩感知对伦理决策的影响、消费伦理同企业善因营销关联性等三个社会性视角深入分析中国消费者伦理行为的特征。结果表明,“非法获益”和“被动获益”等获利行为均被中国消费者认定为非伦理行为,但他们在“主动获益”和“没有伤害”等消费情景下放松了伦理评估标准,特别是在“没有伤害”情景下比较容忍那些非伦理行为,中国消费者的伦理判断具有两面性。本论文发现,理想主义、相对主义伦理意识和权术主义显著影响中国消费者的伦理决策,但伦理意识的影响程度与情景因素密切相关,而权术主义的影响则不受情景因素影响。在人口统计学变量中,性别、年龄、家庭收入、出生地和教育程度被发现在特定伦理情景下显著影响中国消费者的伦理判断。中国消费者对社会奖惩所包含的软性维度和强制维度的感知状态有所差异,且在不同消费情景下的伦理决策受到社会奖惩不同维度的影响也有所不同,其中伦理决策始终与软性维度感知正相关,而与强制维度既有正相关也有负相关,强制维度的这种二元性与消费情景和消费者个性特征密切相关。本论文还发现,中国消费者的伦理感知状态影响其对企业善因营销行为的情感倾向和购买善因关联产品的行为倾向,中国消费者从实际行动上给予善因关联产品的支持要弱于情感上的认同,这种差异性与消费者伦理判断的两面性密切相关。三个社会性视角所得到的结论都表明,中国消费者伦理行为具有融入社会群体、改善社会福利的社会性特征,这不仅同个性因素、消费情景以及社会文化密切相关,还同买卖博弈的另一方——企业的社会行为密切相关。这些结论不仅具有重要的理论意义,还可为政府和企业决策提供参考。

【Abstract】 Using a sample (N=535) drawn from consumers of Mainland China, this study investigates Chinese consumer’s ethical behaviors with three sociality views such as the consumer ethics actuality, the influence of consumers’cognition to social rewards-punishments on their ethical decision-making, the correlation between ethical evaluation and their response to cause-related marketing.The results reveal that, the factor structure of ethical beliefs produced in this study is consistent with previous studies greatly, and Chinese consumers are more sensitive to the“illegal”and“passive”unethical behaviors than those“active”and“no harm”behaviors, which offers a useful support for the argument that a link exists between ethical intentions implied in the western ethical scale and ethical behavior, as well as reports that consumers of Mainland China present double-standards in ethical evaluation similar to their counterparts of Hong Kong.It is also found in this study that two ethical ideology categories (idealism and relativism) and Machiavellianism affect significantly Chinese consumers’ethical evaluation but ethical ideology functions correlated to consumption situations while Machiavellianism does not. In demographical variables, gender, age, family annul income, birthplace and education are found to affect significantly their ethical evaluation in some consumption situations.Moreover, the results report that consumers’ethical decision in some consumption situations with ethical implications is significantly correlated to their cognition to social rewards-punishments. The more sensitive to the soft dimension of social rewards-punishments consumers are, the more they are likely to refuse those questionable benefiting behaviors, which indicating that cultural environment influence the relationship between consumer ethics and social rewards-punishments, and in collectivism culture which emphasizing group’s welfare and social harmony, the soft dimension of social rewards-punishments (social consensus and the pressure from relational groups), a soft guiding power, can promote consumers to be more ethical for Chinese traditional cultural values can induce moral behaviors. However, the hard dimension of social rewards-punishments has two-side functions to their ethical evaluation, which related to consumption situations and individual characteristics, and this result indicats that the legal measures may fail in stopping consumers buying piratical goods in China’s market.In addition, the results affirm that the ethical cognition of Chinese consumers in different consumption situations and their response to cause-related marketing influence with each other, and Chinese consumers tend to being two-sides in their response to cause-related marketing: more favor of firms that taking cause-related marketing in their cognition domain but less support in their consumption behaviors like buying cause-related goods, which are correlated to the double-standards in their ethical evaluation and the current situation of China’s market.The conclusions in three sociality views imply that Chinese consumers show obvious sociality of attending in social groups and improving social welfare in their consumption behaviors, and these sociality is not only correlated to individual variables, consumption situations, social cultural factors, but also to the social behaviors of bargainers, the another one of general buyer-seller game.

  • 【分类号】B82-053;F713.55
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1250
  • 攻读期成果